Lady Leeona Dorrian
Treachery means "Willful betrayal of fidelity, confidence, or trust"
Have Indycampers experienced treachery at their appeal court hearing this week regarding the attempt by the Scottish Parliament Corporate Body to evict them from land which belongs to the entire nation?
Read this and you decide.
With many people in Scotland believing the nation was defrauded of independence, a valiant group of free thinking Scots set up a vigil in the grounds of the Scottish Parliament untill justice prevailed and the Independence they perceived Scotland voted for is granted.
Since November 2015 the Indycamp members have been using this vigil to educate not only the people of Scotland but visitors from abroad regarding the events they believe were used to rob the Scottish Nation of their YES vote.

The BBC website report by Philip Sim on 30 Nov 2015, where the image above was part of the story, states
"The camp is based on a similar vigil held for five years during the 1990s campaign for devolution"
"The People's Voice group plan to keep their Edinburgh vigil, dubbed IndyCamp Live, manned constantly until the day Scotland declares independence from the UK.
The campaign is pitched as a continuation of the Democracy for Scotland vigil which saw a hardy band of campaigners spend more than five years camped at the Calton Hill calling for a referendum on devolution between 1992 and 1997.
The present-day campers also take inspiration from the Declaration of Arbroath, which noted that "as long as but a hundred of us remain alive, never will we be on any condition brought under English rule".
The Indycamp not only educate people, while maintaining this vigil, but kindly giving people a place to rest their weary head as they visit Edinburgh, many of them austerity laden Scots visiting our parliament for the first time, like Indycampers with not a lot of money to spare.
As in austerity Scotland, with hotel bills at a premium in Edinburgh, the Indycampers don't have the luxury of having their expenses paid by taxpayers as MSP's and the Judiciary do, Indycampers don't have the luxury of free breakfast, lunch and dinners and no expense spared lifestyle, as the MSP's and Judiciary do, funded by taxpayers, in food parcel Scotland.
Like Mary and Joseph in times gone by - and many austerity laden Scots who want to visit the Scottish Parliament today- Indycampers have nowhere they can afford to rest their weary head in the nation's capital other than in public land which the Scottish Parliament Corporate Body is entrusted to ensure is avialable for the use of the people - while they hold vigil for the real independence referendum YES result to be honoured.
Why are they so sure the result was false and election fraud had been committed?
Before any counts were finalised for any constituency and declared, Tory MSP Ruth Davidson revealed live on TV she knew the postal vote result just 45 minutes after polls closed - such a shocking revelation police were tasked with investigate how this could possibly happen.
As the count progressed through the night STV reported fire alarms went off twice in the Dundee vote counting centre with the following days bringing reports of invalid ballot papers with no bar code and ballot papers being found dumped.
Despite being tasked with investigating why Ruth Davison knew the postal vote result before the votes were actually counted by election count staff, police and prosecutors claimed there was no case to be answered a year later - after interviewing only 3 people as "witnesses" - but this may not be over as the Herald revealed just in May this year
"Riddle deepens over Ruth Davidson and allegations of referendum election fraud".
With widespread complaint across Scotland - the referendum was rigged - who could have expected the SNP government's "Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body (SPCB)" to attempt to evict Scottish people from public land they have a right to use - just as the Devolution vigil had used Calton Hill for five years to hold their vigil - as Indycampers hold vigil to demands the referendum vote fraud allegations are taken seriously.
But that is exactly what happened, with the Scottish Parliament Corporate Body (SPCB) using their access to Scottish Taxpayers money and the might of the Scottish "justice" system in their attempt to evict Indycampers who believe they are forcing some to face their conscience in regard to the perceptions the referendum was rigged, every time they walk into the Scottish Parliament.
Many across Scotland where not surprised when the initial Judge ruled the Indycampers should be evicted.
But the Indycamp vigil was not ended there as these valiant Scots stood firm, to appeal to a "higher" court against what they believed to be gross injustice.
The Scottish Parliament Corporate Body, appearing desperate to make this go away as fast as possible, fast tracked the appeal.
And events in the Inner Court, this week, took an even darker turn as one of the "appeal judges" had an obvious vested, interest in common with the solicitors representing the SPCB trying to evict the Indycampers.

Lady Leeona Dorrian is one of the three appeal judges put in place to hear the appeal against the decision to evict the Indycamp from public land.
So what legal treachery has been committed against the Indycampers?
The BBC states the solicitor body representing the Scottish Parliament Corporate Body in the Indycamp eviction case is
Brodies LLP address : 15 Atholl Crescent, Edinburgh, Midlothian, EH3 8HA
Since 1996, Lady Leonna Dorrian has been a director of the board of a company called
Companies house records reveal one of the other "persons with significant control" on the board of this London based solicitors office, as secretary of the board is
BRODIES SECRETARIAL SERVICES LIMITED 15 Atholl Crescent, Edinburgh, Midlothian, EH3 8HA
Notice the Judge's company secretary is at the same address and shares the same name "Brodie" with the lawyers representing the Scottish Parliament Corporate Body trying to evict the Indycampers
N.B. The Endole website lists 602 companies at this address, with combined worth of hundreds of millions of pounds, so one would expect these two companies to be situated in a Goliath of an office block - but a quick check on Google's Street View shows these two Brodies companies and 600 other companies all registered as doing business from this small, unassuming mid terrace location.

Image of 15 Atholl Crescent, Edinburgh, Midlothian, EH3 8HA from Google Street View
But it does not end there because:
Brodie's LLP - the solicitors for the Scottish Parliament Corporate Body - are on the board of Brodie's Secretarial - the company that is the Secretary for the Judge's private solictor's business in London.
Talk about a closed shop between solicitors and judges against austerity laden, practically penniless Indycampers, who have had to teach themselves law, with the aid of people who believe they have experienced the same treachery, to the cost of their health, having been robbed of their wealth, they believe, by a Scottish "legal" system corrupted since the act of the union in 1707.
It is no wonder then, BBC's Philip Sim tweeted from the court
"Immediately, one IndyCamp member, "David", challenges the jurisdiction of the court. "You are incompetent to hear this case" he tells judges"
David understood, as do the rest of the Indycampers now, Lady Leeona Dorrian had no right to sit in Judgement when the legal firm representing MSP's in this case also serve on the board of the company that serve on the board of her solicitors firm in London with both Lady Dorrian and representative from Brodies LLP saying nothing of both their conflict of interest.
With BBC's Philip Sim tweeting David's claim this should be held as a Jury Trial and this was a "sham court", an undemocratic "show trial" which "voids all due process" due to a lack of jury"
In the face of this obvious conflict of interest by one of the appeal court Judges sitting in Judgement and the solicitors for the SPCB an Indycamper - a grown man - was left in tears of sheer frustration at the continued injustice with Sim's tweets for BBC revealing
"No one is bound to obey unjust laws", David says. Mr Gemmell rises to agree that #IndyCamp case is "not for one man, any man, to judge"
"Mr Gemmell says it's unfair that #IndyCamp were not given more time to prepare their case; says this breaches their right to a fair trial."
"Mr Keatings up now; he says the case involves the electorate through parliament, so agrees it should ideally be heard by a jury. #IndyCamp"
"David points out that governments can pass bad or repressive laws, which result in "show trials". Jurors should be allowed to judge laws too" and "this is a "sham court", an undemocratic "show trial" which "voids all due process" due to lack of a jury"
"Mr Keatings says the #IndyCamp would have accepted the ruling of their peers, so a jury would have been the best way forward for the case"
Appeal Judge, Lady Leeona Dorrian, who knew she should have recused herself from the trial, with the obvious connection between the board of her solictors firm and the board of Brodies LLP, representing MSP's against the Indycampers then dared to say, as Philip Sims' tweet reveals
"Judges confer; Lady Dorrian rules out any possibility of a jury trial. Appeals never heard by jury, she says; wants to hear no more about it"
And now we understand how solicitors and Judges are able to operate a closed shop against the people of Scotland as they hold all the power regardless if their actions are unlawful.
BBC's Philip Sims tweets go on to say
"David asks judges to recuse themselves; says theyre not applying Scots law: may be committing offences. Lady Dorrian doesn't want to hear it"
"David says the #IndyCamp case must be heard under "common law" for the protection of the campers and everyone in Scotland." and "David wants case paused for a month so his "tribe" can present evidence about why court has no jurisdiction; will bring a jury of the people"
"David points out that Parly has "vast amounts of wealth", and campers have none - "some of us don't have homes", he notes. So case unfair"
The Indycampers summed up the injustice, as the tweets went on to reveal
"David closes by saying "there is no justice system". Mr Moynihan fr SPCB opposes any delay to case; notes judges have repeatedly denied this"
"Lady Dorrian refuses motion to pause the #IndyCamp case, as well as one that judges should recuse themselves. David says latter is a "crime"
Yet, the Law Society Gazette, on the 14th October 2013, explains Judicial Recusal clearly as it states
"A judge must step down in circumstances where there appears to be bias or ‘apparent bias’.Judicial recusal is not then a matter of discretion. The test for determining apparent bias is this: if a fair-minded and informed observer, having considered the facts, would conclude that there was a real possibility that the judge was biased, the judge must recuse himself (see Porter v Magill [2002] 2 AC 357 at [102]). That test is to be applied having regard to all the circumstances of the case."
"‘to maintain society’s trust and confidence, justice must not only be done but be seen to be done’."
"David says: "Im not going to be party to this criminal activity; I'm going to get my own jury". Lady Dorrian agrees he can withdraw frm case"
"Mr Keatings quotes Nelson Mandela & Martin Luther King; "injustice anywhere is threat to justice everywhere". Warns case could set precedent"
with Judge Leeona Dorrian trying to silence the Indycampers case from being heard, regarding their human rights, rights under the Land Reform Act and of their right to be on public land to educate and inform both Scotland's people and visitors from abroad regarding the injustice of the nation being robbed of the rightful independence they voted for -as Philip Sim tweets
"Lady Dorrian asks Mr Keatings to "curtail" his remarks; court "indulging" to hear him as Land Reform Act not mentioned in formal arguments"
"Mr Keatings says the Land Reform Act doesn't draw a distinction between a caravan on a holiday or one used in a protest camp."
"Mr Keatings says court failed to respect the rights of #IndyCamp; cites several cases of Roma travellers winning compensation after eviction"
Not only are the Indycampers experiencing the full might of the perceived injustice of the Scottish "justice" system closed shop between solicitors and Judges, this is proving to be a David v Goliath court case in more ways than one.
As the Indycamp eviction case has moved through the "justice" system more allegations have been made in Scotland regarding how, not only the Scottish Referendum result was fraudulent but the General Election, BREXIT and the mysterious rise in the number of Tory MSP's returned in the Scottish elections were all fraudulent too, a more than 100% increase from 15 to 31 Tory MSP's.
Election laws were changed in 2000 and in 2001 by Westminster to allow innovation in elections but little did the nation and many elected representatives realise the innovations used could allow perpetual election fraud to effectively disenfranchise the nation.
In 2013 SNP, Tory, Labour and Lib Dem councils across Scotland, along with councils across the rest of the UK, without the nation's knowledge, privatised control of postal votes they are entrusted with, into a private corporation, IDOX Elections' hands - this company has Tory MP Peter Lilley on the board and their website reveals
"Idox is also the largest provider of electoral management systems in the UK, Idox Elections covers a voting population of 13 million. Idox Elections' team of experts include former Electoral Registration Officers who advise the UK's central government on initiatives such as the Individual Electoral Registration. Idox Elections' wide-range of electoral management solutions include: electoral administration managed print services Postal Vote Managed Services e-Counting and e-Voting hosted solutionsIdox Elections is more than happy to discuss your electoral management needs. In addition, Idox Group can advise on the collaborative solutions that can meet all of your software, hosting and managed service needs"
Council officials were advised to do this by the Electoral Commission - with the Electoral Commission itself innovating and outsourcing control of their services too for the General Election which resulted in a suprise Tory victory.
SNP, Labour, Tory and Lib Dem parties, on this advise, used their power and austerity laden British Nation's ever dwindling council tax revenues to enrich this company and Peter Lilley by giving it contracts to control the postal votes and software contracts - where this private corporation's staff - not election staff - control the postal vote packs - where they got to open all postal votes in their control and their staff decided which postal votes got binned and which were lucky enough to be handed over to be included in the official count.
Is this why Tory MSP Ruth Davidson knew the result of the postal vote before the official Scottish Referendum count as fellow Tory party member, Peter Lilley's staff were in control of most of the postal votes in Scotland and could hand "postal votes" over right up to the 10pm deadline - could they also keep an eye on turnout at the polling stations while they were in control of those postal votes up to polling stations closed?
SNP joined Better Together controlled councils in giving IDOX Elections a part to play - with three SNP councils in Tayside chipping in together to pay Peter Lilley's IDOX elections.
Council controlled Election staff have until now, we believe, controlled all votes to ensure no party or coalition or corporation can commit election fraud - and do the new election and referendum "innovations" demonstrate, when a company tied to one political party via an MP being on the board, is given contracts by councils controlled by their elected members along with SNP, Labour and Lib Dem elected officials - which enable this company to cover over 13 million votes across the UK this has resulted in Tories getting the results they wanted ever since.
It is hard to dispute the Indycampers two points - that mass election fraud has been committed (alongside the same thing happening at the general election, EU referendum and Scottish Elections) - and that the might of the British Establishment has been brought to bear to try to stop the truth from coming out of the treason committed not just against the people of Scotland but the entire UK nations and when the people seek this treason to be redressed and keep this in the public eye - the establishment closes ranks to cover their sins and treason using all the power that is purely in their hands.
With some of the Indycampers present at the appeal making references to Jesus and God's law, this is an apt reminder of how any organisation, the justice system political parties, business, elections and referendum can be easily corrupted with just a few key people placed in the right positions of power - as Jesus himself, the bible says, was betrayed by 1 of the 12 disciples - all it takes is just 8% of members of any organisation or across different organisations to plot together to corrupt justice and elections.