Left to right: Back Row :Andy Wightman (Green) Alex Johnstone (Tory) David Stewart (Lab) Front Row : Liam McArthur (L Dem) Ken Macintosh (Lab) Gordon MacDonald (SNP)
For five years voters held a vigil on Calton Hill - public land - to keep the dream alive for devolved home rule, which was consistently denied after what was perceived to be a rigged referendum in 1979 with a Scottish Parliament Cairn put in place to commemorate this vigil for devolution with the tent, set up on Calton Hill alongside a portakabin on a public footpath, for this vigil now displayed in the National Museums for Scotland - saved and displayed for posterity.
Councillors tasked with managing the public land, known as Calton Hill, had no issue with this five year permanent vigil, knowing the public has a right to use public land as long as no one is breaking the law.
This 5 year vigil to keep the devolution dream alive, and in the public eye, was rewarded when Scotland finally got the devolved home rule.
But devolution is not guaranteed constitutional existence, a devolved home rule system of government is created by ordinary legislation and can be reformed, or even abolished, by repeal or amendment of that ordinary legislation.
Many in Scotland did not want home rule but complete independence, a guaranteed right of constitutional existence as a country ruling its own affairs, completely independent of London Rule - something Westminster has never been willing to offer.
And with the return of a Tory government, and cruel policies enforced on the people, the clamour in Scotland for independence once again grew and the Tory government finally offered Scotland a referendum in 2014 to decide if Scotland should once again be an independent country in it's own right again.
To everyone's surprise the nation and the world were told the vote was No and just as devolution supporters had believed the devolution vote of 1979 was rigged so YES supporters believed this vote was rigged, especially as the leader of the Scottish Conservative party, Ruth Davidson, announced, before the count, she knew the result of the postal votes resulting in what the nation was told would be a full police investigation into "claims pro-UK campaigners took illegal postal vote 'tallies'"
Scotland waited over a year only for the Procurator fiscal to say there was no case to answer, despite the police only interviewing 3 "witnesses" - but this is not the end of this as in May this year the Herald reported "Riddle deepens over Ruth Davidson and allegations of referendum election fraud"
On the back of this shocking lack of investigation, some Yes voters set up a vigil on public land, to keep this in the public eye and demand a rerun of the Independence referendum.
The only difference between the five year devolution vigil on public land commemorated for posterity with a Cairn and a tent on display in a Scottish Museum and the Independence vigil on public land was - in the devolution vigil case elected councillors managed Calton Hill while MSP's manage Hollyrood public land.
Unlike the councillors, MSP's decided they wanted the indycamp vigil evicted from public land - to ease their conscience, so they did not have to face them every day - as these MSP's new their parties, including SNP, had secretly privatised control of most of the postal votes for the Independence Referendum into a private company, Idox Elections hands - a private company with Tory MP Peter Lilley on the board.
Is this why Ruth Davidson knew the postal vote result before the count - which Police have been asked to re-investigate now the public have found out about secret privatisation of control of postal votes by a company linked to the Tory Party - a request the police force (MSP's ensured they now control) point blank refuse to do?
All the main TV news stations and the national newspapers across the UK were provided with evidence of this secret involvement of IDOX elections - who without the nation's knowledge have been involved in every election and referendum since 2013 - and Tories have been "winning" ever since - but all but one of these "news" media refused to report this - only the Herald running the story.
This is why vote rigging allegations are not going away and why MSP's from every party involved are desperate to get this Indycamp vigil and vote rigging allegations out of site and out of mind with no cairns or museums to commemorate this vigil.
With this in mind we must question MSP's actions of MSP's to evict the independence vigil.
We also must question London actions especially as the Judge who recently ruled the Indycamp vigil should be evicted, Lord Turnbull, was rewarded weeks later for his services with a seat for life on the privy council in London - alongside Nicola Sturgeon, Alex Salmond, Nick Clegg, David Cameron, Ed Milliband - the leaders of the parties that secretly privatised control of postal votes across the UK into fellow privy councillor, Tory MP Peter Lilley's hands.
MSP's desperate to get the independence voters and accusations of vote rigging out of the public eye - and out of their face every day- then moved to "fast track" the appeal against Lord Turnbull's decision to get these yes voters out of sight and out of mind.
And these voters then found at the appeal court - the judge and the solicitors for the Scottish Parliament had a common conflict of interest - as they all sat on the board of a company together in London - appeal court treachery.
The BBC states the solicitor body representing the Scottish Parliament Corporate Body in the Indycamp eviction case is
Brodies LLP address : 15 Atholl Crescent, Edinburgh, Midlothian, EH3 8HA
Since 1996, Lady Leonna Dorrian has been a director of the board of a company called
Companies house records reveal one of the other "persons with significant control" on the board of this London based solicitors office, as secretary of the board is
BRODIES SECRETARIAL SERVICES LIMITED 15 Atholl Crescent, Edinburgh, Midlothian, EH3 8HA
Notice the Judge's company secretary is at the same address and shares the same name "Brodie" with the lawyers representing the Scottish Parliament Corporate Body trying to evict the Indycampers
But it does not end there because:
Brodie's LLP - the solicitors for the Scottish Parliament Corporate Body - are on the board of Brodie's Secretarial - the company that is the Secretary for the Judge's private solictor's business in London.
The MSP's solicitors failed to reveal this conflict of interest and so did Judge Lady Leoona Dorrian
"David asks judges to recuse themselves; says theyre not applying Scots law: may be committing offences. Lady Dorrian doesn't want to hear it"
The Indycampers summed up the injustice, as the tweets went on to reveal
"David closes by saying "there is no justice system". Mr Moynihan fr SPCB opposes any delay to case; notes judges have repeatedly denied this"

Lady Dorrian
Yet, the Law Society Gazette, on the 14th October 2013,
"A judge must step down in circumstances where there appears to be bias or ‘apparent bias’. Judicial recusal is not then a matter of discretion. The test for determining apparent bias is this: if a fair-minded and informed observer, having considered the facts, would conclude that there was a real possibility that the judge was biased, the judge must recuse himself (see Porter v Magill [2002] 2 AC 357 at [102]). That test is to be applied having regard to all the circumstances of the case."
"‘to maintain society’s trust and confidence, justice must not only be done but be seen to be done’."
"David says: "Im not going to be party to this criminal activity; I'm going to get my own jury". Lady Dorrian agrees he can withdraw frm case"
"Mr Keatings quotes Nelson Mandela & Martin Luther King; "
The Independent newspaper, the Daily Record and the Herald were all provided evidence of the conflict of interest between the MSP's solicitors and the High Court Judge - all refused to report the Judge broke the law with the Daily Record reporter on the newsdesk stating we are not reporting this we are only interested in the Jesus angle - i.e. discrediting the Indycampers - Scottish Voters - while covering up the illegal actions of the MSP's solicitors and the High court judge failure to declare their conflict of interest.
One of the MSP's involved in moving to fast track this kangaroo court had previously backed another wrongful judgement by Lady Dorrian concerning use of public land.
Green MSP Andy Wightman, sits on the Scottish Parliament Corporate Body trying to evict the Indycampers, who is claimed to be an "expert" on land reform, wrote regularly as a vocal supporter of Lady Dorrian's wrongful decision that common good land, a public park, should be able to be used to build a high school using a PFI Contract - for corporate profit..
Even when an appeal court ruled Lady Dorrian was completely wrong to do this - Andy Wightman, the "expert" wrote he still believed she was right - and his political friends in the Scottish Parliament, now fellow MSP's , then just used their power to defeat justice and the appeal court ruling to change the law so political parties can start stealing common good land, held in trust in many instances for centuries for the people, for corporate pals use instead.
When a judge who made the initial decision to evict the independence vigil from public land was rewarded weeks later with a seat on the privy council for life alongside
the very people who stand accused of rigging the referendum, one of the MSP's involved in fast tracking the indy camp appeal having already backed one of the High Court judge's other wrongful decision regarding us of public land fast and the MSP's solicitors and the high court judge illegally use their power to evict people from public land - without declaring their joint conflict of interest - and the media have evidence of this corruption and breach of trust by public servants and cover it all up for them - refusing to let the public know this proves there is no justice in Scotland when the highest powers collude against the people.
It is no wonder the members of the public holding this vigil on public land went to the supreme court on Wednesday to demand justice and these injustices are struck down and the Indycamp receives a jury trial instead- as it has been proven the pubic servants tasked with meeting out justice broke the law - and justice not only has not been done but has definitely not seen to be done.
And because of this - MSP's used the police they control to physically evict the Indycampers first thing this morning in a desperate attempt to make it all go away - despite knowing the court case is not yet over - with demands the appeal court judge and the MSP's solicitors are held to account for refusing to declare their joint conflict of interest.
The members of the public holding the Indycamp vigil - like those who held the devolution vigil for five years - have broken no law - the same cannot be said for public servants and MSP's solicitors involved in this case.
And the public must question why - when there has been an injustice committed by the highest court in the land - why mainstream media across the UK refused to report the injustice in the high court despite being given the evidence - so the public did not find out.

Especially as this morning the police controlled by the Scottish parliament rushed in to physically evict Indycampers - the same police who refuse to investigate IDOX elections and Ruth Davidson regarding postal vote counting for all votes since 2013 - and the resulting constant Tory victories - with the most senior politicians in the UK who all sit in the Queens privy council together all involved - which the same media also refused to report on.
The MSP's who also all voted together to set up Named Persons and roll that "scheme" out across much of Scotland - did not stop the named person trials while this was challenged in court and the Supreme court - which is why Indycampers should not have been physically evicted this morning - they had the same right to continue as MSP's claimed their named person trial did while the courts were still deciding.
This piece of Land will now forever be known as Kangaroo Court - will a Scottish Parliament Cairn also be raised here to mark this treachery and will museums also display mementos for posterity with a full explanation of events surrounding this gross breach of power and trust by MSPs, Solicitors, Judges and members of the Queens Privy Council?