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ERG - Tory party set up their own Brexit Policy Club in 1993 (funded by taxpayers)

Prior to the 2010 general election, then Leader of the Conservative Party David Cameron gave a "cast iron" promise of a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty, which he backtracked on - to ensure the people of the UK could not stop it being ratified by the UK - what agenda did Cameron's Tory Party have and for how long?

Cameron promised in January 2013 that, should the Conservatives win a parliamentary majority at the 2015 general election, the British government would negotiate more favourable arrangements for continuing British membership of the EU, before holding a referendum on whether the UK should remain in or leave the EU.

What David Cameron did not say was, in 1993, the Tory party got Tory MP Michael Spicer to set up a "leave Europe" Tory party policy unit, party within the party, called European Research Group (ERG) - and they have been funding it using taxpayers money - by getting MP's to donate money and then claim it back as "expenses" from taxpayers.

The Tories also took donations for ERG from a company in the Virgin Islands, whose directors are Tory Minister Andrea Leadsom's husband and her brother in law (which is now shut down) and a donation from Lord Lamont of Lerwick.

Leadsom, a former banker for 25 years, is the Lord President of Council, the fourth most powerful position in the UK - Council being the Queen's UK Privy Council - i.e. the Queen's invitation only private political party, with 650 life time members, which really runs the UK together - where all commit treason against democracy and the four nations together (where the misleaders of every party, along with bankers and sitting and retired MP's, MSP's, Judges, Lords and Ladies, swear an oath of secrecy to not reveal all they plot together - as they all pretend to be in opposition for the public).

The Tory Party's ERG have used taxpayers money for Tory party coordination with centre-right opposition across Europe, including, UKIP, since 1993 (the year UKIP was set up) - without taxpayers knowledge.

It has been described by Tory MP Anna Soubry as "a party within a party" with over 80 Tory MP's involved (was UKIP set up as part of the party within a party since 1993?).

Tory Government gives taxpayer grant to UKIP after their ERG MP swaps

The Tory Government got their MP Douglas Carswell to swap to UKIP in August 2014, so they could then give UKIP a £300,000 of taxpayers money, in the form of a government grant, to set up the same scam for their party - which they did in 2015 calling it UKIP's Parliamentary Resource Unit Limited, with Carswell a former subscriber to the Tories ERG.

ERG Members Controlling Theresa May's Brexit Posts

Theresa May has been appointing ERG people to the Brexit posts since the fiddled BREXIT vote.

ERG's former chairman, Tory MP Steve Baker, was appointed by Theresa May to be her

Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union.

Open Democracy also reveals "Baker received money from the secretive Constitutional Research Council: the same outfit that channeled £435,000 of ‘dark money’ to the DUP to campaign for Brexit and other pocket filling friends from abroad.

Yet MSP's have been forced to resign over funds from abroad - which is illegal.

Baker's replacement ERG chairman, in 2017, was Tory MP Suella Fernandes who resigned in January 2018 after Theresa May appointed her as Parliamentary under-Secretary of State for Department for Exiting the European Union.

Fernandes refused to provide a list of ERG members when asked to do so by Open Democracy.

Jacob Rees-Mogg has been chairman of the Tory Party taxpayer funded ERG since January 2018 and today the headline in the Independent says

"Brexit: Anna Soubry says Jacob Rees-Mogg is now 'running our country' with Theresa May no longer 'in charge'"

The story goes on to reveal

"Ms Soubry spoke out after the powerful European Research Group(ERG) – led by Mr Rees-Mogg – forced Ms May into concessions which appear to torpedo her Chequers proposals."

In the period leading up to the EU referendum 10 members of Tory Party taxpayer funded ERG acted in an official capacity for Vote Leave;

Michael Gove, Iain Duncan Smith, Liam Fox, Chris Grayling, Priti Patel, John Whittingdale, Ann-Marie Trevelyan, Bernard Jenkin, Steve Baker and Douglas Carswell.

The Telegraph credits ERG's Carswell and Tory MEP Daniel Hannan (first Director of ERG and one of the founders of Vote Leave) as being behind the Great Repeal Bill.

MEP Hannan agreed with Enoch Powell on immigration - and seems to be against everyone not of his class as wrote in March 2011, criticizing anti-austerity protesters, stating they

"have decided to indulge their penchant for empty, futile, self-righteous indignation"

How Much Taxpayers Money have Carswell and Hannan and their Tory party been using to fund all this

An investigation by Open Democracy revealed more than forty Tory MP's have channelled more than a quarter of a million pounds of public funds claimed as expenses for "research" into ERG.

The Open Democracy report reveals

"Despite expenses rules stating that MPs cannot claim for research or work “done for, or on behalf of, a political party”, the European Research Group has received over a quarter of a million pounds from MPs who claimed the public cash through their official expenses.

But the true number could be higher. Other MPs regarded as ERG members have claimed expenses for “research services” on European issues without specifying the ERG."

When Labour MP's asked for the legality of this to be investigated, the IFAS that controls MP's expenses claimed it's all legal (no surprise there then - they did not ask taxpayers did they).

It is clear the Tory Party has been misusing taxpayers money since 1993 in their planned Brexit plot - and the Independent headline today should read Tory Party Taxpayer Funded ERG running the country - not Theresa May - here is a list of MP's involved in the party within the party running the country - also funded by the head of the Queen's UK privy council - the 4th most powerful position in the country - Tory Minister's Leadsom via her husband and her brother in law funnelling ERG cash from their Virgin Island tax haven company.

This Brexit plot has been illegally funded with taxpayers money since 1993 - regardless of what the body for MP's expenses claims - and we know as part of it - the Brexit vote was fiddled by UK privy council members who secretly put fellow UK Privy Council member Peter Lilley's private company in charge of 20% of the vote (postal votes) where his company binned postal votes across the country and the returning officers did not tell anyone about the wasted ballot postal votes - the UK privy council, Leadsom leads, binning the free vote for every referendum and election since 2013 - why Tories keep "winning".

This is treason and a plot against not just UK democracy but EU wide democracy, illegally funded with taxpayers money by the Tory party - time to brexit the MP's from Westminster and the Queen's entire UK Privy Council - including the "royals" to jail while a public inquiry is conducted - because illegal use of taxpayers funds and stealing the free vote from the nation is treason.

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