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SNP's Banker "Puppet Master" (Daily Record Chair) Dumping £30 billion more PFI on Scot

During the referendum the Daily Record and SNP made a great show of being enemies yet at the SNP conference in March there was a special meeting held where the Daily Record held an "interview" with John Swinney - where the newspaper representative and John Swinney joked about the Daily Record being the enemy and how it was time to kiss and make up.

Here is what neither John Swinney or the Daily Record representative told the SNP members as they sat joking about the Daily Record being the enemy of the Yes camaign.

In 2008, the SNP government appointed the Chairman of the Scottish Daily Record, Angus Grossart as the Chairman of their new SNP unelected PFI quango "The Scottish Futures Trust" - with a remit to dump £30 billion more PFI debt on Scotland.

This further £30 billion is not included in the £50 billion debt Scotland is expected to be in by 2020 - a figure John Swinney refuses to tell the Scottish nation - hoping he and his party can walk into the sunset, just like Tony Blair, before Scotland's people realise what has been done to them - SNP, Labour, Tory and Lib Dem MSP's all keeping conveniently quiet as they are all in it together, deliberately enslaving the nation in debt to ensure our taxes are used to service bankers rather than providing services.

Despite SNP assuring Scotland they would scrap PFI, instead they actually appointed many of the same people Scottish Labour & Lib Dems used, including Peter Reekie, Christa Reekie and Tony Rose who all previously made their living as “consultants” on the existing £22 billion PFI mountain of debt which Angus Grossart and SNP are determined to turn into the Everest Mountain of PFI debt - for one of the smallest countries in the EU - by increasing it £52 billion PFI debt by 2020 under the chairmanship of merchant banker Angus Grossart.

Here are some interesting facts about Angus Grossart - SNP's PFI King of Scotland.

Sixteen months after Fred "the Shred" Goodwin had 3 house windows smashed and his car damaged , the SNP PFI quango chief Grossart, close friend of Goodwin, dared to compare Goodwin's smashed windows "with the persecution of the Jews in Nazi Germany" - with Grossart claiming Goodwin was a "scapegoat" and his smashed windows "bore echoes of Kristallnacht".

While the SNP government's PFI quango king defended Fred "the shred" in 2010, after Fred had "moved to a sprawling £3.5 million property in Edinburgh’s south side..hidden from public view and has an electric security gate" , a choice no Jews had under Nazi rule, Jeremy Purvis, Liberal MSP said "What people high up in the banking community have to understand is that the vast majority of people in this country will be living with the consequences of the banking failure for years to come,” -

But this was no just someone high up in the banking community - this was an unelected banker high up in the SNP government who's remit means not only will we be living with that RBS banking debt but the £30 billion further PFI debt Fred the Shred's and SNP government merchant banker pal plans to dump on us.

The SNP government and Grossart ready to sink Scotland - the same way RBS was sunk - in a mountain of debt - having now carved Scotland into a private PFI monopoly board - each piece of the board called a PFI hub - with SNP government creating a private company to control each PFI hub where each council, NHS board, police, fire service and court service within the new Private PFI hub area - has only have 2.5% of the power each - while the Scottish Futures trust unelected quango wields 12.5% of the power and the private (mainly English) PFI consortium gets 60% i.e. all the power for awarding all the PFI contracts for the next 10 years to themselves - people no one electednwhere local people and councils have no power to stop it.

Scottish Labour & Lib Dems £22billion PFI debt burden on all of Scotland's people means Scotland's PFI repayments are already set to reach £1.2 billion per year out of our £30billion annual budget - with SNP and the Daily Record chairman attempting to increase those PFI repayments to £3 billion or more or 10% of our national budget every year, despite SNP claims they would stop all PFI in Scotland - when all they did was "rebrand" it - just as Mars rebranded Marathon as Snickers - and gave us an even worse version.

Merchant banker Grossart was on the board of Portland Televion when he became the SNP PFI Quango chief , a company pedalling porn channels into every home in Scotland with a Sky Box or Virgin Media box - banking porn.

Grossart was also a director of Murray International around the time as Chairman of the Daily Record he sacked the well respected editor, who helped bring down two senior Tory figures - some say because he dared to criticise David Murray, - a sordid affair the Guardian newspaper said was the Sunday Mail's "secret shame".

Grossart and Murray went on together to leave a trail of debt behind the collapse of Murray International (£200m to banks alone) - while David Murray set up a separate company to buy up parts of Murray International cheap, to deny creditors payments of the debts owed and then waited a few years to change the values of the companies he bought cheap (from himself) to their true value on the books of the new company so they keep the money creditors should have been paid - a practice known as "negative goodwill" - all perfectly "legal".

In 2004 Grossart, Stagecoaches' Anne Gloag and David Murray also went into business together to buy up a bus company in Scotland.

With David Murray's fellow board member at Murray International appointed as the SNP government's PFI chief no surprise then it waqs reported "Sir David Murray, one of Scotland's most vocal backers of the British state, today declares his support for Alex Salmond as First Minister in May's Holyrood elections in 2011".

And while SNP's PFI quango chairman Angus Grossart's Daily Record pedalled "the vow" and promoted "Devo Max" - ex SNP MSP Andrew Wilson - the man who proposed devo max - we find is one of the founders of Charlotte Street Partners, where Angus Grossart is also Chairman - so the Daily Record chairman and a former SNP MSP get together and the SNP's "strategic communications director", Kevin Pringle, joined them at Charlotte Street Partners soon after his disastrous SNP communications secured the NO vote with the help of Angus Grossart's Daily Record - Charlotte - the spider in the New SNP bankers party web.

And does the Daily Record report what is going on in that PFI quango their chairman is also the chairman of - where a contract was given to Spanish French consortium "Scottish Roads Partnership" to maintain the central belt motorways. The contract, we were told, was for £415million - but what was kept very quiet was merchant banker, the Daily Record and Keith Brown of the SNP government was they had all authorised a further £1billion PFI debt to be added to the contract.

The EU was most unhappy with SNP's "new" Scottish Futures Trust PFI "setup" and after accounting rule changes in 2014 the EU put a halt to all SNP PFI plans saying they breached accounting rules - only giving them the go ahead in November 2015 - but only if they stop trying to hide the colossal PFI debt added to the contracts and make clear how much PFI debt the SNP government is adding to every infrastructure contract.

But the scandal of one of the first and largest of the Scottish Futures "Trust"'s PFI contracts does not end there as six months after the £1.391 billion contract (not £415 million) was awarded, Barry White the CEO of the Scottish Future's Trust was appointed to the board of the company that "won" the contract, the Spanish/French Consortium "Scottish Roads Partnership" - a total conflict of interest as he is still the CEO of the SFT - is this the reward for the £1billion PFI added to the £415m contract approved by SFT - a boardroom seat on the PFI operator board giving him and them £1billion PFI reasons to smile?

And then SNP Minister Alex Neil gave Scottish Futures Trust CEO Barry White and fellow board member Christa Reekie £55million "loan" of Scottish Taxpayers money to set up their own "charity"

On the Scottish Government website Christa Reekie, Commercial Director of the Scottish Futures Trust, said

“SFT is delighted to have assisted LAR Housing Trust in becoming established. LAR will help to transform the lives of many hundreds of people in Scotland by offering high quality homes at affordable rent levels.” states "

"LAR is a charity registered with OSCR, arms-length from both the Scottish Government and the Scottish Futures Trust, governed by independent trustees."

yet an article by the Press and Journal reveals the Commercial Director of the Scottish Future Trust, Christa Reekie is the Chief Executive of LAR and "LAR was set up by the Scottish Government and the Scottish Futures Trust (SFT). It is an extension of the SFT’s National Housing Trust initiative".

And it's not just Christa Reekie from SFT leading the "charity" as SFT's CEO Barry White is on the board of the "charity" - the SFT and SNP government claim on their website is run by "independent trustees"

So SNP withdraw all Housing Association Grants - which resulted in a Scottish Housng Assoication being taken over by an English one as SNP said there was no money for housing - not for housin in democratic hands - so what are Angus Grossart and the SNP government's plans for "public" housing?

The SFT and SNP "affordable housing" model is to replace the public council and housing association publicly controlled housing with a PFI private landlord housing model where the rents will be anyting but "affordable" and the houses will be anything but public.

The SNP PFI scam they call "affordable housing" works like this - councils must borrow 70% of the cash, give it to property developers up front - the private developers can then sell all the homes built with public money after 6 years to private landlords, keeping the profits, with SNP and SFT adding a huge PFI contract to "manage and maintain" the houses (just like schools and hospitals and roads) to ensure the council never sees a penny rent or profit after the homes are sold and tenants rents are no longer guaranteed to be affordable after year 5, instead - shutting the tenants off from council completely with every tenant burdened with repsonsibility to pay the huge PFI contract on top of their "rent".

SNP stealing all power and control, right across Scotland, for housing, PFI, ambulances, police, fire service, social care, education and planning out of local hands - SNP are effectively dismantling democracy right across Scotland replacing it with bankers and lawyers on unelected quango boards, accountable to no one - SNP replacing power for the elected with power for pals they selected as SNP new "laws" say democracy is dead, our British Establishment bankers and lawyers and PFI profiteer pals now run this new SNP Scotland, without democracy - as why should people in Scotland be allowed to vote for how the country should be run -bankers know best.

And it's not just their bankers and lawyers - as SNP appointed David Cameron's "Ambassador for Public Appointments", Moi Ali, who also worked for England's "Lord Chancellor" and England's "Lord Chief Justice" at the time - to sit on their unelected Scottish Police Authority, Scottish Ambulance Service and Education Scotland quangos - ensuring devolution itself is rendered useless and Westminster Tories control all Scotland - by SNP appointment - why SNP and Moi Ali are now rolling out Cameron's policy to take all schools also out of any democratic control (and the annual £3 billion education budget).

As this new SNP undemocratic Scotland, allows SNP and their PFI quangos to be up to their neck in wrongful practices - rolling out Westminster Tory polices - with the PFI quango under the control of merchant banker Angus Gossart - the man Rupert Murdoch's Times calles "The Puppet Master" of Scotland - who pulls all the right strings - the same Rupert Murdoch that backed SNP, Tony Blair and Thatcher - SNP having two of the most powerful Media Barons in Scotland backing them all the way - hiding the truth of the treachery and corruption from the people of Scotland - treating us like mushrooms - keeping us in the dark and feeding us sheer manure.

When a government appoints the Chairman of a national newspaper to be the Chairman of their unelected PFI Quango to dump £30 billion more PFI debt on Scotland and there is obvious wrong doing, to any reasonable thinking person, in that quango - we have no democracy - as government and media become one with a banker to enslave Scotland in debt - which the banker's newspaper and Rupert Murdoch's empire, of course, will not report - all in it together.

And the SNP government have also appointed a British Establishment banker, Lady Susan Rice, who was a director of the Bank of England for seven years, to be on the board of Scottish Water and the Chairman of Business Stream the private arm of Scottish Water.

Lady Susan Rice, appointed after Nicola and Alex did a water shocker deal with David Cameron, behind the Scottish Nation's back, during the referendum, where Nicola Sturgeon personally lodged the paperwork to allow Cameron to change Scotland's devolved water laws, to allow Cameron to include Scotland and our water in the new Westminster Parliament's totally unregulated UK private water market.

This deal to create a UK Private Water market, Nicola Sturgeon stated was a "joint objective" between the SNP government and Cameron's coalition government - at the same time Nicola and Alex toured Scotland pretending they wanted to split from the UK saying "they don't do deals with Tories".

In the Legislative Consent Motion (LCM) also known as a Sewel Motion, Nicola Sturgeon states in Clause 9

"The Scottish Government welcomes the UK Government’s intention to take a similar approach to retail competition for non-domestic water customers as the one already in place in Scotland and have agreed a joint objective of creating a seamless Scottish-English retail market. The Bill facilitates this by enabling provision to be made so that where a new entrant applies for a licence in England and Wales, it can also be treated as an application for the equivalent licence in Scotland (and vice versa). This will benefit both Scottish and English customers"

With Cameron confirming this gave him power to change Scotland's devolved water laws, where it says in Note 7 on page two of the explanatory notes of the Westminster Water Bill (that got Royal Ascent on 14th May 2014 - four months before the referendum - this bill is

"To facilitate a cross-border retail market between England and Wales and Scotland the Act amends the WIA and equivalent Scots Law. This will allow Ofwat and the Water Industry Commission for Scotland (WICS) to accept a single application for water and sewerage licences in each jurisdiction."

With Scotland still oblivous to this deal to sell Scotland's water down the Westminster River by the SNP MSP's to ensure in 2017 Scotland's water is part of Cameron, Nicola and Alex new UK water market - using the referendum as cover to steal Scotland's complete water independence from the Scottish Nation, with Nicol and Alex also agreeing to Cameron's request that the wholesale revenues for Scotland's water, not just the retail revenues, can be paid to private English water companies from 2017, instead ofScotland's public water company.

And as a result of the SNP /Westminster water shocker deal, behind our back during the refrerendum, Scottish Water say on page 179 of the Appendices for their 2015/21 plan all Scottish Household water bills are "at risk", with Scottish Water already losing £55 million more than expected when all the MSP's voted together (except Solidarity) to create the Scottish private water market that went live in 2008.

Just like PFI and Nick Clegg's tuition fees "pledge" - Labour, Tory, Lib Dem and Tories and even Scottish Greens pretending together Scotland's water will not be privatised to get elected - lies to get the power to do the opposite.

And SNP minister Keith Brown also misled the nation over the contract the SNP government awarded to Anglian Water (after delaying the decision three times) - a deal that transfers 20% of Scottish Water's business revenues into English coffers every year for the next four years.

Keith Brown claimed the private English water company Anglian Water's tender would give £5 million a year more savings than the Scottish Water tender - how true was that statement?

The Utility Week trade magazine revealed the Anglian tender was possible £40 million savings over 4 years - Scottish Water's tender was possible £36 million over 4 years - a difference of £4 million at most - if at all - not the £20 million difference Keith Brown claimed - and as most of the savings are "notional" based on possible water saving advise - once Scottish Water redundancies are factored in this means instead of savings we are left paying more - after SNP desperately bundled over 100 public sector water contracts together to give the illusion there would be savings of £20 million over four years if they awarded Anglian the contract.

"Lady" Rice, Nicola and Alex using the Anglian deal to transfer 20% of Scottish water's business revenues every year for the next four years into English coffers - as they deliberately trying to bankrupt Scottish water by stealth- as if they can bankrupt Scottish Water this leaves the "market" for all Scotland's water revenues free for the hedge funds that own the English water companies to collect - to ensure they have a monopoly on our water and it's revenues forever - while the corrupt MSP's in our parliament and their media baron pals still mislead Scotland our water will never be privatised.

SNP in bed with bankers and the British establishment the entire time - merging national press with government to hide the corruption and lies - SNP and national "newspapers" and the BBC and Sky don't lead the nation - they collectively deliberately mislead the nation and keep us in the dark.

Is that why Alex was paid £10,000 to attend lunch with Merchant Bankers in London during the general election campaign - while Yes voters, who trusted him, were doing his campaigning for him - Alex pictured laughing with the bankers at the people of Scotland, knowing yes and no voters had been very cleverly conned by Alex, Nicola, Cameron and his "better together" pals, the Daily Record Chairman, Rupert Murdoch's media empire and the BBC (who promote Nicola Sturgeon every chance they can) together.

And just to guarantee the NO vote - SNP councils (along with Better Together councils) right across Scotland clubbed together (using our council tax) - to replace free elections with outsourced Elections.

Westminster Tory MP Peter Lilley is on the board of a private company called IDOX Elections, and since 2013 his private company controls the votes and the counts in elections and referendums right across Scotland - why Ruth Davidson knew the referendum postal vote result before the count, why SNP and Tories won the referendum, general election and the Scottish election together.

And IDOX elections are bragging about the "revenues" they will bag by controlling the EU referendum the Tories also have in their gag - to decide the outcome as they did the EU Election, the Scottish Refrendum, the General Election, the Scottish Election and every Mayor and Police and Crime Commission "election" since 2013 - with plans already in place to also fiddle next years Scottish Council elections together - to ensure permanent SNP/Tory victories for them and their bankers forever.

As Stalin (of all people) said, it's not the people who vote that decide it is the people who count the vote - and Scotland and the rest of the UK no longer have free elections we have bought and paid for IDOX elections - just another detail the Daily Record and Rupert Murdoch fail to tell the nation - the Herald reporting it after I sent them the story I had written on this website.

I also spoke with Daily Record, BBC, Mirror, STV, Guardian and Independent journalists, sending on the evidence, I am unaware of any reports from any of these "free press" and national news media outlets regarding IDOX controlled elections (they don't want peple to realise they are fiddling the EU referendum together where the Westminster Tory MP Peter Lilley's private company now controls the electoral register for over 13 million votes across the UK.

Across the UK hundreds of voters are getting letters telling them they cannot vote, as after decades of registering to vote, magically since IDOX took control of the electoral register everyone has forgotten how to register with voters whom IDOX did allow to vote then getting letters telling them magically their postal votes are not valid - IDOX refused to put their votes forward - only putting forward "postal" votes they wanted in the ballot boxes - "postal" votes they can submit right up to the 10pm deadline.

While the misleading UK media are telling the nation about the Tory illegal overspends - they say nothing of the IDOX colossal election fraud - with the police refusing to take complaints or investigate - despite the fact the Electoral commission states if there is election fraud report it to the police - just like Hillsorough - they close ranks to cover up their corruption - the power of the establishment - who can steal free elections from the people and the media and police - who are meant to be the democratic counter balance to stop corruption in it with them all the way - except the Glasgow Herald - a lone beacon trying to shine a light on the corruption and warn the nation.

This is not democracy - and every single MSP, MP and councillor involved in stealing free elections from the nation is as guilty of treason as anyone who supported Hitler.

Our grandparents, great grandparents and great great grandparents gave their lives in two world wars to ensure they preserved free elections for future generations - and this generation of corrupt colluding four big political parties in governments and councils across the UK.

This generation of New SNP, New Labour, New Lib Dem and Old Tory are the enemy within who support the "New" Order - that have stolen free elections just as Hitler tried to achieve - using treachery and stealth, in collusion with BBC, Sky, STV, Channel 4 and most newspaper owners and editors blakcing out of the treachery together - to ensure the nation is not aware for the past 3 years what has really being going on - that the EU election, Scottish Referendum, General Election, Scottish Election and now the EU Referendum and all Council, Mayor and Police and Crime Commissioner Elections were all bought and paid for using IDOX elections.

With IDOX Group reporting their half year results to 30th April, just 12 days ago - a 26% increase in "revenues" and interim dividend of 0.35p (2015: 0.325p) up 8% - for Peter Lilley who owns 500,000 shares in IDOX, with the company stating "Following the strong first half performance, we have additional visibility of revenues from the European Referendum and a healthy pipeline and order book"

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