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All Scotland's Voters Being Betrayed


"The expression "Machiavellian" is often associated with political deceit, deviousness and ""Machiavellianism" is a widely used negative term to characterize unscrupulous politicians."

And in true Machiavellian style, just hours after the Scottish election, YES voters found they had been betrayed again.

The SNP manifesto pledge said

"We believe that the Scottish Parliament should have the right to hold another referendum if there is clear and sustained evidence that independence has become the preferred option of a majority of the Scottish people "

It does not say only if SNP get a majority - a yes coalition government also provides clear evidence - independence has become the preferred option of a majority of the Scottish people too.

"So this summer, we will start new work to persuade a majority in Scotland of the case for independence. If we don’t succeed, we will have no right to propose another referendum."

With the people of Scotland giving two YES parties a clear independence majority of 69 seats between them, against Better Together's total of 60 seats a YES coalition government is the perfect platform for the SNP and Scottish Greens, together, to present a joint government campaign to persuade the nation of the case for independence, as SNP claimed they wanted to do.

But just hours after the election result the SNP leader, Nicola Sturgeon, said she was not entering into a coalition with anyone, not even the Scottish Green Party, their partners in the fight for independence - with the BBC reporting

"Nicola Sturgeon said the SNP's haul of 63 seats gave "a clear and unequivocal mandate" to govern as a minority administration."

as they refuse to unite with their referendum partners to form a coalition government - once again the SNP demonstrating they are not willing to share power with anyone, even it if hurts the independence campaign, betraying one of their own independence campaign partners - how is that going to persuade anyone this summer to trust the SNP over "there can be only SNP" case for independence?

But is this really a surprise, if you have been watching what the SNP leaders do, instead of listening to a word they say - as words are cheap and actions speak louder than words - if people actually watch the actions of the SNP party in government - rather that on TV - a mistake Labour voters made to all our cost under Blair's New Breed of Greed, what would Yes voters find - why did SNP lose their majority?

There are three reasons, their record in government, their plans for the next five years and their Vote SNP 1 & 2 order to their supporters and children voting for the first time.

Nicola said Judge SNP On Their Record

Nicola Sturgeon said judge SNP on their record - so what have SNP being doing with the power they had over the past five years, while they distracted the entire nation with an independence referendum, with old Tories, New Lib Dems and New Labour and what are their plans for the next five years - once you scratch the surface?

Just as Blair's "new" agenda was nothing to do with socialism, is the "new" SNP agenda, under Alex and Nicola - really about socialism and independence?

If they won't form a majority government with the Scottish Green Party, who fought tooth and nail with SNP to try to achieve independence, only losing the vote after Alex Salmond, "lost" an economic debate to a lawyer, live on TV, despite Alex Salmond being a graduate of elite University St Andrews and a trained economist with over 30 years experience.

One of the first things Alex Salmond did, when he led SNP's first minority government, was to create a body of the "best" economic advisors in the world to be at his government's beck and call

This senior economist, one of the brightest minds in the land, had decades to plan for his independence moment - yet SNP never actually offered true independence - why so many voted NO - as "new" SNP tried to tie an "independent" Scotland to the Bank of England.

This despite the fact Nicola and Alex knew just a few months before the referendum, George Osborne and Mark Carney had just ripped up bank of England lending rules - to allow the Bank of England to start lending direct to Casino banks, the very banks that caused the financial crisis, to allow Casino banks to circumvent the new banking regulations, to allow these global gamblers to continue to dump their debt forever on British taxpayers - via the Bank of England.

Despite Nicola and Alex trying to tie an independent Scotland to the Bank of England - they said nothing of this to the people of Scotland.

Then during the general election, while Alex Salmond had some of the poorest YES voters, who trusted him completely, campaigning in his absense, Alex was being paid £10k, just to attend lunch in London, to be wined and dined by Casino Bankers and hedge fund managers - the global group who are ripping everyone in Europe and America off, Alex Salmond pictured laughing with them in the Financial Times.

Like Tony Blair, and other Scots who claimed to be "socialists" for votes, backed by Rupert Murdoch, who also publicly run with the bankers and "global "elite", Alex Salmond tried the "I donated the money to charity" line, just like them, as if he is doing us all a favour, while up to a million Scotland's people are reduced to relying on foodbanks to feed them at the same time, thanks to casino bankers and hedge fund bosses he now runs with.

So while Nicola, Alex, Cameron, Clegg and Milliband all cleverly distracted us together with a referendum - and then Alex trotted back to London, could not wait to get his seat back in Westminster - what had Alex and Nicola been doing in the Scottish parliament, while no one was watching - what is their record in Scotland?

SNP Secret Water Shocker deal With Cameron - During the Referendum

During the referendum, behind everyone's back, SNP did a secret water shocker deal with David Cameron, to allow David Cameron to change Scotland's devolved water laws - to grab Scotland and it's water into HIS new totally unregulated UK private water market, where Nicola states in clause 9 of her LCM

"The Scottish Government welcomes the UK Government’s intention to take a similar approach to retail competition for non-domestic water customers as the one already in place in Scotland and have agreed a joint objective of creating a seamless Scottish-English retail market. The Bill facilitates this by enabling provision to be made so that where a new entrant applies for a licence in England and Wales, it can also be treated as an application for the equivalent licence in Scotland (and vice versa). This will benefit both Scottish and English customers."

SNP leaders also agreeing Cameron's request, as part of this, that, from 2017, private English Water companies, like Anglian Water, can not only collect Scotland's retail water revenues but divert the wholesale revenues for Scotland's water into their coffers too.

Nicola Sturgeon personally lodging the LCM, also known as a Sewel motion, for Cameron - stating it was a "joint objective" between the Scottish and Westminster Parliaments - to form a UK water market together - taking away Scotland's water independence in their own secret better together deal - yet we got devolution so Westminster could not touch our water ever again.

SNP leaders, Salmond and Sturgeon together with Cameron, Clegg and Milliband, making a mockery of devolution, making a mockery of the independence referendum, making a mockery of everyone in Scotland and the UK at the general election, as they all gave the illusion together SNP don't do deals with Tories and want to split from the UK.

Scottish government Ministers also misleading Scotland over the contracts they gave Anglian Water, contracts which divert 20% of Scottish Water's annual business revenues into Anglian coffers for the next five years as they claimed the difference between the tenders was £20million - £5 million a year when in fact this was not true - Anglian cliamed they would make savings of UP TO £40 million over 4 years (over 100 public sector contracts - Scottish Water said they would make savings up to £36million a year - not the £5 million a year difference SNP Ministers claimed - after desperately delaying the award of the contract three times as they knew they were misleading the nation to justify their planned treachery.

Nicola and Alex also appointing a banker as the new Chair of Scottish Water - why privatise the public company Scottish Water when you can bankrupt it using bankers and contracts instead- just like NHS hospitals in England.

Tax Avoidance Hypocrisy

Picture from Herald Scotland story 15th Feb 2015 as the Herald says "Sturgeon demands zero tolerance on obscene and despicable tax avoidance"

The word hypocrisy means "“a ​situation in which someone ​pretends to ​believe something that they do not really ​believe, or that is the ​opposite of what they do or say at another ​time

And when it comes to tax avoidance this is certainly true of Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP party.

While Nicola Sturgeon said tax avoidance is despicable - her party is funded by, represented by and advised by tax avoiders - one a £billionaire and the richest man "in" Scotland - yet he admits he and his wife live in Monaco to avoid paying tax in the UK

Despite Nicola telling voters in London, at the general election, she has zero tolerance for tax avoidance - Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon made this billionaire tax avoider, Jim McColl, a personal economic advisor, to every single SNP Minister in the Scottish parliament, years earlier, giving him the ear of every SNP Minister in this mutually beneficial arrangement - also giving him total run of the Scottish Parliament, despite him not even living in Scotland.

He claimed he supported independence - saying voting No would be bad for Scotland.

Then jumped ship days before the referendum reported as claiming "the biggest scare story is a Yes vote" - he wanted Devo Max all along (with Nicola and Alex) i.e powers for SNP to further cut the few taxes Westminster force him to pay now - tax cuts he will likely get if SNP follow his advise - knowing he gets the best of both worlds tax avoidance UK style with new tax cuts via the Scottish parliament - why Alex Salmond threw the econimic debate.

Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon also chose former head of RBS, George Mathewson as another economic advisor to every SNP Scottish Government Minister - the man an International Business Times report claimed caused the problems at RBS bank (where Alex Samond used to work) with George Mathewson reported to be a tax avoider too.

SNP even selecting a former investment banker, and former SNP party treasurer, Ian Blackford, another "new" "socialist", as their choice for MP candidate.

Former investment banker Blackford, now SNP MP, said that RBS should be broken up in an independent Scotland – would that allow him to cash in for himself?

Yet this obviously wealthy SNP "socialist", had the cheek to ask austerity laden YES voters to crowd fund hls election campaign for him, despite being a wealthy man and SNP being one of the richest political parties in Scotland, supported by many of the richest people in Scotland .

This is just a small taste of the SNP hypocrisy - on tax avoidance and their socialist credentials claims - SNP leadership surrounding themselves and selecting bankers and tax avoiders to run Scotland with them - many of them from Royal Bank of Scotland - why we all face austerity and cuts - bankers and tax avoiders.

SNP Plans for £30 Billion More PFI

SNP's Scottish Government unelected PFI Quango Scottish Futures Trust PFI players

SNP promised Scotland there would be no more PFI under SNP - yet they are rolling out £30 billion more PFI, using some of the people who were involved in Labour's PFI schemes in Scotland.

But SNP have taken Labour's PFI and made it even more lucrative for the PFI players,in a unique setup where they have turned Scotland into a PFI monopoly board where Scotland's infrastructure spending decisions are not made by elected officials but by PFI operators themselves.

And their unelected quango, which is meant to oversee this new PFI monopoly board, The Scottish Futures Trust (SFT), their CEO, Barry White, oversaw one of the SNP's earliest and largest PFI deals to date, for maintenance of the central belt motorways, where the capital cost is only £415 million but the Scottish people must pay nearly £1 billion PFI fees on top, bringing the total cost to £1.3901 billion.

Just 6 months after the contract was awarded the SNP government's PFI Chief, Barry White, was rewarded with a seat on the board of the company that won the contract, while still remaining the SNP's PFI Quango CEO, giving him £1billion reasons to smile.

Alex Neil, Nicola's Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice, also gave the PFI quango chief, Barry White and his fellow SFT board member, Christa Reekie a loan of £55 million of taxpayers money to set up their own "charity" to start renting out "affordable" homes - "affordable homes" just another SNP new PFI scam too.

And it is this "affordable homes" PFI scam that is the basis of Nicola Sturgeon's other secret deal, between Nicola and London Tories, who negotiated this £10 billion PFI "Marshall Plan" deal with an allegedly corrupt Chinese construction company.

And while the breed of greed feed in the trough of taxpayers money under SNP, how are Scotland's people holding up?

Under the SNP government's new Scottish Welfare Fund rules, up to half a million Scots ate from food parcels in the past 12 months, this a conservative estimate, with the SNP government from 2013 to 2016, like the Westminster Tories, refusing to give Crisis Loans that are paid back to people, so they don't need food parcels - as the DWP used to do, before Cameron devolved the budget to the Scottish parliament with a recommendation they send people to food banks.

The SNP government followed Cameron's example and immediately dumped responsibilty for the poor on councils, instead of setting up a national scheme to replace the one Thatcher set up - when even she admitted her benefit changes required a national social fund for everyone to be able to get grants and borrow small interest free sums from the DWP, even if they are working, which they can pay back over a period of time that will not leave them short.

SNP set up a system where no one gets small crisis loans any more, only crisis grants - only if if they qualify under the SNP government guidance to councils.

Welfare Weekly reported in August 2015

"Statistics show that since the new sanctions regime was introduced in October 2012 (December 3, 2012 for ESA), there has been 1,824,877 adverse sanctions imposed against JSA and ESA claimants up to March 31 2015."

Between 2013 and 2016, the SNP government, in support of Ian Duncan Smith's new sanctions regime, on page 9, section 6.9 "Sanctions and Disallowances" of their "Scottish Welfare Fund Guidance" for all councils in Scotland said

"Crisis Grants and Community Care grants should not undermine DWP’s sanctions and disallowances. If an applicant is subject to a disallowance or a sanction by the DWP, and their benefit is reduced as a result, a Crisis Grant should only be awarded to meet expenses which are the consequence of a disaster or the cost of food for their children. The applicant may be able to get a hardship payment from the DWP."

And while the SNP had been dictating to councils, for three years, not to help adults sanctioned by the DWP, many of them left completely penniless for 3 months, their new Welfare spokesperson in Westminster, Eilidh Whiteford MP, quoted by Welfare Weekly as saying

"“We have already heard the heartbreaking stories of claimants being sanctioned whilst in hospital recovering from a heart attack or other medical emergency, but these figures lay bare the ‘sanction now, ask questions later’ nature of the UK Government’s indefensible regime.

“With very nearly 50 per cent of reviewed cases being reversed, it is clear to see that these cruel and punitive sanctions are being slapped on people before proper consideration and understanding of individual circumstances have been established.""

while saying nothing of her own government's policy in Scotland, in place since 2013, to enforce their own Scottish Welfare Fund sanctions on top of Ian Duncan Smith's wrongful DWP ones - so the SNP government and Scottish councils did not "undermine the DWP sanctions and disallowances" regime.

This at the same time her own SNP government was also splashing the cash to a new business sector, and diverting £millions in taxpayers money to prop up the new Food Bank businesses (that is what they are) - instead of giving people tiny crisis loans they could pay back, as the DWP used to do before SNP took over the function.

The DWP Social Fund - which provided tiny Crisis Loans that are paid back, to millions of people every year across Britain, accounted for just 0.00068% of the DWP budget - which has been replaced by destitution and deliberate humiliation for millions, by both the Westminster and Scottish parliaments.

I tried to warn of this plan, in a 2011 article I wrote with the support of the Open Democracy website staff, The well-trousered philanthropists: Tory party chums and food parcels for the poor which I forwarded to every MSP, having lobbied them all for 2 years to makes sure when Cameron devolved the DWP social fund to them they made sure Crisis loans stayed, so no one needed food parcels as Cameron planned.

Suffer little children - in Scotland where up to half a million (and likely more as no one appears to collating the national figure) ate from food parcels in the past 12 months alone - while Alex Salmond got paid £10k to eat with the Casino bankers in London.

There is much more to this story - which can be found here.

But let us think about this, if someone phoned social work to say they were concerned about the children next door, as their parents had not fed their children any fresh food for 3 days - I'm sure Social workers would be rightly concerned for the children's "well being"

Yet the SNP government "welfare" policy is, like David Cameron's, to get councils to send hundreds of thousands of the people of Scotland to line up for food parcels - with no fresh food in them - to eat from for 3 days - while SNP divert £millions to prop up foodbanks - money that will never be paid back - the way crisis loans are - which allow people to keep their dignity and decide themselves what they eat for dinner - fresh food - not SNP ministers and a charity raking in £millions on the back of keeping people deliberately destitute to eat food donated free by the nation (while Tesco and Asda can claim 100% tax rebate on their food "donations")

How is that good for welfare or "well being" of anyone in Scotland - especially our children.

Up to Four Named Persons For Every Family, not just the poor & children at risk

SNP are rolling out "Named Persons" scheme from August 2016 to look after every child's "well being" - where every family in Scotland will be appointed up to four named persons, in what many believe to be a state wide compulsory surveillance system of every family, that monitors every parent in Scotland longer than even the worst convicted pedophiles.

Who will these "named persons" be? Midwives, health visitors, teachers and head teachers, not to assess if children are at risk just to keep state files on every family - with all of them instructed to record their opinions in a new secret Family Record , you have no right to see, and if you do manage it will be heavily redacted, as the named person trial proved, with the named person scheme also giving thousands of named persons across Scotland power to access every child in their "state guardianship" medical records, social work records and police records - will DWP records be next?

And all named persons can share all information and all state workers opinions on all families, without consent of parents or children with anyone they choose - with the first named person in the trial of the scheme caught sharing her fantasies to abuse children with like minded people now on the sex offenders register .

Schools are already using the new SNP "Getting It Right For Every Child" (GIRFEC) laws to secretly question every child in Scotland, right now, before the named person scheme is even rolled out about their parents, and personal life, even asking older children to answer the question have they had anal sex, with parents not asked for their consent for these intrusive questionnaires to be given to their children and teachers told by roaming "presentation" teams not to inform parents what is going on in the school.

Children as young are nine are currently being asked to give their consent for this, without even seeing the questions first, with children not told all answers are being recorded national database, to be assessed by psychiatrists, to create a secret psychiatric profile of every child - to assess how "vulnerable they are - a gift for anyone who wants the role of named person because they harbour fantasies about abusing children.

And that is exactly what that first named person did , a guidance teacher, who sought the role because she harboured fantasies to abuse children - caught sharing that information with like minded people and now on the sex offenders register.

Had she not been caught, would she be using that power to access and share information with anyone she wants about which children in her "state guardianship" are vulnerable, with these "like minded people"?

And who will control and stop these headteachers and teachers abusing that power over every parent of every child in their school and the access to personal state files they have never had access to before - especially with a steady stream of teachers being convicted of sex crimes against our children and placed on the sex offenders register?

But again there is far more to this story but why should Scotland worry, after all , unlike in England, under Cameron, all Scottish schools are under council control, with Scotland rejecting Cameron's flagship policy to take them out of council control at the general election.

Wrong - SNP's flagship policy is to take all schools out of council control after the Scottish Elections for Cameron.

SNP taking schools (and named persons) out of council control Just Like Cameron

First SNP appointed David Cameron's "Ambassador for Public Appointments" to Scotland's unelected quango for education (also placing her on the unelected quango that now controls all Scotland's police and another to control all Scotland's ambulances) as Moi Ali's LinkedIn profile reveals.

Then SNP rolled out Tory "think tank", Reform Scotland's, "curriculum for excellence" - which teachers say is a disaster for children - across Scotland, without telling the nation this was in preparation to take schools out of council control - a policy also in the Tory Think Tank Reform Scotland's 2016 "manifesto"

Reform UK is where most of David Cameron and his coalition government's (and New Labour) policies come from too - all in Reform together - with First Minister of Scotland, Alex Salmond the guest speaker at Tory Reform Scotland's first annual dinner for "senior businessmen, politicians, civil servants and journalists" - all in it together.

With the Reform Think tank holding "education conferences", bringing Cameron's academy heads and Oxbridge "experts" up to Scotland to plan for SNP handing business people control of "clusters of schools" - just a Tory Reform think tank rewording of Academy Chains - Cameron's policy - with Reform Scotland boasting

"Don’t miss your opportunity to hear Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning, Mike Russell MSP, set out the Scottish Government’s vision for the future of schools governance at Holyrood magazine’s ‘Managing Scotland’s schools: What are the options?’ conference on Tuesday 9 November 2010 in Edinburgh."

With Mike Russell revealing , to the Scottish elite, (not voters) in "his inaugral speech as Professor in Scottish Culture and Governance at the University of Glasgow", all councils should be taken out of council control in Scotland, David Cameron's flagship policy, and all councils made smaller as the Hollyrood magazine, who worked in conjunction with the Tory Think Tank's "schools conferences" reported in February 2016

"Education budgets, for example, should be controlled by individual schools, he" (Mike Russell) "will say, while community councils should be given more power."

With SNP controlled Clackmannanshire council announcing days later, SNP councillors there plan to take all schools out of council control, without an act of the Scottish parliament no less.

While SNP soundbites, just like Cameron, say it is about giving parents and pupils more say, it is in fact business people who are to replace elected councillors - who are accountable - while business people are not - with Clackmannanshire SNP councillors even stating one councillor might get a seat on the board of each school - but our elected representative will have no voting power.

So how much Scottish Taxpayers' money, i.e. all of Scotland's council's education budgets, have to be put into the hands of unelected business people who are unaccountable - £3billion a year.

SNP's other flagship policy, they are also keeping very quiet about, is to allow these business men and women, who are to take over the running of every school in Scotland, to also start taking our children out of class, over two years, to work for them for nothing, instead of gaining qualifications for their life chances - in what SNP call their latest flagship education policy - "Foundation Apprenticeships".

"Foundation apprenticeships are a fundamental change to the approach to education in the senior phase and that’s why we want more pupils to have access to more subjects.

By August 2016, we want Foundation Apprenticeships to be available in every part of Scotland, and our ambition is to have them be part of every school’s offer by 2020."

And there is a shady "charity", the Hometown Foundation, who want to set up their own little Tory gated community - totally out with local democracy - involved in this plot, but they need money to set up their gated community- and what better pot than Scotland's education budget - with Scottish Ministers John Swinney, Mike Russell and Margaret Burgess all holding meetings in the Scottish Parliament with this "charity" - and reported to fully support the plan.

The Common Weal reported the Tory party dismissed one of the Hometown Foundation's leading members is a fascist and that Hometown Foundation is now (also) working with the official Scottish Tory party as well as this "charity" targetting schools across Scotland to encourage them to demand the head teacher can run the school as it is revealed

"The new model would see schools receive direct funding from the Scottish Government, by-passing local government. Control over employment, the curriculum and other organisational matters would then be under the control of headteachers under Hometown plans."

SNP planning to use Scotland's entire £3 billion education budget and our children as cash cows for their "business" friends.

Will SNP, like Cameron, also be forcing councils they want to break up, making it easier to disguise, an SNP demand to hand over the title deeds for all schools to the new business controlled regime to replace council control - to create a £billions massive black holes across all council accounts, while enriching the new private business "education companies", as Cameron has done, while they are currently using their monopoly board PFI private hub companies (that also replace council democratic control) do dump a further new £1 billion PFI debt for schools - to gobble up that education budget too.

And of course this means the un-vetted "business" people control every named person of every child between 5 and 18 years of age in "clusters of schools" - organised pedophile ring's paradise, if more people harbouring fantasies of abusing children, as the first named person did, not only target the named person roles but also to sit on the boards of clusters of schools - as they will - to allow them to share information about vulnerable children, now in their control, with like minded people- Jimmy Saville being an example of the sort of business person politicians, charity chiefs and NHS chiefs, - the elite - trusted to have access and control of children too.

Will these totally unaccountable business people use that control to get access to all that information on every family locally, each named person in every primary and secondary school has access to - with no councillor able to stop any of this in Scotland and 31 Tory MSP's now there to back SNP plans.

Politicians with no children, who run with the elite, Nicola Sturgeon (rich and hetrosexual), Kezia Dugdale (gay), Ruth Davideson (gay), Patrick Harvie (bisexual) all ignoring the dangers and threats the combined named person and schools out of council control plans pose to all OUR children - or are they deliberately creating this threat?

All knowing, but saying nothing during the TV debates of their first named person being a threat to every child (200 in her "guardianship" for the state - with Willie Rennie a parent, also staying silent - despite their named person trial immediately attracting someone to the role who is a threat to all children - what sort of people think that is such a good trial result every child should have one - not one MSP voting against SNP's named person scheme.

Vote SNP 1 AND 2

How did the Tories get so many new MSP's?

SNP leadership told every supporter not to give any of the other, purely Scottish, independence parties, Scottish Green, Rise or Solidarity their 2nd vote - insisting all SNP supporters must give that 2nd vote only to SNP - even advising children in SNP Youth to do the same - explaining the maths saying voting for them is a wasted vote, without explaining what including all SNP second votes for the other independence parties would make to that mathematical explanation - with SNP leadership knowing full well this would benefit the Tory Party - in reality signalling to every Tory voter in Scotland SNP 1 Tory 2 and once again we get what we want together.

And just in case the maths did not add up - SNP, Tory, Labour and Lib Dem councils across Scotland - have secretly privatised control of all elections, control of the voters roll and put control of all postal votes into the hands of Tory MP Peter Lilley's private company IDOX Elections - who say "every vote counts" - but whose votes are being counted the nation's or Peter Lilley's IDOX?

As Stalin (of all people) said "The people who cast the votes don't decide an election, the people who count the votes do"

Our grandparents fought world wars to preserve democracy - only for this generation of elected "poiticians" to "outsource" elections (corrupt them) to disenfranchise all of us together.

With SNP working with the Tories, before, during and after the referendum and the general election, to transfer control of Scotland's, police, ambulances and education to unelected boards with Cameron's ambassador for public appointments put in place on each of them, with their water shocker deal with Cameron during the referendum behind our back and now SNP about to roll out Cameron's flagship policy to take all schools out of council control.

With Nicola, a Scottish lawyer, just like Tony Blair, mis-leading the nation about all this and over secret water deals with Cameron, secret deals with a corrupt Chinese company, misleading the nation over, PFI, Named Persons, tax avoidance, affordable housing, food parcels and DWP sanctions and much more - this is just a taste of what they say to voters being the complete opposite of what they have been doing and plan to do.

What more can there be that could possibly be - what else are they deliberately misleading us about?

SNP & Tory Plans to Use Scotland and It's People As Guinea Pigs In a Toxic Trial

SNP even misleading Scotland over their "moratorium" and the horrendous health effects and threat to our environment, where 80% of us live in Scotland, on unconventional gas extraction, in another joint venture with David Cameron, where they are both attempting to use Scotland and it's people as their guinea pigs in a plot to roll out burning billions of tons of coal underground, where it lies, (UCG), instead of safely in power stations (why they shut Longannet) - without capturing any of the CO2.

Yet after three recent trials in Australia to see if UCG can be carried out safely - all three private companies conducting the trials have ended up in court as their tiny UCG trials all caused serious environmental harm, with one shut permanently within weeks and the directors of Linc Energy, whose flagship trial was meant to be the "eureka moment" for UCG fled the country - and last month putting the company into voluntary administration -in an attempt by directors to avoid the clean up costs, the court case and jail after their trial caused what is said to be the biggest environmental disaster in Queensland's history?

As a result Australia recently imposed an outright ban on UCG as these three trials proved conclusively, after 70 years of trying and no country in the world allowing commercial UCG, it still cannot be carried out safely - especially with the ongoing disaster in Australia with toxic combustion gases sitting just below the surface, at explosive levels, across 320 sq km of what used to be prime farmland until the UCG trial ruined it.

Yet the SNP and Tory Governments both hide behind the private company that is going to do the Toxic Trial in Scotland - headed by an ex-Tory Party fundraiser- who say their UCG trial plans pose "negligible risk" for Scotland - the company has absolutely no UCG experience and plans to use the same technology used in Australia.

This UCG trial in Scotland is planned under the Firth of Forth, next to the Kincardine Bridge.

This despite the fact Nicola Sturgeon and her SNP MSP's and SEPA know it causes underground explosions, subsidence, earthquakes, contaminates groundwater, leaks toxic combustion gases to the surface in trials and exposes workers to toxic gas.

And the feasibilty study reported this area is not suitable for UCG stating

"The search for a site became a greater challenge than initially expected. Kincardine was soon ruled out because the river narrows to the west of Kincardine Bridge"

This is to be done alongside fracking and coal bed methane extraction - where methane meets underground coal fires, set by a company with absolutely no UCG experience - in one of the most densesly populated areas of Scotland.

With not only the known 700sq km of fracking licenses Ineos has, but a further 19 applications, each for 100 sq km around this area, meaning underground coal fires being fed by methane from 2,600 sq km of fracking deep underground all around the UCG trial where UCG can alone cause earthquakes, subsidence, underground explosions - under the Kincardine Bridge - as well as polluting groundwater.

And with fracking and UCG both causing earthquakes, and all this is proposed to be bounded by two of Scotland's major fault lines - we must remember both of our nuclear plants sit on those fault lines.

Add to this already deadly mix a chemical plant, the biggest methane tanker in Europe and tankers from America filled with methane - when it all goes wrong - in one of the most densely populated areas of Scotland.

The Guardian story, "Fracking firms target sites close to Scottish cities" explained "The Ferret", a new Scottish investigative journalism online new site, had revealed

"The Department of Energy and Climate Change (Decc) has disclosed that nine companies have applied to drill for shale gas on 19 sites, each covering 100 sq km, in heavily populated areas close to Glasgow, Edinburgh, Motherwell, Linlithgow, Bathgate, Rosyth and Kirkcaldy"

In the map above - that green shaded area is just the Ineos licenses already issued - with a further 1,900 sq km of licenses applied for - take the green shaded area and triple that - within the red and purple lines - will that entire area be licensed as soon as SNP (with Tory support) rubber stamp lifting the moratorium for Scotland to be fracked over, with hellfire under our feet, purely to feed the insatiable greed of the 1% - purely based on advise once again, unconventional gas extraction is safe - from "experts" they chose, many with vested interest - those who stand to profit from claiming unconventional gas extraction is safe and those willing to cover up the problems - while the government claims they are all independent experts.

All SNP's MSP's and new MP's know - because I have been lobbying them for nearly 3 years to get it stopped.

I wrote a report warning of the dangers of UCG, Theft Of Austerity Britain's Coal, UCG Licenses, Lies and the Insatiable Greed of the 1%, after months of research, as practically no-one had heard of UCG - and SNP and the Westminster Tories were trying to roll it out by as much stealth as possible, without public consultation.

I started sending this report to elected representatives across the Scotland and the UK, especially. MSP,'s, MP's and councillors in the 20+ UCG license areas - I received a legal threat, for daring to do so, from the owners of another new totally inexperienced UCG company, like Cluff Natural Resources (bankers, Lords and Tories) a new company called Five Quarter, set up by university academic "experts" and Lords and Ladies of Britain, who also magically held a clutch of UCG licenses across the UK.

What sort of legal threat did they send me (by email saying I only had 48 hours to respond - with 18 of those hours already gone by the time I noticed the email in my personal inbox - an email I initially thought was spam.

The legal threat I received is known as a SLAAP- a Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation - of which Wikipedia says "that is intended to censor, intimidate, and silence critics by burdening them with the cost of a legal defense until they abandon their criticism or opposition.[1] Such lawsuits have been made illegal in many jurisdictions on the grounds that they impede freedom of speech. "

I guess I was ruining a plan to make the most powerful people in Scotland and the UK £billions, if they could only roll this out by stealth and get UCG up and running in the 20+ license areas before the people of Britain realised how dangerous it was and the theft of Britain's entire coal reserves, billions of tons (was this plot hatched under Thatcher - why they shut our coal mines - in an attempt to steal the nation's coal reserves to enrich the elite for the next 50 generations using UCG as thee energy policy for Britain, while they force us to eat from food parcels - as each UCG license transfers 100% rights and interests to billions of tons of Austerity Briitain's coal reserves into the hands of the elite.

Nicola Sturgeon and David Cameron and SEPA saying nothing of the clear and present danger UCG poses to our health, wealth and environment, with FOI documents I demanded revealing SEPA admit they have no way to monitor this toxic trial planned for Scotland.

All staying silent about Australia's ABC TV news report about the UCG disaster creating an environmental time bomb in Australia, with Westminster Tories issuing all but one of the UCG licenses under water in Scotland and the UK - yet the DTI said there are 300 years of coal onshore suitable for UCG - Westminster issuing the licenses under our main rivers and estuaries, to try to make sure UCG cannot be monitored across the UK - as Australian trials proving when you monitor it - it is disastrous.

The FOI documents I requested also revealed SEPA and the Scottish parliament has not once asked the Queensland government for any details of the UCG trial disasters - yet Wyoming officials in America, who were also planning a UCG trial, immediately contacted the Queensland government for information - while we were told nothing of this and fed the line UCG posed negligible risk.

SNP also changed the definition of the word "moratorium", which is meant to mean "cease all activity" and clever lawyer Nicola has now included "test drilling", the first stage of the fracking process, and UCG to be rolled out by the two license holders.

Nicola claims this is for "information gathering" for the Scottish Government's "moratorium", to find out if it is safe but test drilling does not prove if it is safe, it allows private companies to find the best place to start fracking and UCG - the normal first part of both processes, after the frackers were told by the British Geological Society test drilling is the only way to find out how much gas is avaiable - if any in the central belt of Scotland.

In England the frackers must pay for their own test drilling - but Nicola decided Scottish Taxpayers should pay for Ineos and ex-Tory Party fundraiser Cluff's test drilling for them.

Last week one of SNPs chosen "experts", Prof. Paul Younger, still tried to claim again fracking does not contaminate drinking water and would not pose a danger , the same man, who sat on the board of the new UCG company Five Quarter, who sent me the legal threat.

Any "expert" trying to claim fracking operations do not contaminate groundwater is the equivalent of "expert" doctors claiming thalidomide does not harm unborn children.

In 2012 SEPA gave the Scottish Government a report, which revealed fracking operations do contaminate drinking water - this report was for internal use only.

Despite sitting on the board of an unconventional gas extraction company, SNP leadership apponted Paul Younger to a panel of "experts" in 2013 to advise if unconventional gas extractions could be done safely - and again the UK academic expert concluded it can be done safely - but Professor Younger did not declare his vested interest, that he sat on the board of an unconventional gas company with a £1 billion taxpayers guarantee - giving him £1 billion reasons to claim it was safe.

With this "expert" even claiming there are no drinking water aquifers in the fracking license areas of Scotland - yet the British Geological Society report clearly gives a map explaining some of the most important aquifers in Fife are in the fracking license area of Scotland.

And it's not just poisoned water we have to worry about with fracking, as a court case in America resulted in one family being awarded $3million after the family started becoming seriously ill, their livestock and pets on their farm being dying, calves born deformed too, just by breathing the air from fracking operations two miles aways.

And Paul Younger is not the only "expert" with a vested interest SNP chose to be advise them - and Scotland -is fracking safe.

Nicola Sturgeon was caught just weeks ago appointing a company, Ramboll Environ, that makes money supporting unconventional gas companies, a contract to advise is fracking safe to help her decide if she should give fracking the go ahead - Nicola forced to cancel the contract after the Herald exposed this to the nation.

Nicola also chose a man who had already failed to report test drilling problems in Scotland, to oversee the test drilling she had just authorised under her "revised" moratorium - the former head of SEPA Campbell Gemmell.

The Herald 2015 report also revealing council officials wrongly excluded elected councillors from planning decisions for years and allowed oil and gas companies to circumvent planning laws by salami slicing the planning applications for a major gas plant and 18 boreholes to extract coal bed methan into small chunks - with the officials authorising planning permission for years, with virtually no public scrutiny - with a formal complaint made to the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman.

And SNP used their Water Resources (Scotland) Act 2013, to put SNP water abstraction restrictions on the entire Scottish economy, including the Whisky Industry, Barrs (Irn Bru), farmers, golf courses and even Edinburgh Zoo - but SNP made frackers UCG and CBM, the entire unconventional mining industry exept from their new water restrictions.

SEPA were caught lambasting Whisky industry, golf clubs etc for breaching SNP's new water restrictions, despite it being the wettest year in history, since records began - and when the Glasgow Herald tried to report it the SNP government attempted to use National Security to stop them - their attempt failed.

SNP sacrificing the entire Scottish economy on the alter of unconventional gas - despite Nicola Sturgeon saying water is the basis of every economy.

Who Really Recruits these MP's and MSP's - no matter the party

Most of the "leaders" - or as the case may be "mis-leaders" - consistently come now from Edinburgh and Glasgow University.

Is that what all these MSP's and MP's study at university - how to con your fellow man, woman and children by Machiavellian means - is that why so many politicians come from the Russell group of universities- where the privy council have a hand and is this where they now recruit their servants - graduates of greed in law, economics and politics?

Do they select these people from a young age - seek out the supremely clever but flawed and greedy individuals - promised great power and wealth - selling their souls for the great and the greedy's goals - do they tell them why work for a living when you can lie for us for a - guaranteed to be greased to power and given the full media support as long as they deliver the goods for the elite once they get power?

It sure looks like it!

Any government - made up of so many graduates, who mislead the entire nation on so many occasions and on so many issues - who select "experts" from the Universities they attended, the privy council have a hand in, who are willing to mislead the nation over safety critical issues which could poison 80% of the country and make the entire central belt of Scotland uninhabitable - is not just a Machavellian government but a group of people who should be arrested for corrupt collusion with the British Establishment and bankers- of which there is a large Scottish contingent - the criminal gang who go by the name of "the elite".

And what of the MSP's in the other parties who knew about all this and said nothing - colludIng with their silence - their leadership selected the same way - plucked out of the crowd at Russell Group universities to lie for a living too - with all the parties involved in "outsourcing" control of all elections, referendum and votes to a private company with Peter Lilley, Tory MP, on the board - all of them guilty of disenfranchising an entire nation - treason the only word for that.

And what then - what can we do to restore our democracy when every single party is involved - there is a simple but elegant solution for that.

People's 2nd Chambers in every council and parliament - set up to SUPERVISE every parliament, local council and every elected politician across the UK - to report everything they propose to do with power they have been ENTRUSTED with.

And if the people don't like their proposals, e.g. fracking, Named person, as in Switzerland, the people decide instead - not those we elected.

The scale of betrayal, especially by New SNP politicians proves conclusively, never again can we trust the party system to have all the power over our lives from cradle to grave.

The vast majority of these two greedy generations of MSP's and MP's, since Thatcher, in every party, have proven the party system is corrupted beyond repair and must be supervised forever more.

And we must teach our children why the system of People's 2nd Chambers was introduced, because the brightest people in Scotland - given a free university education by all of us - repaid the generosity - of the poorest workers in Scotland - by working with the elite to dismantle democracy and mock us with what is now meer illusions of elections and referendums.

Their grandparents fought Hitler and sacrificed so much to preserve democracy for all of us - but then William Wallace experienced the same treachery - back then it was only the elite - now it is people we went to school with selling us all out.

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