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SNP Taking All Scotland's Schools (and the £3billion budget) out of democractic control - just l

SNP announced they will give headteachers and parents more say in how schools are run - while the real plan is to give businessmen control - just like Cameron.

The SNP plan is to let businessmen, rather than elected councillors control all schools and Scotland's £3 billion annual education budget - with the plan being, maybe a parent and an odd pupil can be on the new unelected board - with SNP saying they may allow an elected councillor to sit on the board - but the elected councillor, unlike the businessmen, will have no voting power.

And schools are to be managed in "clusters" - the word the SNP choose to use - rather than Academy Chains - as SNP's plan is to roll out David Cameron's outsourcing of countrol of all schools - so our kids education and school budgets can be plundered and sent to the Cayman Islands - as has been happening across England since the coaliton siezed power.

This is David Cameron's policy - which was why head teachers from academy chains and Oxford academics all met in Scotland to discuss the plot.

Combined with this is the plot to allow these businessmen to use schoolchildren, now in their hands, to work in their local business for free - under the guise of education - over a 2 year period - in a very little known scheme being piloted right now, Foundation Apprenticeships - where children are being taken out of their classrooms, over a two year period, in fourth and fifth year to be sent to nursing homes to work as unpaid labour.

These companies are paid over £300 a week taxpayers money to care for the elderly - should the Scottish nation be using their school children as free labour to care for them - under the guise of privatised "education"?

"Foundation apprenticeships are a fundamental change to the approach to education in the senior phase and that’s why we want more pupils to have access to more subjects.

By August 2016, we want Foundation Apprenticeships to be available in every part of Scotland, and our ambition is to have them be part of every school’s offer by 2020."

This at the same time, under the SNP's "curriculum for excellence" which was recommended by Kier Bloomer who sits on the board of the Tory "think tank" Reform Scotland - children are being told instead of sitting eight exams schools are now only going to allow them to sit six - making it near impossible for children who want to study medicine to get the qualifications they need, in the time they need, while giving businessmen lots more free time to put school children to work.

Businessmen will be the beneficiaries with schools, all their budgets and free child labour all under their control - where they are accountable to no-one - with businessmen able to decide which children should not aim for academic qualifications and work for them over 2 years for free instead.

So SNP rolling out David Cameron's policy by stealth and misdirection - just like the named persons and water and PFI and we will remove council tax and increase taxes for the rich - yet

England is in uproar over the Tories announcing all schools are being forcibly taken from council control in England SNP have very quietly announced their plan to impose this Westminster Tory policy on Scotland.

In 2010 SNP appointed David Cameron's cabinet office "Ambassador for Public Appointments" Moi Ali, to the unelected Scottish education quango board, as well as appointing this same woman to also run our police and our ambulances from the unelected Scottish Police Authority and Scottish Ambulance Authority quangos as well (on behalf of David Cameron) as revealed by her LinkedIn profile.

Just weeks ago former education secretary, SNP MSP Mike Russell, told an audience at Glasgow University, rather than the Scottish Public and Parliament, all schools in Scotland should be taken out of council control.

Just five days later the Herald reported on Saturday 5th February 2016 SNP Clackmannanshire council announced they are taking all their schools out of council control under this "radical plan" which we all know is the Tory plan - with SNP councillors trying to pretend it is about parents and even pupils having a say on how schools finances are managed but the story reveals what the headline does not - it's about businessmen taking charge of the school budget just as David Cameron has done in England - his academies policy which SNP try to "rebrand" a school "clusters" policy where one elected councillor might be able to sit on the new undemocratic board but the councillor will have no voting power - unelected businessmen will have the power instead.

When I challenged SNP MSP Chick Broadie live on air, on a radio talk show just the week before he said he was on the education committee and can assure everyone SNP had no plans to take schools out of council control .

Yet the following week when I told listeners of these two announcements, Chick Broadie on the local radio phone in he took control of in January, declared to listeners none of us can believe what the papers tell us, and he, the new government 4th pillar of democracy, effective SNP government control of what used to be an independent radio phone in - to stifle debate and stop the news from being discussed in the run up to the Scottish elections can be believed.

So the Scottish Government take over control of a local radio station phone in - and use that power to try to mislead listeners when local people who have done their research and know the facts try to warn other listeners - as the Scottish Government try to make sure this news is kept from the public - just like their deal with David Cameron to create a UK water market together behind our back during the referendum - it appears the Scottish public have not to know the deals SNP are doing with Cameron just believe what comes out of SNP MSP's mouths on TV broadcasts, radio phone ins and in headlines - no one should be allowed to challenge the illusion SNP are looking after the interests of Scotland propaganda while they hand Cameron Scotland on a plate behind our back.

After I argued with Chick Broadie, a member of the Scottish parliament that yes the nation can believe what the Herald and the Scotsman reports and challenged him why are SNP doing this by stealth, just like water law changes, he said over and over again the Scottish Government has no plans to take schools out of council control.

I said to him don't play with words in an attempt to mislead the public as the news story makes clear you are attempting to use your councillors to do it - so your party intends to do it in a way it can without a national discussion as your party attempts to circumvent parliament itself and stifle debate at the Scottish elections to avoid a debate on SNP imposing this Westminster Tory policy on Scotland despite Scotland rejecting the Tories - we thought - at the polling stations.

Other news reports make clear Nicola Sturgeon like Michael Gove said she is considering Government taking schools out of council control by force from the Scottish Parliament itself, without any bill going through parliament with reports stating a "pilot' could be used - to stop a national debate and allow SNP to take schools out of council control this way too - to circumvent parliament and avoiding even discussing this policy with the nation (as they know the Scottish nation would not agree to this Tory policy of Cameron's being enforced on them knowingly and if SNP say to Scotland up front do you want the SNP to take Schools out of council control for David Cameron and his Ambassador for Public Appointments who sits on the SNP's Scottish Education Quango Scotland would say NO.

The Clackmannanshire SNP council decision was based on a report written by the Tory think tank Reform Scotland while the report on Nicola Sturgeon is using was written by a "charity", Hometown Foundation, set up by a group of businessmen, one of them a former Scottish Enterprise employee, who want to create a little private Tory gated communityin Scotland, outwith democracy , but it has no money and wants to plunder Scotland's children's education budget (by taking schools out of council control) to set up their little unaccountable private Tory town, a plan knocked back by elected councillors and the Scottish Reporter refused their appeal in March last year,

The Hometown Foundation claim SNP Ministers John Swinney, Mike Russell and Margaret Burgess all say they support this private town plan and they can even decide to call it a 'scheme of national importance' so they make the planning decisions as the councillors with the power won't agree after Hometown Foundation "charity' officials held meetings with them in the Scottish parliament as their diaries reveal and the Hometown Foundation held a special presentation for all MSP's within the parliament itself in 2015.

The Common Weal reported the Tory party dismissed one of the Hometown Foundation's leading members is a fascist and that Hometown Foundation is now working with the official Scottish Tory party as well as this "charity" targetting schools across Scotland to encourage them to demand the head teacher can run the school as it is revealed

"The new model would see schools receive direct funding from the Scottish Government, by-passing local government. Control over employment, the curriculum and other organisational matters would then be under the control of headteachers under Hometown plans."

- the report Nicola Sturgeon is considering to ensure if a council is not SNP controlled like Michael Gove her government can do it instead.

We must remember when SNP had a minority the Scottish Tories propped them up, so it looks like even if SNP don't get a majority the Hometown Foundation is making sure it has the support of both parties so the SNP policy to roll out David Cameron's policy the Hometown Foundation so desperately want can by pushed through with Tory Party support - so this Tory policy imposition on Scotland cannot be stopped.

But what I can confirm is when I argued with St Andrews educated SNP MSP Chick Broadie, St Andrews being the Scottish university that is the seat of the British Establishment in Scotland, why the Royal Family goes there, I forced him to admit this announcement by Clackmannanshire council's SNP councillors is totally illegal as he admitted it must be an act of the Scottish Parliament to take any school in Scotland out of council control when I refused to let him twist the English language to hide the truth.

So if you want to vote for David Cameron's flagship policy to take all schools out of council control - then vote SNP if you don't want David Cameron's policy vote for a party that will keep all schools in democratic hands so the Tartan Tories need to find another way to build their private gated town in Scotland instead of plundering your children's education budget

Ask every candidate including Nicola Sturgeon, John Swinney, Mike Russell and Margaret Burgess's replacement SNP candidate why are you attempting to impose David Cameron's flagship policy on Scotland without discussing it with the nation at the election despite even England's Tory voters now fighting Cameron to stop him imposing this policy on England?

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