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Who really runs Scotland and the UK Parties

With growing evidence every political party in power in Scotland is working together to dismantle our entire democracy, we now find the so called opposing political parties in Scotland and Westminster are using the same "people as their "party economic advisors" a role invented for UK parties by Gordon Brown to ensure the UK is run the same way as America.

Tory billionaire Jim McColl admitted to "the Scotland Bill committee" he lives in Monaco to avoid paying tax in the UK, yet he is Nicola's economic advisor, despite her claims to the people of England she thought tax avoidance was obscene, immoral and despicable, and promising a "zero tolerance" approach in Scotland.

Jim McColl is not the only official advisor to the SNP government with links to the Tory Party.

She advises the EU and Mazzucato also advised the Greek Government which disastrously failed to reach agreement with it's creditors, resulting in the Greek referendum.

Mazzucato is a member of the elite "World Economic Forum" club that meets in Davos for their annual jamboree.

Alex Salmond chose Joseph Stiglitz, former chairman of Bill Clinton's council of economic advisors to "advise" him and all his Scottish Government ministers.

Stiglitz is a member of the global political power "Club of Rome "which consists of current and former Heads of State, UN beaureacrats, high-level politicians and government officials, diplomats, scientists, economists, and business leaders from around the globe".

Like Mazzucato, Stiglitz is a member of the elite Davos club the World Economic Forum "Named one of the 100 most influential people in the world, Times (2011).

This is why Stiglitz told Bill Clinton what to do, as his economic advisor, and now tells SNP Ministers and now New Labour's shadow ministers what to do too - to ensure the UK parties are also singing from the same hymn sheet and implementing the same economic policies desired by the bankers and the global elite.

Stigletz, like Mazzucato, advised the Greek Government - and we all know how that worked out for the Greek people.

"I am pleased to be able to draw on international expertise relating to these issues with existing members such as professors Stiglitz, Mirrlees and Ruane whilst the addition of Professors Muscatelli, Mazzacuto and Carter add expertise on areas including innovation, inequality and entrepreneurship, coupled with the unique perspective of Sir Harry Burns and, of course, the business expertise of Jim McColl and Amanda McMillan."

Alex Salmond also chose former long term non-executive Director of the Bank of England and Lloyds Banking Group Scotland managing director Lady Susan Rice as an economic advisor and in July 2014, she became his first Chair of Scotland's new Fiscal Commission to run Scotland for the Bank of England.

Nicola replaced Lady Susan Rice as an economic advisor as she is now too busy to fulfil this role after Nicola appointed Lady Rice as the Chair of the board of Scottish Water instead.

Lady Rice, appointed just in time, to take Scotland and our Water into Westminster's new UK private water market which goes live in April 2017, after Nicola personally lodged permission for David Cameron and Nick Clegg to include Scotland and our water in Westminster's new UK Private Water Market, all done behind our back during the Scottish Referendum.

This banker is not the only economic advisor placed on the board of Scotland's public water as Nicola also chose Amanda McMillan OBE, Managing Director at Glasgow Airport company as another of her new Economic Advisors - who is now a non-executive director of Scottish Water's private Arm Business Stream board with Lady Susan Rice.

Nicola and Alex Salmond's other deal with Westminster Tories allows the UK government to bypass devolution and dictate to Scotland's 32 local councils once again - SNP and Westminster Tories joint venture called City Deals.

Another of Nicola's "economic advisors" is Sara Carter, who is a member of the UK Enterprise Research Centre and co-Chair of the British Bankers' Association Diversity & Inclusion Business Council, who has also served on the UK Government's Women's Enterprise Task Force.

Professor Anton Muscatelli was also chosen by Nicola Sturgeon. He is a former consultant to the World Bank and the European Commission and Gordon Brown's chosen advisor on monetary policy to his House of Commons Treasury Select Committee.

Muscatelli was recently appointed to Chair the Commission of Urban Economic Growth for the new Glasgow City Region (SNP/Westminster Tory joint City Deal scam).

Muscatelli was also appointed to the Board of the Scottish Funding Council (SFC) which controls funding and oversight of all of Scotland's Colleges and Universities.

Currently Nicola and Derek Mackay, are attempting to put a super quango in complete control of not only all college and university budgets for Scotland but also all the budgets for Scottish Enterprise, Highlands and Islands Enterprise and nine other education training budgets - in what was reported on Thursday to be a "ministerial power grab"

In reality is it Nicola's power grab for unelected Anton Muscatelli, Gordon Brown's former government advisor on the super quango board?

As we find these international power brokers and bankers are not just "advisors" but taking over control of Scotland's budgets - despite no one electing them - as political leaders we now find are just puppets of the global elite.

The political misleaders get well rewarded for following the orders of the Club of Rome and Davos set, bankers and Royalty as they all get appointed to the UK privy council for life together - for services rendered together.

Since their riggerendum Nicola and Ruth Davidson rewarded with seats for life in the British Establishment UK Privy council - alongside Gordon Brown, Tony Blair, Alex Salmond, Ian Duncan Smith, Michael Gove, Angus and a host of other so called Scottish political leaders who all served their masters together very well.

It seems Nicola does not run Scotland at all but is just a puppet of the board of economic advisors, members of which advise every minister and shadow minister in the three most powerful political parties controlling Scotland and the UK parliaments - who control our lives together - as New SNP, New Labour and Old Tories are all told what to do by people who are in clubs controlled by Rothschilds, Rockerfellers and the global elite.

So it's not just Ruth Davidson and Theresa May's billionaire Monaco based tax avoiding pal Jim McColl we have to worry about but every other member of the Scottish Governments "council of economic advisors" telling Nicola Sturgeon and her "government" what to do and taking over control of Scotland's budgets.

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