In late August 2016 we were told an unelected quango "Transport for Edinburgh" would be taking over control of the last publicly owned bus company in Scotland, Lothian Buses.
This gives a small clique of people, whom no one elected, not only control of all public owned buses and trams in Edinburgh and surrounding areas but also control of where we can walk and cycle in Scotland's capital city.
A few weeks before "Transport Minister" Humza Yousaf announced the SNP government will decide by 2018 who is allowed to drive, and more importantly who is not allowed to drive in Scotland's cities
i.e. Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Inverness Stirling and Perth - is this why the London Privy council was so keen to re-designate more towns as "cities" in Scotland - in preparation for this move?
The justification for restricting freedom of movement in Scotland given by this "minister" was some people might have vehicles with high emissions - how can that be justification when we have been told car manufacturers have been misleading governments and drivers for years about the emission figures for cars.
This from a government who refuses to ban fracking which will poison the air 80% of Scotland's population breathes far worse and far quicker than car emissions.
So are car emissions just a cover for a far darker agenda - restricting freedom of movement with MOD people involved, where the Scottish government will hand out Green stickers, based on what we now know are car emission figures that cannot be trusted, to people in the chosen network,while those outwith their elite network are told you are not allowed to drive in any Scottish city?
This includes hauliers - which is a good way to ensure the big hauliers across Britain can drive the small ones in Scotland out of business and take their place with claims their trucks have better emissions.
What next yellow stars for those not worthy of walking or cycling or using public transport - issued by Transport for Edinburgh unelected quango led by this man?

It could well be, as the new head of Transport for Edinburgh , George Lowder, is a Westminster MOD senior surveillance officer who has advised Westminster and the White house on Palestine policy (where the home nation have restrictions on their freedom of movement across the entire country while Israelis' backed by the MOD and the White House have complete freedom of movement).
He was The Director of Defence Intelligence Operations , responsible for global operations for the whole of the MOD.

And he is not the only MOD figure appointed to control Scotland's transport system, - Donald Carmichael, was appointed as Director for Transport Policy (for all of Scotland) in 2012 in the Scottish Government's unelected quango "Transport Scotland" . He too worked for the MOD before conveniently transferring to work for the "Scottish" Parliament.

Then we have another Westminster man, John Nicholls who worked for Westminster's Department For Transport for over 15 years (before moving to Scotland in 2003) on the board to control transport for all Scotland - so much for devolution!

And the scene of course would not be complete without a Westminster Treasury official who also happened to have worked for RBS - as every SNP quango seems to have an RBS connection (where Alex Salmond used to work).
This man, Aidan Grisewood, was appointed to lead SNP's 10-year Housing Strategy in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis (which RBS caused).
Prestwick airport, we were told was "nationalised" for £1 is in fact in the control of a private company, set up by SNP, called TS Prestwick Holdings Ltd.
Who is on the board of that private company (along with the 6 others that have been set up for Prestwick Airport ?
Alex and Nicola appointed Andrew Miller, along with their ex Westminster man John Nicholls to control the company.
Miller was a management consultant in London for Price Waterhouse Coopers and then worked for the world's largest Duty Free retail operator.
And it's not just buses, roads, airport - SNP put Serco in charge of Northern Ferries - taking the contract off of the public company to do it - and Serco immediately started sacking public sector staff.
Then Nicola gave Westminster's Network Rail control of Scotrail - using Abellio as the front - (whose directors had to stand down weeks later for corruption in tendering processes - Nicola adamant the contract stands regardless) - as she failed to mention Abellio and Westminster's Network Rail set up a company together to take over Scotrail - Network Rail controls it for Cameron and May.
With SNP government agreeing the Scottish taxpayer will pay for all Network Rails upgrades to stations and track they own and Scotland will take on the £9 billion debt as Westminster want to privatise the lot - and leave the taxpayers with all the debt network rail is meant to take on for the improvements in Scotland.
And SNP are dumping £30 billion more PFI on us - along with the £9 billion for railtrack.
For one motorway contract that was meant to be £450million - SNP added £1 billion PFI contract - and Barry White, the CEO of their PFI quango- Scottish Futures Trust - Barry White - was given a seat on the board of the PFI company that was awarded the extra £1 billion - so now he sits on the Scottish Government PFI quango board and the board of the PFI company that "won" the contract - giving him £1 billion reasons to smile - despite the obvious conflict of interest.
And who is the chairman of their PFI Quango - Mr Devo Max himself, Angus Grossart, the chairman of the Daily Record who just happens to be the ex "vice" chair of RBS - who pedals adult porn channels into everyone's home with Rupert Murdoch's Sky boxes - Murdoch who supported SNP, Blair, Thatcher and Cameron - who all sit together on the Queens Privy council - Rupert Murdoch calls SNP's PFI quango chief and Daily Record Chairman - who is a banker - the "puppet master of Scotland'
Grossart and SNP are dumping a whole load more PFI debt - £30 billion more - a huge chunk on to the new Aberdeen peripheral route and hospitals and schools - despite SNP promise if we trusted them with our vote there would be no more PFI.
So Scotland's entire transport system is no longer in our control - thanks to New SNP working with Better together in Westminster while they put on punch and judy shows every day pretending they are separate parties when they are all just branches of the Westminster Tory party - otherwise
Why is the one of the most senior MOD officials in charge of our Capital City's entire pubic transport system at the same time Scottish Government said they will be restricting who can drive in our cities with ex Westminster and MOD staff in charge of All Scotland's transport instead of Scotland's elected councillors?
The same councillors who were also stripped of all power for policing only for the SNP government to then appoint two senior London Met Officers - backed by a member of the Prime Minister's cabinet office (who also works for Westminster's Lord Chief Justice and Lord Chancellor) - where is the democracy or the devolution in any of that?
When you look at what the SNP government have been doing - gradually dismantling Scotland's entire local democracy and handing control over to Westminster officials by creating unelected Quangos - this proves this New SNP - just like Blair's lot - are not serving the people but an MOD / Police Tory state.
And it does not get more fascist looking than one of the most senior NATO MOD officials who advised Cameron and Obama on their Palestinen policies, controlling our capital city's entire public transport system with Lothian Bus workers angered at the lack of transparency and threatening strike action - for good reason Scotland - as New Labour and New SNP sell Scotland, all our local democracy, devolution and control down the Westminster river together.