Members of the public holding a peaceful vigil, for a rerun of the referendum, lodged an appeal with the Supreme Court against MSP's attempt to quash our rights for the public to use public land in ways the law has previously always allowed.
Despite the "indycamp" eviction court case still going through the court system, MSP's rushed to get the police force - they now control - to move in two days after the appeal was lodged with the Supreme court, first thing in the morning, to get these members of the public off public land.
MSP's doing this yet they let their now ruled as illegal named person trials stay in place while that was being challenged through the court system.
And MSP's have abused their power further, to continue with their named person trials. despite the Supreme court having ruled they are in breach of the law and abusing all families and children's rights to a private family life in Scotland - and their "law" is totalitarian in nature with members of the public moving to sue the MSP's for their unlawful actions.
It is the most blatant breach of human rights when someone has broken no law yet MSP's set the police they control on members of the public to move them on from a piece of grass that they have every right to use - especially when the court case is still ongoing to question if MSP's can use the police they now control and abuse their power and the law in this way.
Before the land reform bill, which we were led to believe strengthened our rights, a permanent devolution vigil camp sat for 5 years on a public footpath on Calton Hill - not a piece of grass - without being evicted - as like members of the public holding the independence vigil - they were breaking no law.
There is even a Scottish Parliament cairn erected to honour this five year devolution camp vigil on public land - to remember it for posterity yet the current "indycamp" vigil eviction case would ensure MSP's and their police can make sure no peaceful vigil against government actions can ever take place again in Scotland by any member of the public on public land ever again.
Members of the public involved in the independence vigil have now been forced to go to the Supreme court, just as members of the public had to do regarding the illegal named person legislation - to stop MSPs attempting to remove the rights and freedoms we have always held - after what was a blatant fast track kangaroo court, not an appeal court hearing.
What is a kangaroo court - the definition states:
A kangaroo court is a judicial tribunal or assembly that blatantly disregards recognized standards of law or justice, and often carries little or no official standing in the territory within which it resides.[1] The term may also apply to a court held by a legitimate judicial authority who intentionally disregards the court's legal or ethical obligations.
A kangaroo court is often held to give the appearance of a fair and just trial, even though the verdict has in reality already been decided before the trial has begun. This could be because of the biases of the decision-maker, or because the structure and operation of the forum result in an inferior brand of adjudication. A common example of this is when institutional disputants ("repeat players") have excessive and unfair structural advantages over individual disputants ("one-shot players").[2]
i.e. where there is bias by those sitting in judgement and/or when one side has the biggest law firm in the land and endless amounts of public money to pursue their agenda - while the poor have no lawyers.
At the appeal court hearing MSP's solicitors had a blatant joint conflict of interest with one of the appeal court judges as both herself and the MSP's solicitors sit on the board of a company together in London.
In a flagrant breach of law both the judge and the MSP's solicitors failed to reveal this joint conflict of interest with the judges blocked the indycamp members from revealing this conflict of interest when they try to demand the judge recuse.
Another of the three appeal court judges was actually involved in the earlier proceedings which were being appealed - so he too should not have heard the case.
The law states a judge must refuse to hear a case if any normal person could perceive bias so as justice is not only done but seen to be done.
One of the members of the public involved in this court case is a stroke victim, and like the rest of those involved cannot afford a lawyer to represent him.
Despite him needing more time than most to prepare for a case these six MSP's on the "Scottish Parliament "Corporate" Body" requested the eviction appeal to be fast track giving him even less time to prepare, despite knowing he has no lawyer, a flagrant abuse of the rights of the disabled and breach of equality law - MSP'S using every dirty trick in the book.
And the human rights breaches involved do not end there, the MSP's solictors failed to include vital evidence they claimed would be in the paperwork they controlled.
Thousands of people sent letters of support addressed to this independence vigil camp - showing proportionality of support was present for this vigil - those letters were never received by indycamp which the lawyers failed to present in the evidence as they were meant to.
As well as missing evidence, the appeal court udges also blocked evidence vital to this case from being heard , claiming they knew what was going to be said - can they read minds in their fast track court to establish the principal MSPs can now use the police they control to forcibly stop the pubic from using public land to hold peaceful vigils in opposition to government actions.
Some vigil camps have been held since 1985 - and are still there today - such is our right to use public land in this way enshrined in law - not any more if these MSP's who breach our human rights, fast track courts and steal our land have their way.
MSP's are making a big song and dance that they have spent £100k to evict the indycamp - in a blatant attempt to discredit these members of the public, trying to defend all our legal freedoms - while MSP's attempt to give the impression these peopel are just wasting public money.
While these same MSP's have been ordered to use £500k of public money to pay the legal costs for the people who rightfully took them to court for again trying to breach our human rights, with what the Supreme court Judges ruled was totalitarian named person legislation that breached every child and family's freedom to have privacy from illegal state intrusion.
When the Independent, the Herald and the Daily Record were asked to report the perceived wrongful actions of the judges and solicitors in the "indycamp" eviction appeal - all refused to report it with the Daily Record news desk reporter said they are not interested in that part of the story - just the Jesus angle.
This Jesus angle is in fact the media twisting the focus of this important case to a man who claims to be Jesus who tried consistently to be part of the case and was refused as the court understood this person had absolutely nothing to do with indycamp -
This man, conveniently for the media, also decided to appear outside the appeal court at the exact same time this important appeal was being heard, dressed like Jesus to talk to reporters - dirty tricks to discredit?
The Daily Record reporter stated the Jesus angle - of someone not even involved in the case - is the only angle in this case that matters - not the people actually involved in the case - not MSP's ripping up our freedoms and fast tracking court hearings or public funded solicitors and public funded judges failing to declare joint conflict of interest in court in breach of law or equality law related to the disabled either.
Let us remember those same MSP's that are making a song and dance to discredit members of the public trying to defend all our rights, have already used £100k of our money trying desperately with the largest legal firm in Scotland and judges that sit on the Privy council with the First Minister to remove our rights to freedom not just in this case.
The judge who made the initial eviction ruling for the MSP's was rewarded for his services to the state weeks later with a seat on the privy council for life, alongside Nicola and Lady Dorrian (and now Ruth Davidson too - who also tries to discredit these member of the public) - not to the Judicial privy council but the Privy Council - proving there is no judicial independence from government when Scottish party leaders and judges can join a royal club where they all swear an oath of secrecy not to tell the public anything that is discussed or decided there.
This attempt, using public money, by MSP's to establish a new order which means we cannot use public land unless they say so also means that 5 year devolution vigil on public land could never happen again, or any peaceful vigil against goverment actions for that matter, what the MSP's are desperately trying to establish - despite their claims the land reform bill gives us even more rights.
One of the six MSP's who decided to fast track the appeal, Green MSP Andy Wightman, wrote a book with the words "the poor have no lawyers" in the title.
This Green MSP has already backed the appeal court judge (with the conflict of interest in this case) when she was involved in another case involving use of public land.
Lady Dorrian wrongfully ruled elected politicians can start taking common good land and buildings, held in trust for centuries for purely the people of Scotland to use - so political parties in power can start handing it over for corporate pals to use instead ,so we lose all our rights to the use of our own common good land.
Once again members of the public had to appeal to a higher court at this flagrant attempt by those in power to remove from public use what they have no right to take - public park land owned by the local common good fund.
Appeal court judges ruled she was wrong to make that ruling - which would have been permanent had an appeal not been made by members of the public (again) to throw out this wrongful judgement.
Green MSP Andy Wightman, who is party to fast tracking the appeal court hearing for indycamp case, wrote blogs that he disagreed with Lady Dorrian's ruling being quashed - yet he is the "land expert" who wrote a book about our common good land.
His fellow MSP's in desperation to steal all they can from the people of Scotland, as well as breaching our human rights, arrogantly changed the law afterwards to give their parties power take what they want and already land and buildings in common good funds across Scotland are being taken out of these funds and the people of Scotland's hands - abusing their power to override laws that have been in place for centuries to say they have not right to do so.
As the Green MSP Andy Wightman pointed out to in his book "the poor have no lawyers".
Proving these MSP's are willing to abuse their power and hundreds of thousands of pounds of public money in attempts to remove our rights and freedoms - while Indy camp members of the public try to defend those freedoms for all of us. without lawyers as they cannot afford them - while MSP's and the media use every dirty trick in the book to try to discredit these members of the public - because they have no lawyers - they did not do the same to the members of the public in the named person trial - they knew they were dealing with lawyers and social workers in that case - not the disabled and poor they attempted to fast track injustice against.
This is a vital case for all our freedoms - why MSP's and the media have used every dirty trick in the book in an attempt to discredit the poor and the disabled who have no lawyers fighting the blatant attempt to remove our rights and freedoms.