While Michael Gove tries to deliberately give a Mr Magoo look, this is one of the most devious, hard line, right wing Scottish Tories in the Cameron government.
And to understand the SNP flagship education policy - to be rolled out over the next five years, with the full support of Scottish Tory Party's new MSP's - we must first look at what Scotland's Michael Gove has done in England first.
Since the Tories took schools out of council control in England - unelected Tory Lords have taken over education - and sunk their teeth into the £35 billion education pie - with the Tory Party Treasurer on "boards" running clusters of schools - and transferring £millions of education funds - to a Cayman Island fund via a stock broker he is on the board of too.
The Tory "education policy" has allowed Tory party "lords" and "ladies", bankers - mammon in the classroom - to plunder England's £35 billion annual education budget every year - from here to eternity.
But the Tories are not just plundering the education budget - Michael Gove has used the "academies bill" to steal title deeds for schools from councils - who must hand them over within 3 weeks of Gove and his replacement taking each school out of council control - even forcing taxpayers to pay the private academy company a £25,000 grant, for each school, to cover the legal fees to transfer outright ownership of the schools (and where possible the school land) - into the accounts of the new private education pirates.
This of course leaves a huge black hole in every councils' accounts - adding up to £billions - and when Michael Gove was challenged - where are the title deeds for the schools (state assets) you demanded councils hand over - for four months he refused to answer the freedom of information request.
After I involved the information commissioner - Gove's Department of Education was given 10 days to finally answer - the official reply, we have no record of where any of the title deeds are - in paper or electronic format - £billions of state assets have disappeared into thin air - he would have us believe.
They said ask the Tory party treasurer (who is transferrring education budget to Cayman Island fund) - his company Ark Schools may be able to tell me where the title deeds for their schools, saying
"Following a search of the Department’s paper and electronic records, I have established that the information you requested is not held by this Department. We suggest that you could ask ARK for this information. I should also point out that the freehold on the land does not in general transfer to academy trusts unless the predecessor school was a foundation school".
School land is already being sold - much as they try to hide behind the "peppercorn rent" statement - a statement Labour's Margaret Hodge, on the public accounts committee, also hid behind as she refused to investigate where are the title deeds for the schools, after I wrote to complain as to Gove having no record of where the title deeds are, Margaret Hodge making sure Gove could get away with stealing £billions of state assets without any investigation - all in it together.
And just to prove the agenda - just weeks ago - Westminster announced they are grabbing all school land - and transferring the "leases" for that too - into the coffers of private academy companies - like the Tory party treasurer Stanley Fink and Lord and Lady Harris - to bankrupt councils further - so they can sell sell the leases for the land as well as the schools very soon - and then rent the land from the companies they sell the leases to - and that money goes into Cayman Island funds too, with the Guardian reporting
"Councils opposed to government plans to force all schools to become academies have raised concerns about what has been described by some as a land grab reminiscent of “the dissolution of the monasteries”.
Under current arrangements, when schools become academies they lease the land from local authorities. The new plans, however, will see all school land transferred directly to the education secretary, Nicky Morgan, who will then grant leases to academy trusts.
The government says the controversial change has been made in order to speed up the process of academy conversion by avoiding time-consuming negotiations over land, but critics are concerned it represents a major handover of local authority land worth billions of pounds. "
Now this, of course, will allow the Tory Party treasurer to work the same scam used to bankrupt Southern Cross Nursing homes - sell the schools and the land leases and transfer that money to the Cayman Islands (over and above the education budget "underspends" each year) - and after he sells them to his friends - he, as a member of the Academy chain board, can sign contracts to rent the schools and land back at huge cost - so education budgets forever more are used to pay rent to pals - rather than educating children.
And once they have milked the education budget and assets for all they are worth - taxpayers will find American hedge funds controlling our kids education - as the elite move to have complete global control of education - as "lord" Stanley Fink, the Tory Party treasurer not only sits on the board of a stock brokers and Ark Schools - he also sits on the board of Ark Global (where the elite are to control all education budgets and every child's mind - with Tony Blair's "baroness" Sally Morgan and Rupert Murdoch's Lucy Heller involved too.
With Ark Global opening a school in India and involving themselves in child healthcare and will that be vaccination programmes too in every country - in every school - they say to defeat your enemy bring up their children.
And across England headteachers are up in court for embezzling the education funds, with one up in court as we find out
"Academy head used school funds for luxury flat refurbishment and sex games"
headteachers employing family with no qualifications, employing pals as "consultants", using money to pay for personal birthday parties, trips to luxury hotels and restaurants - this particular trailblazing headteacher, another of Tony Blair's "new" breed of greed controlling England's education corporate system, all working together to steal and plunder schoolchildren's education budgets - why they are taking schools out of councillors hands - so they cannot stop it.
Is that why Scottish Headteachers said yesterday, 28th May 2016 they back SNP plans to roll this Tory policy out across Scotland - with the new Tory MSP's saying they will help the SNP government fast track (like Cameron) taking all schools out of council control - before parents and voters across Scotland realise what is really going on.
After the SNP government lulling Scotland into a false sense of security at the Scottish elections - being very vague about their education plans - claiming this is about parents and headteachers while saying nothing about this being the biggest privatisation of taxpayers money, forever more - £3billion a year - Cameron's flagship policy -to take all schools out of council control too - so like their counterparts in England, Scotland's headteachers get the new unelected unaccountable power to hike up their own wages and start employing their pals too - with Scotland's part of the British Establishment (a large greedy contingent) also getting to plunder Scotland's education pie too.
And is that why Nicola Sturgeon has appointed her Finance man, John Swinney to lead the "SNP" education reforms - they have been planning behind Scotland's back for over 5 years, with the Tory think tank "Reform Scotland" and Kier Bloomer and then education minister Mike Russell - holdng"education conferences", bringing Academy Heads and Oxbridge minds up from England to help formulate the plan.
Tory think tank, headed by Scottish Tories, don't call the Scottish plan "academy chains" - the have opted to rebrand them as "clusters of schools" - o try to trick Scotland into thinking it is somehow different from David Cameron's policy.
Kier Bloomer the architect of the "curriculum for disaster" - who is on the advisory board of the Tory "think tank" set up to "reform" Scotland - with Alex Salmond their first dinner speaker in March 2009, when he was First Minister of Scotland.
The American owned "National" newspaper declaring Reform Scotland supports SNP plans - without explaining this is a think tank, set up by some of the most important players in the Tory party in England and Scotland (with the National instead calling it a "A LEADING pro-devolution think" - one that SNP have been working with for five years to roll out Cameron and Gove's flagship education policy - so much for the American owned National newspaper having Scotland's interests at heart.
Geoff Mawdsley, Director (Scottish Conservative candidate for Stirling in the 2001 General election and was the party's chief political adviser for 8 years)
Alison Payne (née Miller), research director (Scottish Conservative candidate for the 2007 City Council election in Edinburgh, former political adviser to Annabel Goldie)
With John Swinney even declaring his happiness that the Tory think tank gives their "very positive assessment of the SNP's manifesto pledge to transfer far more powers to local communities" - while he too keeps quiet about the fact Reform Scotland have been working with SNP to ensure this Tory policy is rolled out by SNP and Tories together.
And with Tony Blair's woman on Ark Global - that's why "new" Labour's Kezia Dugdale said nothing of any of this - because they are all in it together after key senior MSP's from SNP, Scottish Labour, Scottish Lib Dem and Scottish Tory all joined hands to join the Tory "reform of Scotland - via Reform Scotland together - to sit on the "advisory board" with Kier Bloomer.
Proving, just as in Westminster, we have no opposition parties in the Scottish parliament - just a clique of people who went to the same universities (controlled by the privy council) all recruited there to join all the parties - just like MP's, to sell out Scotland together for the British Establishment - the graduate breed of greed - that's our reward for giving them a free university education, all wearing different party badges while supporting the roll out of Westminster Tory policy - so much for devolution and democracy - that is how the breed of greed keep control - backed by Rupert Murdoch.
And now SNP, with no opposition or complaint from any MSP's in Scotland, with no one to warn the public as a result, plan to plunder Scotland's education budget, with Tory MSP's announcing this weekend they will help SNP fast track those plans and plunder council assets - with SNP desperately, like Cameron pedalling the same myth - this is about headteachers and parents having more say.
But SNP plans don't end there - their plans go much further than Cameron's, taking a sinister tone - as not only will unelected, unaccountable, undemocratic boards of business men (the sort of people who elected 31 Tory MSP's) take over control of schools and so our children's life chances - SNP are giving these business people control of every "named person" in every school in Scotland and also giving these business people the power to exploit every child in Scotland - to use them as free labour in their businesses.
The "named person" in each school - that private business people will now control - before we have a chance to realise the danger - is to have the power to access every family's police, social work and medical records - no doubt that will be extended to DWP records next too - under SNP highly sinister and dangerous "named person" legislation that comes into force this August - that had the backing of Green, Labour and Lib Dem - with Tories abstaining - NOT ONE MSP VOTING AGAINST IT (all in it together - Tory Reform)
This allows the business people to find out the circumstances of every family to better target the children who come from poor backgrounds, to work for them for free - using the SNP other very secret flagship education policy - "Foundation Apprenticeships", where SNP want every school in Scotland, by 2020, to start taking school children out of class to work for nothing - over 2 years - for the business people now running every school, e.g. the Manager of the local Poundland or McDonald's (and even nursing homes) - to exploit school children - with no councillor able to stop it.
And with Mike Russell saying he wants to break up every council and take every school out of council control - this will allow John Swinney to disguise the massive theft of title deeds for schools from every council easier than Michael Gove has.
And, as John Swinney, Nicola Sturgeon and Mike Russell also take each school out of council control - will they, like their Scottish Tory counterpart Michael Gove, whom Alex sits with happily in Westminster again, also force taxpayers to give every company controlling Scottish "clusters of schools" i.e. academy chains, £25k grant each time they take a school out of council control , to cover the legal fees to steal the title deeds too?
But it's not just Tory Reform Scotland that SNP and Scottish Tories are working with, worse there is a "charity" involved - (big society), the Hometown Foundation, a "charity" set up by a Scottish Enterprise man, Bill Nicol, that wants to set up it's own private gated community in Scotland - totally outwith democracy - a plan John Swinney, Mike Russell and former housing minister Margaret Burgess all say they support - also stating SNP can declare it a "scheme of national importance" to ensure the SNP government makes the planning decison - as local councillors reject these elitist plans.
With the Hometown Foundation "charity" pedalling their support for schools to be taken out of council control in the Scotsman in January this year.
CommonSpace warning this "charity" has a reported fascist on board and is also supported by Scottish Tory Party, as common space report
"The main author of the Scottish Conservative party's new education policy is working with a controversial think tank - one of whose leading figures the party once dismissed as "fascist" - in drawing up its education policy.
The author of the new policy, MSP for Mid Scotland and Fife Elizabeth Smith, told CommonSpace that she is in contact with the Hometown Foundation, a think tank which is working with schools to promote a new model of education; autonomous state funded schools."
and one of the Hometown Foundation board members wanted Tony Blair to put the Army in charge of schools as CommonSpace reported
"a director of the Hometown Foundation and member of its board of trustees, Robert Durward, had been a serial wealthy sponsor of right wing causes who established a political party in 2003, the New Party, which was described as "fascist and undemocratic" by then Scottish Conservatives leader David McLetchie.
In 2001, Durward advocated that schools and other public services be handed over to the army and placed under martial law. He wrote:
"Perhaps it is now time for Tony Blair to try the 'fourth way'" - (the forth reich way) "to declare martial law and let the army sort out our schools, hospitals, and roads as well. Who knows, they might even manage to put the 'great' back into Britain."
Speaking to CommonSpace, Smith said she did not agree with Durward's stated views, but was interested in co-operating with his fellow Foundation trustee Bill Nicol regarding the idea of state funded autonomous schools. She said: "I have had contact yes, and I will be meeting Mr Nicol quite soon."
But this "charity", fully supported by SNP and Scottish Tory Party leaders - which has held regular meetings with John Swinney, Margaret Burgess, Mike Russell and MSP's in the Scottish Parliament - the Hometown Foundation - has no money and is targetting our children's education budget - so they can set up their little private schools in their little gated community that does not pay taxes to a local council - and to help them achieve it SNP and Tory MSP's claim they want to improve education - like David Cameron - by taking school budgets out of democratically elected hands.
While we are told parents in Milngavie demand a school out of council control - it is in fact the Hometown Foundation who has written the report on their behalf, after they colluded in parliament with SNP Ministers - a report Nicola Sturgeon says she is considering using so like Michael Gove, if the local council will not take the school out of council control, Nicola's SNP government will do it by force.
With Nicola even considering, like her SNP councillors in Clackmannanshire, to circumvent democracy and not even put a bill through the Scottish parliament as Nicola claims she might make this a "pilot" - with the Hometown Foundation claim it will save money - when their eye is on getting their hands on our education budget.
While SNP pretend, like Cameron it is about giving parents and headteachers more say in how schools are run - Nicola Sturgeon and Alex Salmond's "new" SNP - just like Tony Blair's "new' Labour - are misleading the nation about their real education plans.
LIke Cameron, the headlines Nicola and her "new' SNP government repeat over and over again their "radical plan" is so "headteachers and parents" can have more say - but Clackmannanshire SNP controlled council explained the policy that Nicola deliberately and deviously mis-represents.
The Herald report reveals Clackmannanshire SNP said "business people" - like the Tory Party Treasurer - will control the new unelected, undemocratic, unaccountable school boards - the headteacher can sit on it - maybe even a parent and a pupil can help manage the school budget - but if an elected councillor is on the board - the councillor will have no voting power- so much for devolution and democracy - both being dismantled along with our kids education and life chances.
With Nicola also ensuring our children no longer get a high quality nursery education - as we found out within days of the election her Children's Bill to force councils to provide 30 hours child care is designed to replace 15 hours free quality nursery education for low paid workers children with 30 hours cheap and nasty supervision by unqualified staff - ruining the well being, life chances and education chances of every child in Scotland - whose parents cannot afford to top up the fees to ensure their children get a quality education.
Thatcher stole our children's milk - NIcola and her SNP cohorts stealing all our children's education and life chances - from nursery right up until they are exploited as free labour over two years to work free for the business people that now control their school and their lives - with Named Persons to keep every family in line - with no elected councillor left with any power to stop any of it - as it's all out of their hands - just like police, fire service, social care and named persons.