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Named persons for every child's well being in Scotland?

Named Person

SNP appointing up to four new State Named persons to every family - first named person wanted to abuse children - SNP a pervert for every family


From August this year, every family has to have up to four "named persons" allocated to them, by law, which has been challenged in the Supreme Court a few weeks ago with a ruling still to be made.

Nicola Sturgeon claimed, during a leaders debate on the TV, no parent will be forced to participate in the named person scheme - but what did she NOT say?

The law is not about parents participating in the named person scheme but the named person scheme participating and intervening in every family in Scotland's private life.

And if parents or children refuse to co-operate this could be used to place a black mark against children and parents in their new central family file.

Here is what else Nicola Sturgeon does also NOT tell the nation - what happened in the trials of their new named person legislation .

The named person trial revealed one of the first named persons has now been struck off after she shared fantasies to abuse children.

Before the named person trial, "there were just 64 children on the Child Protection at Risk register in the whole Highland Council Area." with the trial reported to have resulted in 7,927 children being given a " ‘Child’s Plan’ by a head teacher or health visitor.

In another trial area, a secret "Family Record" was kept on a family, without their knowledge for two years and it took them eight months to see a heavily redacted copy filled with false allegations about them - a file they say they only found out about by accident - with the father saying he felt shocked, angry, vulnerable and powerless.

Other legislation changes will flag up to named persons any parents or children who refuse any of the vaccinations the state increasingly wants to give all children and teenagers, in what could be the start of named person taking over these decisions for your children.

Abortion Law is also impacted as every "unborn child" will be allocated a named person too to ensure the state is looking after their "well being" too - despite the fact an unborn child has no human rights and now calls being made to get women to carry damaged fetus until birth so they can be harvested for their organs - ideas which bring Hitler's "doctor" Mengele to mind.

With the legislation wiping out every family's right to privacy, with primary and secondary schools already secretly questioning children about their parents and private life, without parental knowledge or consent - with children not realising their answers are being used to create a secret psychiatric profile of each of them and all answers are being recorded in a central database.

And is the latest policy of 30 hours a week state funding of nursery places for every child from 3 years old just a way to make state monitoring of all pre school children easy?

This when a recent Scottish government report is being used to call for a "whole school approach" for children's mental health and well being, turning schools into social work and mental health assessment centres rather than centres of education excellence.

With concerns there is also the potential for pedophile rings to combine named person legislation with SNP plan to take all schools (and so the named person) out of democratic council control - plans SNP, like the Named Person legislation, have kept very quiet about.

The named person legislation means the state will spend more resources tracking every parent and childs private lives, for 20 years or more, than they spend tracking even the worst covincted pedophile - who can be free of state moniitoring after 15 years - it's their human right.

And with 2014 changes to marriage laws used to remove the words mother, father, son, daughter, brother, sister, grandmother, grandfather from Scots law - as revealed in the a table on page 3 of the explantory notes, under the guise of "equality" is Scotland becoming the Mother and Fatherland as family relationships are written out of Scots Law ?

This being the solution to the problem the Scottish government and councils still cannot get it right for 5,000 children in their care or keep track of the rising number of convicted pedophiles in Scotland.

This implications of the named person and other legilsation changes already in place and planned after the election are so serious this blog has been split into different sections to provide the big picture, Nicola Sturgeon desperately plays down, that her named person legislation when combined with other very quiet legislation changes present a clear and present danger to every family, now and in the future across Scotland.

The State Getting it Wrong For Children In Their Care

After another death of a child, when the family was under state supervision, the nation was up in arms, how could this happen, when on average the Scottish state only has about 5,000 children under state supervision at any given time.

How can the state, as corporate parents, repeatedly get it so wrong for so many children?

In an effort to address the issue in 2014, while the entire nation was distracted with the referendum, MSP's voted through the ‘Children and Young People (Scotland) Bill’.

Instead of addressing how the state will do better, to get it right for children in their care, MSP's decided, instead, every parent in Scotland is the problem and voted to create a new un-natural order which states every parent is automatically deemed to be a risk to their own children.

Every Family To Get Up to Four Named Persons

MSP's voted to appoint named persons to be the "state guardians" of every child in Scotland- with community "named persons" to be appointed to every child in every family - where ordinary, loving families could find themselves with four named persons appointed to them at the same time.

How does this help the 5,000 children the state is getting it wrong for, especially as the first named person, in the trial, wanted the named person power when she harboured fantasies of abusing children?

First Named Person Caught Sharing Her Fantasies to Abuse Children

One of the first named persons, in the trial, has now been placed on the sex offenders register for sharing her sick fantasies to abuse children - offenses she committed just before she was appointed as a named person.

" A teacher appointed one of Scotland’s first “state guardians” faces a lifetime ban from working with children. Dayna Dickson-Boath was today struck off the teaching register for sharing sick fantasies about abusing youngsters.

She was appointed state guardian and named person for 200 children in her "care", where she was responsible for their "well being".

The report went on to say

Alison Preuss, spokeswoman for the Scottish Home Education forum, said: “We’ve always been concerned about the fact the Named Person scheme could be used by persons with malicious intent. “Those who have power over youngsters, and over parents. It means children are more vulnerable to predators like this.”

As a named person in the trial, this gave her power to get children alone, totally unsupervised and the power to find out just how vulnerable each child is with her access, in this role, to family medical records, social work and police records and the new central state file on each family.

The purpose, MSP's say of giving "named persons" access to this information is to "share concerns" across the state - would she have shared information about vulnerable children along with her sick fantasies with like minded people online had she not been caught?

Each of the state "named persons", like her, in every community, will be appointed to look after hundreds of children's "well being".

The Press and Journal reports one of the main concerns about the named persons scheme is

“We’re not talking child protection concerns. We’re talking wellbeing concerns. Which can mean anything at all. our concerns are mounting by the day.”

The "Well Being" Factors Every Parent Will Be Judged Against

Instead of the state identifying children "at risk" the change in law means the state will be judging every parent based on "well being" and happiness factors, rather than risk factors

This allows the state to decide, in their "opinion", if you are a suitable parent who meets the "state" idea of how children should be raised - how many children are happy in state care?

"Well being" is a catch all phrase, legally designed to ensure the state can intervene in your family's life based on "opinion" - not because your children are at risk - where there is no clear cut definition and boundaries of what "well being" covers.

A tick list has been created, to make it easier for every state worker to understand their new corporate parent role - and the long list of criteria they must judge every parent (grandparent and everyone in contact with your children) against -while told any other "concerns" - in their opinion - should be recorded and judged by the state.

As well as what we would all consider "risk" factors the tick list includes every state worker, when judging a family, to also consider the following as risks to well being

  • Neighbourhood characterised by poverty

  • Housing quality poor

  • Lack of community services

  • Partner is not biological parent of child

  • High stress levels such as poverty, isolation, loss

  • Are their more than 4 children in the family

  • Is the mother under 20

  • Are the parents unwilling to overcome adversity (so if you refuse to work in Poundland for nothing would you, as a parent, be considered unwilling to overcome adversity - who decides what that actually means?)

  • Do parents demonstrate a lack of trust towards workers or others - (what workers - what others? - this from the state that has made it law no parent can be trusted)

  • Do parents have Past negative relationships with professionals

  • Do parents Lack under-standing of what is expected of them

  • Do parents Actively disrupts professional plans and actions

this just a small sample of the official tick list, which is not exhaustive, with state workers free to consider and record any concerns they can think of - real or imagined.

New born child wrongly snatched from parent by the state

At the same time as named person trials were going on, SNP controlled North Ayrshire Council, with Nicola Sturgeon's mother the Provost and a councillor, had to call a halt to what they claimed was a Child Welfare Survey.

They hired people to go round doors, asking such inappropriate questions it caused alarmed residents to contact the police and the council as "they believed researchers were sex offenders using the survey as a cover story - despite having IDs"

Did Nicola request her mother, in her position as provost and councillor, to arrange North Ayrshire Council take part in the "£46,000 Scottish government-backed survey"?

The report went on to say

"One concerned mum said: “It was far too dodgy. Can’t be too careful when it comes to kids.

“Told them I didn’t have kids but then they proceeded to quiz my grandchildren in the street as to which houses had children under age of nine.

“Didn’t look right to me, so I brought kids in.”

A frustrated parent sarcastically concluded: “Not creepy at all having a man chap my door and then ask me do I have and kids and how old are they?”

North Ayrshire Council has said this week that parents will now be informed well in advance of any visit to their home regarding the child welfare survey."

And the scandals of a council under SNP control for the first time do not end there.

The SNP councillors were recently caught charging school children £900 to use their own school to put on a school play - a charge they venhementy denied claiming the school had been refunded the money, which was not true.

One Labour councillor demanded this was stopped and instead start charging councillors for their free lunches - his amendment was recently passed with some SNP councillors grumbling this was unfair.

And recently in Nicola's home town social workers also took a new born child from it's mother, three hours after birth, refusing to allow her to even feed her new born, based on social workers moving against the mother with "unsubstantiated and incorrect information".

A judge ruled in September 2015, she felt the social workers, were not being honest and being evasive in court, with the Judge ruling she believed the social workers had taken the child just because they disliked the mother.

Social workers claimed she was under the influence of drugs and alcohol and forced her to take a test - which came up negative.

The judge ordered her child should be returned to the mother immediately where he is now thriving after the judge said

"“I formed the clear impression that Mrs Ferrier had disliked (the mother) from the outset and had not taken the necessary steps to fully investigate previous allegations about her." and “Information presented was at best mistaken and at worst complete fabrication.”"

And complete fabrication to intervene in any family's life - for the state - was also apparent in the trial of the new Named Person scheme.

Named Person Secret Files kept on families you have no right to see

On the 3rd April 2016, the Scotsman told of one family's experience of the named person trial in their report "Revealed: what can happen when a Named Person reports on your children"

The story reveals how a couple going through an acrimonious divorce, found out by accident, a secret state file was kept on them for 2 years under the guise of the Named Person trial in their area.

When the father did finally get his hands on the file, eight months later, after repeated attempts failed, it was heavily redacted with false allegations against the family included, allegations the father said he could prove were false - with the state redacting the names of the people making the allegations too.

The Scotsman report reveals "The surviving extracts appeared to indicate that the minutiae of his family life had been recorded in painstaking detail for almost two years, under a Named Person scheme which has been introduced in his part of the country ahead of its final roll-out across all of Scotland in August."

The father of the two young boys, a respected academic, at one of Scotland’s leading universities, now has custody of the children and the state claims their secret Named Person file on the family has been closed.

If it takes a highly educated and respected academic eight months to get his hands on a secret named person file, what chance for those who fear "authority" who don't have the resources or the skills to challenge the state to demand to see the central state file being kept on them.

This of course was a trial of the new Named Person scheme - demonstrating the threat to every child in every family in Scotland of secret files and secret accusations, which the state takes as fact with no right to redress - where even if you do see the files your accusers are protected and many of the allegations redacted too.

Other countries, in the past, introduced such schemes, where the state knows best for every child and secretly questioned children about their parents, removing the right to a private family life and children from the homes of those who don't comply to the new order.

Britain's politicians consistently showing their obession with other people's children, even grabbing tens of thousands of children, because their parents were poor, and shipping them to Australia, until 1967, where they were beaten, used as slaves on farms and sexually abused by their new "carers".

Even Every Unborn Child To Be Appointed A Named Person

But it is not just every child who will be appointed a state Named Person, your unborn child will be appointed a named person too.

The Scottish government issued a new "refreshed framework for maternity care" in 2011, creating "Named Midwives", to support the upcoming named person legislation we knew nothing about - with the the Tories Andrew Lansley in Westminster announcing he was creating named midwives too a few months later, with the report saying

"The announcements are part of David Cameron’s plans to support the family – including radical reform of childcare, vouchers to pay for classes for new parents and NHS guidance on children’s upbringing.

So whose policy is it really David Cameron's or Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon's?

Under this new named midwife framework, midwives must assess your education level, if you have enough "material things", your finances and much more - with midwives told the list is not exhaustive - just anything in their opion which they feel the state should know by recording it in a central file to be shared, without your consent, wilth ANYONE they decide.

Appointing a named person to every "unborn child", of course, turn abortion law on it's head - as the law states the unborn child is in fact a fetus - and as so, until it takes its first breath is not a child and has no human rights.

This creates the following situation for every woman.

The state named midwife will need to know if you want an abortion- you say yes - you are deemed a fit parent and free to abort the unborn child.

If on the other hand, you decide you want to give birth to your unborn child, you are automatically deemed an unfit parent and your unborn child, which has no human rights, is appointed a named person to judge you and and have a meeting with you, to discover your plans for this child for the state.

They claim this will be from about the seven month stage - for now.

Will named persons record if you are you taking the folic acid they would like you to take, will you accept the proposed whooping cough and flu vaccinations while you are pregnant they are trying to force on you (despite the dangers of pregnant women taking anything after trusted doctors said thalidomide "morning sickness drug would not harm your child resulting in children born with severe disabilities across the world, including Britain).

Now does this named person legilsation tie in with SNP demands "abortion law" should be devolved in the Scotland Bill after

"Rev David Robertson has called on MSPs to debate the abortion time limit at the Scottish Parliament, and urged the discussion to encompass the rights of fathers and most importantly the child in the womb itself as well as women’s rights. "

With transplant "doctors" making a call a few weeks ago that women should carry damaged fetus so they can give birth to them and their organs can be harvested by the NHS for transplants.

And with MSP's from across every party also demanding the law is changed to say the state automatically owns everyone's organs from birth, with SNP voting against Labour's proposed new law weeks ago, stating they will put their own version forward after the election - will this include "doctors" demands they should be able to get women to carry disabled babies so their organs can be havested too?

Will Named Persons "concerns" result in forced vaccination of all children ?

Of course when the child is born, after 10 days a health visitor is appointed to your child for five years, to decide and report back if you are raising the child the way the state wants.

Health visitors are reported to be against well as a social worker father of disabled children, who said ""there is a “sinister tone” around the Named Person role, describing it as “intrusive to parents and families” "

And if you don't want to give your baby the MMR vaccine (opting to get three separate vaccines privately) or the unnecessary new Rotarix vaccine for new born babies, or advise your teenager daughters against getting the HPV vaccine or you don't want your pre school and primary school children given flu vaccines the named persons must report you to the state for not looking after your child the way the state wants, and this could lead to the state using this to intervene.

In America and Australia children are being banned from nursery and school unless parents give the children any vaccine the state wants to force on children - despite so many vaccines now reported to be causing so many problems for children's health and development with Japan banning the MMR vaccine totally after children developed non viral meningitis and children were left disabled after being vaccinated.

In Australia children will be banned from child care, school and parents stripped of benefits - if children are not vaccinated, under this new highly orchestrated move across Western nations.

This at a time when SNP intend to create a £12million database containing medical details about every child in Scotland, with officials admitting the trove of information could be stored abroad, - highly illegal as the data protection laws forbid this.

This central ID for every child system, has also to be used sed to flag up when parents refuse any vaccinations for their children - with two contracts already out to tender at a cost to taxpayers of £32 milion.

"The new Scottish Child Public Health and Wellbeing System will replace the Child Health Screening Programmes (CHSP) and the Scottish Immunisation andRecall System (SIRS).

It will be required to “schedule routine health reviews of children from shortly after birth until they leave secondary school”. It will also provide “support for early identification, assessment and monitoring of children with additional support needs”.

A further proviso is the ability to record any parents who refuse to allow their child to be immunised or attend a health review."

This after SNP government - and Cameron - also signed contracts with an American University to force community nurses to follow an American regime and report back to the American university on the "patients" - all of whom are mothers under 20 in a scheme they call "Family Nurse Partnership" with SNP also signing a "management consultant" contract with the same American university.

Using state funded Nursery Care To Monitor Every Family

And of course if you want to stay home and raise your children will the health visitor (named person) question this and ensure your family gets targetted for a extensive monitoring of your family, which will be recorded in the named person file?

But if you obediently place your child in a state funded nursery for 30 hours a week, which effectively means the state is raising your child, at great taxpayer expense, in private nurseries that are not monitored the way each family is - despite them "caring" for, what can be 35 or more children each day.

A report in 2015 revealed, "While more children are attending early years and childcare settings in Scotland, the number of services has decreased overall." and "Between 2008 and 2014, the number of settings fell by 3.8 per cent. The biggest decline was to childminding services and playgroups."

Are the plans, again by the SNP and the Westminster government to fund 30 hours a week nursery "care" just a way to

1. ensure state monitoring of every pre school child is made easy.

2. use our children as cash cows for the private sector - as a report in March 2016 revealed nurseries across Scotland are losing £40,000 a year, with another report revealing "the number of private nurseries offering funded places in partnership with their local authority has increased by two per cent to a total of 78 per cent of settings"

The formation of the welfare state, after the war, was to ensure, as a nation, we gave extra financial support to families raising the next generation which is being turned on its head to say we should collectively financially support private nurseries to raise the next generation - for the state.

And now instead of families receiving the financial support required to help them raise the next generation, the UK and Scottish government are working in unison to divert £100's millions of taxpayers money every year into private nurseries instead.

If the state diverted that money back into the pockets of the families with children, as happened before, both parents would not need to work and would have the time to raise their own children - something the state appears to be moving against using named person legislation and state funded child care.

This costing hundreds of millions of pounds per year, while at the same time up to half a million parents and children in Scotland are now forced to eat from foodparcels.

How is that good for any child's well being the state withdrawing benefits and recommending councils should send them for food parcels instead?

Your family could have four named persons

Midwives, health visitors, teachers and head teachers are to be appointed as named persons - so if your family has a 4 year old, a 10 year old and a 12 year old your family will have three state "named persons" - and if you become pregant that will be four named persons appointed to supervise and report on your parenting and every aspect of how you are raising your child - in their opinion.

This is being rolled out in August 2016, with not one MSP voting against it, despite the fact their first named person, in a trial of the scheme, has been convicted of sharing her sick fantasies online about how she wants to abuse children- after MSP's put her in charge of the "well being" of 200 children on the their behalf.

I wrote an article for Open Democracy in January 2014 warning of the dangers of this attempt to roll out a State Guardian system for every child living in Scotland - where the state will hold a central file on every family from the first pregnancy until the youngest child is 18.

All parents to be monitored and Tracked by the State longer than Convicted Pedophiles

If you have just two children, born six years apart, that’s nearly 25 years your family is to be monitored by the state (if you include pregnancy of the first child)– with no right of appeal.

Guidance teacher and former Girl Guides Leader and "named person", Dayna Dickson-Boath, was caught and convicted, in October 2015, of sharing her sick fantasies about abusing children online.

She was not jailed, instead given "community service" and placed on the sex offenders register for only three years, despite being one of the first named persons in the trial.

So MSP's have decided the parents of thoses 200 families, she supervised, will all be supervised until their youngest child is 18 - while she is free of supervision after just three years, despite being caught in a position of power, as a named person, to get children alone, while sharing her fantasies about how she wants to abuse children.

Convicted paedophiles are only monitored for a maxiumum of 15 years - it's their human right.

And if your family moves house it must be reported to the state, so they can keep track of you - that's all families not just those under social work intervention orders - meaning the state will be spending more resources tracking normal families than convicted pedophiles.

Secret Psychiatric Profiles Being Created for Every Child

Despite the entire system being totally discredited, at this trial stage, MSP's voted to roll out the system from August 2016 and appoint a named person to every child and even every unborn child in Scotland - not one MSP voted against it.

MSP's in the Scottish parliament claim this is them "Getting It Right For Every Child" and intend forcing NHS maternity staff, health visitors and schools to implement their state GIRFEC (getting it right for every child) ‘resilience matrix’ model.

One teacher, who prefers to remain anonymous, has revealed, despite the named person legislation not coming into effect until August 2016, recently a team came into the school to instruct teachers on this new Scottish Government GIRFEC system that has already got it all badly wrong for 200 children.

Teachers were told they are now required to get children in primary and secondary schools to fill in GIRFEC “questionnaires without the children understanding why -

Children as young as nine years old are being asked to fill out online and paper questionnaires in school, without their parents knowledge, asking them about their home life and parents.

This "GIRFEC" model requiring children as young as nine to give consent for their answers to be used any way the "state" wants - without children or parents being able to see the questions beforehand - or know how their answers are to be used.

Questions being asked of children include "whether their homes are “cosy”, details of their diets and who chooses what they wear" as well as "where pupils’ families go to buy their food and clothes, what their bedrooms look like and whether they have ever been in a dangerous situation."

These reports also reveal children under nine and even children in nursery are to be questioned, without them realising - with all children's answers to be recorded,

"Teachers across the country are being trained how to assess pupils, with some using a tool called “What I Think” designed for children up to the age of eight, including those at nursery.

Information can come from a variety of sources such as conversations, drawings, photographs and recordings. Named Persons are advised to obtain the data in a “natural” way so that youngsters do not suspect they are being targeted, for example discovering who prepares a child’s meal at home using a casual conversation at snack time.

The system also provides a number of sample scenarios that suggest a child could be at risk, such as them not missing their mother when they stayed overnight elsewhere or them being shouted at by their father after having an accident when playing alone in a park".

While teachers and MSP's and named persons don't tell the parents or the children - their ‘answers’ are to be sent to psychiatrists to allow them to create a ‘secret state’ psychiatric profile for every child in every school in Scotland as some of the questions and questionnaires are actually taken from psychiatric clinic official diagnosis questionnaires.

The teacher went on to explain the ‘presentation team’ were asked if parents would see a copy of the questionnaire and if they would be given the chance to withdraw their child.

In response the presentation team said “a letter would be sent home telling parents the school would be working on ‘resilience’ - but no mention of the questionnaires or option for parent to withdraw their child would be given in the letter”.

The reason given was to ensure teachers were able to use the secret ‘psychiatric profile’, of each child to ‘diagnose’ children for the new GIRFEC ‘bounce back’ “teaching” materials.

Quite rightly, some teachers have refused to issue the questionnaires and already, senior pupils are refusing to fill in the ‘questionnaires’ and challenging why they are being asked to do so – younger secondary pupils and primary children lack that maturity to question.

One parent reported her child told her "goody bags" were placed on each child's desk and any child who refused to fill in the questionnaire was told the "goody bag" would be taken back off them - trick or treat - children being tricked with the promise of a treat.

SNP Taking All Schools (and Named Persons) out of Democratic Council Control

SNP’s former Education Minister, MSP Mike Russell said in February he wants to take every school out of council control - just like David Cameron.

He knows, this also means taking every named person out of democratic control and accountability - before most parents even realise this named person "scheme" is being rolled out.

Four days later SNP controlled Clackmannanshire Council announced they intend to take all their schools out of council control – without an act of parliament - or any consultation with the nation - SNP showing their desperation to discard democracy and democratic control of their new named person system.

The headline reads for parents and pupil power - but the story reveals so local business figures can control "clusters of schools" - meaning they can control each school's named person, who has access to state files on your family, medical, social work, police records and any other private record MSP's decide they should have access to in the future.

There is already a clause in the Children's Bill to allow one person "A Minister" to remove all staff and buildings involved in the named person scheme from council and NHS control - this normally the first step towards full privatisation of a "public service" for private corporations and corporate "charities" financial benefit.

Corporate charities like Barnardos and Children 1st, whose board is controlled by lawyers, financiers and accountants, or private security firms like G4S - know they can rake in the money - and stick their nose into every single families life while doing it, any time they feel like it, - a strong financial interest for corporate "charities" to grow their business and revenues, while being accountable to no-one locally - just the "state".

Yet muiltiple "children's charities" are under investagation for their part in historical child abuse with "Care homes once owned by Action for Children, Barnardo’s and Henshaws Society for Blind People are among those being investigated in relation to Jimmy Savile child abuse claims. "

No surprise the main "children's charities" say they support the named person scheme - as it will bring more money and contracts into their coffers - and like pre-war days put families in the clutches of "charities" as benefits become no more and the state decides parents should be supervised by them.

And as head teachers are to be the named persons - is taking schools out of council control a bribe for every head teacher who agrees to be a named person?

Head teacher know if they are given control of the school, instead of elected councillors, they will be able to be in control of the schools entire budget and have the freedom to award themselves massive pay rises - as happens in England now.

Will they pay themselves lots of extra money for being Named Persons too - with no councillor able to stop them dong this or stop head teachers forcing teachers they now control, to get children to fill in any amount of secret questionnaires the head teacher "Named Person" decides.

In Angus, one parent got a hold of the GIRFEC questionnaire her child was asked to fill out online without her knowledge - she was so shocked by the questions she took the copy of the questionnaire to her councillor who complained to Alex Neil - the online questionnaire disappeared immediately after - without explanation.

Will parents be able to complain to councillors and get something done about, what they believe, is wrong doing in their school once it has been taken out of council control?

Children's Bill and Taking Schools out of Council Control - Pedophile Rings Potential

So by any means possible, legal or not, the SNP Government and SNP councillors are seeking to place all Scotland’s children and parents at the mercy of schools no longer in democratic control and instead in the total control of their “Named Persons” (and business men and women), who will be answerable to no-one but "the state"– where they get to sit in judgement of every single parent (and grandparent)- access any private records of the family of every single child that attends their school and get secret psychiatric profiles carried out on the children in their ‘care’.

Alex Salmond and NIcola Sturgeon's Children and Young Persons (Scotland) Bill is claimed to be

“A Bill to make provision about the rights of children and young people;”.

A more fitting description would be this bill is it is a bill that removes the rights of all children and parents and is in fact a “Paedophille's Charter” - as the very first Named Person proved.

While we work hard and raise children - we have party leaders with not a child between them, Patrick Harvie (bisexual), Kezia Dugdale (gay), Ruth Davidson (gay) and NIcola Sturgeon and Alex Salmond (heterosexual) - none of whom have raised a child - or know the first thing about raising children - telling us only they will now look after every child's well being - they know best.

Every child already has two "named persons - their mother and their father - but using changes to marriage laws in 2014 the Scottish government took the opportunity to replace the words mother, father, son, daughter, brother, sister, grandmother, grandfather from law - something they kept very quiet but which can be found on page three of the explanatory notes.

Was this about addressing inequality or in preparation for the new Named Person legislation, where the state will now be the mother and father of all children to take over how all children should be raised - having removed all reference to natural family relationships.

The same state who created "named persons" to assist the mother and father land, - where the first trial attracted a person who wanted to abuse children.

If a pedophile targets children of a family they know - they are targetting one or two children - when a pedophile targets a Named Person position within schools, they are targetting hundreds of children.

And every potential pedophile will know, as the state has rolled out a system, to provide secret psychiatric profiles of each child in the school, to each named person, this would help potential pedophiles to identify the most vulnerable children in their "care".

And as SNP have stated they are taking all schools out of council control - to create "clusters" of schools that unvetted groups of men and women will control, this is pedophile ring paradise - as they will control a handful of named persons for thousands of children.

Why will they not be unvetted - because they have a label of respect "business" men and women".

Jimmy Saville was respected and trusted by politicians too and given unsupervised access to children by the NHS, charities, the BBC and politicians.

Pedophiles cravings are always well masked from those who have children in their care - clergy, police, businessman, politician, judge, teacher, doctor, politician, social workers, Girl Guide leader, those working for charities and on the board of charities - all positions of power we are told we should "respect" - they know best.

More often than not, it has been proven, time and again, pedophiles seek these titles as their mask to access children to abuse - a job title does not guarantee any person is to be trusted with someone else's child - the first named person, now struck off, proving the point.

Imagine "clusters" of schools in the wrong hands -- imagine if the wrong sort of "business" men were in league with the first named person who wanted to abuse children - we must think how pedophiles think (sick as it is) to protect our children - to understand that is the clear and present danger to every child of taking schools out of council control combined with the Named Person getting it wrong for every child system being rolled out this August.

Should Parents Be Monitoring Every State Worker - to get it right for every child.

The government claims this named person system is so the state can "get it right for every child" and ensure total protection.

But as, nearly every week we get reports of nursery or after school club or primary school or secondary school staff being taken to court for sexually abusing our children - who is to monitor the monitors?

Should every community have a Parent Named Person, using the same framework to ask children if any state worker is making them unhappy, to force state workers to fill in questionnaires (we can secretly use to get a psychiatric profile of them) and keep a central database of every state worker, which can be shared with every parent for workers who come into contact with their children.

A parent named person system, where parents and children can have their allegations about state workers recorded - and redacted when it suits us, with parents able to share all the information with anyone they see fit, without their consent, with parents Named Person given access the medical records, social work records, police records and central state file of opinions on all state workers in their area - with the named person in a community informed if a new state worker comes into their area too - allowing the parent's named persons in every community to judge them using a central file - just as the judge us.

After all if the state wants total protection for every child the only way to ensure that is parents have the same power to monitor, track and record details on every state worker, including midwives, health visitors, teachers, nursery workers, politicians, police and anyone else we deem fit.

Should sitting MSP's have secret psychiatric evaluations made on them

The result of the named person trial proves MSP's know this all powerful position will attract pedophiles - and yet they decided that was a good thing and every child must have one until they are 18.

For career politician MSP’s, with no children of their own, to strip every parent in Scotland of their natural birthing right to be the guardians of their own children – only for these same MSP’s to set up a system where as yet unknown pedophiles can easily get appointed as state guardian for hundreds of families’ children – this shows how these MSP’s have no idea what the natural instincts of a parent is – to protect the children they love.

Unlike parents, State Guardians have no such love for any of these hundreds of children in their legal ‘care' - it's just a job.

The minute the Scottish Parliament’s first state Guardian, at the trial stage of this system, was found to be sharing fantasies of abusing children, this so called ‘Children and Young Persons (Scotland) Bill’ should have been repealed – instead MSP's from every party chose to ignore the shocking result and voted to make it a Scotland wide system.

It is evident every single MSP who voted for this - or abstained - should be forced to resign and be barred from standing at the Scottish elections - better yet the Scottish elections should be delayed.

This would give us the chance to give them a psychiatric profile - to help us determine their suitability to be in charge of all our lives.

Should the Scottish Election be Delayed ?

We need a public inquiry set up right now to allow Scotland to question every single MSP and Political party involved - especially as not one single MSP voted against this legislation, SNP, Labour, Lib Dem and Greens all voting it through together - with the Tory MSP's abstaining.

Despite being asked is this a compulsory sytem on the TV election leaders debate family lawyer Nicola Sturgeon used very carefully chosen words - that could not be used against her in a court of law - to deliberately mislead the nation.

Hiding behind the claim it is not compulsory for any parent or child to take part, what Nicola did not say was it is compulsory for the state to participate in every families life and monitor all they do - even for unborn children.

The same first minister, whose mother is a provost and councillor, whose council lied when caught charging school children hundreds of pounds to use their own school to put on school plays while SNP councillors give themselves free lunches - the same councillors who left social workers free to also make false allegations and snatch a new born children from its mother hours after birth, as a judge said, just because one of the social workers did not like her, the same government and council who allowed the Red Cross to evict the most severely disabled people from homes specially built for them.

It is not about child or parent participation it is about Scotland wide State participation and monitoring of every parent and child in Scotland using new state monitoring super powers to decide if every parent in Scotland is complying with their "vision" of how children should be raised - powers and ideas synonymous with Nazi Germany - where children were also asked to answer secret questions about their parents to see if they were following the ideas now imposed by the one party state - on how mothers and fathers should raise their children - in the new fatherland.

The same Nazi Germany where slowly but surely, families were split up and younger children placed in state institutions if their parents did not comply with the state's idea of how children should be raised - where you were a traitor if you did not agree with the one party state as reported by children who grew up in that era.

With teachers too scared to come out publicly about their major concerns about named person legislation and the secret testing of children in every school, with health visitors with years of experience resigning as they want nothing to do with being a named person in a climate of fear that has been created using the referendum, by SNP supporters, who brand anyone a traitor who does not share Nicola Sturgeon and Alex Salmond's ideas for the new order for Scotland's future in their one party state, backed by Rupert Murdoch, who also backed Thatcher, Blair and Cameron.

By not one party voting against this named person legislation and the First Minister misleading the nation as they attempt to roll it out, a good case could be put to disbar all the parties and sitting MSPs involved from being able to stand at the Scottish elections not only in May, but ever again, so serious are the charges they are rolling out a system which they know could result in giving pedophiles and pedophile rings state authorised power over hundreds of children - getting it wrong for every parent, child and unborn child in Scotland- by law.

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