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Royalty & Bankers Collusion Against Scotland Since 1694

The Plot Against Scotland by Royalty, Parliament and RBS Bankers 1689 - Present

While Scotland is pedalled the myth England bailed Scotland out after the disastrous Darien Scheme - which is why we had to have the act of the union - the basis of the union of the parliaments was tied to King William of Orange and the formation of the banks to ensure the whole of the UK was merged into the Holy Roman Empire of Germany - the union with no name.

Three Scottish Bankers, William Paterson, Archibald Campbell and John Law, English banker John Holland, King William of Orange (commonly known as King Billy), the German Rothschild family and the "royal houses" of the Holy Roman Empire of Germany are key to the story of the Act of the Union.

Along with the formation of the corrupt banking system the Holy Roman Empire of Germany's so called EU "royalty", their UK privy councils, Parliament, Lords, "Royal Bank of Scotland" and "Bank of England" have been using to fleece people from 1689 to this day.

The story also reveals how the Royals set up RBS as a Trojan horse and how it has been used to shaft Scotland and Scotland's old bank - the Bank of Scotland ever since.

While this history of UK banking is centred around Scotland - it is not just Scotland who this story relates to but every nation who has been fleeced by these people from 1694 to this day - all based on royal and parliamentary and UK Privy Council and banker lies and deception - were all roads leading back to the Holy Roman Empire of Germany.

Scotland's Claim of Right and Article of Grievances When William III and Mary took over England in 1689.

Prior to the Act of the Union in 1707, there had been three earlier attempts to unite the Parliaments of Scotland and England - in 1606, 1667, and 1689.

After William of Orange (commonly known as King Billy) plotted with members of the Parliament of England to overthrow King James II (VII of Scotland) - William of Orange invaded England in 1689.

King James fled to France and the plotters in the English parliament declared the King had abdicated, by his actions, and the plotters issued an English Bill of Rights on 13 February 1689 offering the Crown of England to William and Mary, where they were proclaimed King and Queen of England and Ireland in February 1689.

As King James VII of Scotland had not abdicated the Scottish crown, having fled to France from England, William and his wife Mary sent letters to Scotland, which were received on 16 March 1689, as contenders to the Scottish Crown.

A meeting of the Convention of Estates (unionists?) - a smaller gathering of Scots used when the full parliament cannot meet was called.

On 4 April 1689 the Convention adopted the Claim of Right (one of the cornerstone pieces of legislation in Scottish constitutional law) and the Article of Grievances, the documents designed to bolster the position of the Scottish Parliament within the Scottish Constitution at the expense of the royal prerogative.

Where the Convention of Estates agreed James had forfeited the Scottish Throne and as part of the deal, like the Claim of Rights in England, demanded that no Catholic could ever sit upon the throne of Scotland but that no king or Queen was allowed to exercise their regal authority without first swearing a coronation oath as agreed to by the Parliament of Scotland.

On the basis of the Scottish Claim of Right and Article of Grievances, they offered the crown to William and Mary, who accepted (desipte the Act of Union not being offered as they wanted - accepting the deal as they did not want to delay their enthronement) and exactly one month later, on 11 May 1689 were proclaimed the monarchs of England, Scotland and Ireland.

A significant minority of the people of Britain refused to acknowledge William and Mary's claims of sovereignty - refusing to take oaths of allegiance to William in both England and Scotland including several bishops, over 400 clergy from the Scottish Episcopal Church and Church of England as well as non jurors and laymen - all believing the monarch's authority derived of God not parliaments.

Formation of the Bank of England by Darien Scheme Leader - To Bail Out Bankrupt England in 1694

By 1694 England was bankrupt due to King William of Orange "English"/Dutch ongoing war with France (where King James had fled) a Scottish trader, based in London, William Paterson and some friends offered to bail out the bankrupt King and England.

In return for bailing out the bankrupt England in 1694 Paterson and his fellow lenders wanted the King and the English parliament to agree they could set up the bank of England (following a similar bank having already been set up in Amsterdam) - where all parliament moneys would be deposited in this bank - owned by private bankers - where the bank of England loaned the King of England and his parliament the gold needed to fund his wars and the bank issued notes - on the back of the government bonds for the debt - used to lend the notes and swap them for gold to others - and we are all still paying the price for that to this day.

England was so bankrupt they had to agree to pay 8% per annum interest and a £4000 fee per year service charge for the management of the loan.

By 1698 England's debt to the Bank of England had increased tenfold to fund King William of Orange's wars.

Bank of Scotland and Scotland's first paper money - 1695

After Scotsman William Paterson helped found the Bank of England, to bail out the bankrupt King and England, a year later an English Banker came to Scotland and persuaded the Scottish Parliament to allow the Bank of Scotland to be set up to print paper money (the first commercial bank in Europe to do so in 1696).

Unlike the Bank of England, which was established to specifically finance defence (war) spending by the English government and King William of Orange, the Bank of Scotland could not lend to the government without parliament approval.

Bank of Scotland was set up as a commercial bank by an Act of the Scottish Parliament on 17th July 1695. to support and provide merchants and landowners long term credit and security to allow their Scottish business to trade, mainly with England, where parliament gave the shareholders limited liability and the bank a monopoly for 21 years to raise £120,000 Scots pounds - £10,000 sterling

The bank proprietors, if not Scottish, had to be made "naturalised Scotman" (until 1920) to allow Englishman, John Holland, to be one of the banks founders - 36 of the original 172 shareholders were based in London with the majority Scottish based merchant and political elite.

William Paterson - Scots founder Bank of England - Darien Scheme and King William of Orange Betrayal

Scotsman William Paterson, had emigrated to the Bahamas when he was younger, where he got the idea for the Darién scheme, to create a colony on the isthmus of Panama, to fascilitate trade with the Far East.

Paterson returned to Europe, and attempted to convince the English government, under King James, to undertake the Darién scheme. When they refused, he tried again to persuade the governments of the Holy Roman Empire and the Dutch Republic to establish a colony in Panama, but failed in both cases.

Paterson returned to London and made his fortune with foreign trade (primarily with the West Indies) in the Merchant Taylors' Company.

He then helped bail out bankrupt England and King William of Orange as one of the founders of the Bank of England in 1694.

It is said he fell out with fellow directors and resigned and sold his stock in the Bank of England a year later and returned to Scotland.

Having failed to earlier persuade King James to back the Darien Scheme, William Paterson returned to Scotland and persuaded the Scottish Parliament to back the scheme.

(the Scottish Parliament which was still ruled by the bankrupt King via the Privy Council of Scotland)

The Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies (also known as the Scottish Darien Company) was set up by an act of the Scottish Parliament in 1695, granting the company a monopoly of Scottish Trade to India, Africa and the Americas.

The Scottish Darien Company directors agreed to fund, the founder of Bank of England, William Paterson's dream to set up a colony called "Caledonia" on the Isthmus of Panama to give the colony an overland route which connected the Pacifica and Atlantic oceans - which would have given England and Spain major economic competition.

The company offered people the chance to buy in to the scheme - raising the £400,000 sterling it needed - about 25% of the coinage - tangible wealth of Scotland - the same year the Bank of Scotland was set up to print paper money (non tangible wealth) for merchants and landowners.

The project, which set off in 1698, was deliberately sabotaged by King William of Orange in collusion with the English East India Company and the English government and King Charles II of Spain - none of whom wanted this scheme to succeed or the competition it would bring - and the entire scheme abandoned as a result of this and sickness by 1700.

A plot between King Billy's unionist backers in Scotland and England to deliberately bankrupt Scotland to ensure, after the three previous failed attempts, the union of the parliaments could be achieved.

Forced Act of the Union 1707 to Ensure Future German Rule of the UK

William and Anne were desperate for an Act Of Union to stop the Scots choosing a different monarch from the next monarch of England who might make alliances against England - writing the English Act of Settlement 1701 to ensure the monarchy of England would be a Protestant member of the German House of Hanover (crest left).

King William of Orange true intentions now becoming clear - it was never about taking the throne purely for himself and James daughter - they were a German trojan horse and the Act of Settlement was written to allow royals from the Germany to take over all of the UK once the Act of Union was signed - to ensure the whole of the UK was absorbed into the Holy Roman Empire of Germany and to stop the House Of Stuart (crest right) from taking over the rightful reign of all nations of the UK once childless William died.

In response, the Scottish Act of Security 1704 granted parliament the right to choose a successor and explicitly required a choice different from the English monarch unless the English were to grant free trade and navigation.

In retaliation William of Orange had the Alien Act passed by the Parliament of England in 1705 declaring an embargo on Scottish imports to England and it's colonies (about half Scotland's trade) and that all Scottish nationals in England were to be treated as foreign nationals and estates held by Scots in England would be treated as alien property to ensure this made inheritance uncertain.

(those Scots in the Scottish Parliament - those same men in the gathering of estates - who agreed for William and Mary to take the Scottish throne - who held estates in England - is why King William of Orange threatened the inheritance - to tell these same men - no union you lose the lot).

The Act would be suspended only if the Scots entered into negotiations for William's Act of Union to ensure any future German King of England from the House of Hanover would also automatically be the King of Scotland and to ensure the German House of Hanover would rule the whole of the UK.

William promised, as part of the union of parliaments, to refund the Scottish losses of the Darien Scheme (he sabotaged for this purpose) - despite England being a bankrupt nation up to it's neck in debt to the Bank of England.

Article 15 of the Act of the Union granted £398,085 10s sterling to Scotland, a sum known as The Equivalent, to compensate Scotland for taking on a share in England’s national debt and it was also used as a means of compensation for investors in the Company of Scotland's Darien Scheme, as 58.6% was allocated to its shareholders and creditors.

A further £20,000 (£240,000 Scots) bribe was sent to Scotland for the Queen's Commissioner in Parliament (getting more than 60% of the money) and supporters of the union - they pretended was for overdue Scottish Parliament salaries - when in fact at least four payments were to people who were not members of the Scottish Parliament" - as Robert Burns said

"bought and sold for English Gold, Such a Parcel of Rogues in a Nation"

There were riots in Edinburgh and Glasgow - with the apparent leader in opposition to the Unionists, James Hamilton, 4th Duke of Hamilton - it turned out was actually on the side of the English Government - just as the SNP government are doing now.

Sir George Lockhart of Carnwath, the only member of the Scottish negotiating team against union, - who in 1713 took part in an abortive movement aiming at the repeal of the union- noted that "The whole nation appears against the Union" with even ardent unionist negotiator Sir John Clerk of Penicuik, admitting the treaty was "contrary to the inclinations of at least three-fourths of the Kingdom"

Not one petition in favour of incorporating the treaty of union was received by Parliament and when it was signed threats of widespread civil unrest resulted in the Scottish Parliament imposing martial law (something the SNP goverment is preparing to do once again for the UK Privy Council right now).

Note the word "treaty" - a formally concluded and ratified agreement between states.

"Treaties can be loosely compared to contracts: both are means of willing parties assuming obligations among themselves, and a party to either that fails to live up to their obligations can be held liable under international law"

Very quickly an amendment was made to the Act of the Union to merge The Privy Council of Scotland (used by Kings since the union of the Crowns "to rule Scotland by the Pen" - despite Scotland having a parliament) into the Kings Privy Council in London - now known as the UK Privy Council - which still rules the whole of the UK to this day - for German Royalty of the Holy Roman Empire of Germany - not parliaments.

And it is the German Royal Family and it's treacherous UK Privy Council that have orchestrated the current false financial crisis - to finally end this pretence of UK democracy - to bring about the official resurrection and expansion of the Holy Roman Empire of Germany - fascist corporate control backed by NATO force.

And what follows is the story of the The Equivalent (Darien Scheme compensation) being used by Scottish unionists to set up RBS to attempt to destroy Scotland's "old bank" - the Bank of Scotland and how German Kings and Queens of the UK and the Holy Roman Empire of Germany global Round Table have used RBS and Scottish banker John Laws monetary system to bankrupt nations over and over and over ever since both became the basis of the Holy Roman Empire of Germany corrupt financial system

German King of England Established RBS as a "Scottish" Trojan Horse in 1727

Once the Bank of Scotland monopoly expired in 1727, immediately the new King of Great Britain and Ireland, George I, who was also ruler of the Duchy of Hanover in the Holy Roman Empire of Germany, - fearing the Bank of Scotland was funding Jacobites to rise against the new German King of the UK - set up the Royal Bank of Scotland in an attempt to destroy or allow the RBS takeover of the Bank of Scotland.

The money used to compensate Scotland for taking on some of England's debt, held by this time in the London based Equivalent Company (set up in 1724) was used to set up the Royal Bank of Scotland.

RBS - the "new bank" - was charted by the UK government in 1727 in an attempt to destroy the Bank of Scotland and scupper any attempted Jacobite rebellion - for the German King.

Archibald Campbell, was appointed as the first Governor of RBS - to try to destroy the Bank of Scotland on behalf of the new German King of the UK - why this unionist has been celebrated on the German Royal family's RBS banknotes to this day.

Campbell was born in England - the second son of Archibald Campbell, 10th Earl and 1st Duke of Argyll.

Campbell was chosen as - in 1706 he was awarded the title Earl of Ilay by William of Orange after Campbell backed his brother, John Campbell, 2nd Duke of Argyll support for the act of the union - no doubt to save the English estate he was born on.

After the treaty was signed, as further reward, Archibald Campbell, became Lord Ilay as he was one of the sixteen Scots chosen to become Scottish peers in the House of Lords - with Queen Anne inviting him to become part of the Queen's UK privy council in 1711.

(Proving it was more than gold the parcel of rogues sold out Scotland for - with Campbell about to attempt to use the Act of Settlement money to betray Scotland for a second time).

The Deliberate Destruction of the Bank of Scotland (by RBS and unionist friends)

Competition between the Old and New Banks was fierce and centred on the issue of banknotes. The policy of the Royal Bank was to either drive the Bank of Scotland out of business, or take it over on favourable terms.

The Royal Bank built up large holdings of the Bank of Scotland's notes, which it acquired in exchange for its own notes, then suddenly presented to the Bank of Scotland for payment.

Within a year, to pay these notes, the Bank of Scotland was forced to call in its loans and, in March 1728, to suspend payments and after surviving this attack, designed to weaken the bank to allow RBS to grow.

Four years after Royal Bank of Scotland was set up - RBS invented the "overdraft"

Despite Campbell's treacherous efforts, the Bank of Scotland flourished and it was the "old bank" which was first to open a branch in England.

This caused panic and England's parliament (for that is really what it is) blocked any further expansion of Scottish banks into England.

And it was the Bank of Scotland, not RBS, which took the lead to secure the stability of the entire Scottish banking system after the collapse of the London house of Neal, James, Fordyce and Down and when the Western Bank collapsed in 1857, and the Bank of Scotland stepped in with the other Scottish banks to ensure that all Western Bank's notes were paid.

It took until 2007 for the UK Privy Council and the "royal" family to finally destroy the Bank of Scotland - after they changed the law in 1920 to say non Scots don't have to be naturalised as Scottish to run the bank.

In 1999 the Bank of Scotland was led by East African Peter Burt who was the man who agreed the merger (takeover) of our "old bank" - the Bank of Scotland with HBOS.

Before the merger in 2001 he led a failed takeover bid for the NatWest Bank - after RBS intervened "winning" instead.

Both Alex Salmond and East African Peter Burt were educated at St Andrews University *UK Privy Council controlled) and both went on to work for the oil and gas section of the banks, Burt in Bank of Scotland and Salmond in RBS.

(Yes, the UK privy council controls universities too - to ensure the brightest and most devious are recruited to serve as their graduates for life - and be well rewarded for the Royal cause).

After the merger of Bank of Scotland and Halifax Peter Burt was appointed as the chairman of ITV plc and served on the board of Royal Dutch Shell until 2006 - also on the boards of a number of charities - unelected boards of the elite to get their fingers in more pies while pretending it's to help people.

After Burt agreed the merger of Bank of Scotland with HBOS a private bill in the Westminster parliament was used to finally achieve the takeover and destruction of Scotland's "old bank", turning HBOS into a public limited company with HBOS undertakings transferred to a subsidiary called Bank of Scotland Plc and Halifax then began to operate under the latter company's UK banking licence. The provisions in the Act were implemented on 17 September 2007 by two Scotsman - Blair and Brown's governments.

George Mathewson was the man who was at the helm of RBS who slinked off while putting Fred the Shred in as his fall guy - Mathewson moving to a hedge fund - the same one which then advised Fred Goodwin to do the deal they all claimed sunk the bank.

Ex RBS man Alex Salmond immediately made the ex RBS chairman George Mathewson one of his official economic advisors when SNP took control of Scotland for the first time in 2007.

Despite Peter Burt and George Mathewson both involved in the Bank of Scotland and RBS sagas - Alex Salmond actually demanded that the same two men be allowed to take over HBOS in 2008 instead of TSB taking over.

So since the formation of the Bank of England in 1694 by a Scotsman, to bail out a bankrupt England - the UK privy council and the "royals in England have systematically saboutaged Scotland - first the Darien Scheme, then blocked our trade to force the act of the union and even used the money from the Act of Settlement to then set up their "Royal Bank of Scotland" in an attempt to sabotage our old bank - Bank of Scotland - using RBS as a weapon of war against Scotland - over and over and over again - using unionist Scots - with no interest in anything but their own insatiable greed for money and power - to achieve their goals.

Their latest false financial crisis right now being used to pretend all this banking debt is the nation's responsibility to feed bankers and "royals" and unionst boys greed - with their plan to privatise RBS (like the rest of the so called troubled banks) cheap for the royals and their city boys and foreign hedge funds being privatised again after the General Election in June 2017 (leaving taxpayers and pension funds with at least £30 billion hole in the accounts).

And it is ex RBS man Alex Salmond and Gordon Brown's new Labour who have been at the heart of all the treachery today - backed by Lib Dems, Tories and Greens - with Salmond's RBS party, right now putting RBS people (who caused all this austerity) on the boards of their unelected quangos and charities and systematically transferring control of the budgets and powers of Scotland into their hands - all being done by stealth.

And to get away with it Salmond and his RBS party using the independence hopes and dreams of a nation to achieve it - just like previous RBS boys and the Duke of Hamilton when the Act Of Union was agreed - leading the treachery while misleading the people at the same time.

A parcel of rogues in a nation.

Bank of England Today - and how we now underwrite all Casino Banks

German Nathan Rothschild effectively took over the bank of England after he defrauded people, using insider trading related to the Battle of Waterloo to cause a run on Government bonds so he bought them cheap - after misleading people about the outcome of the battle.

Control of the government bonds gave Nathan Rothchild effective control of the Bank of England.

Nathan Rothschild famously said

"“I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire. The man who controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire and I control the British money supply.”

The German Rothschild family gained a virtual global monopoly on the refining of Gold after Spain defaulted on a loan to Rothschild in 1830 - to settle the Spanish monarchy agreed to hand the Rothschilds the rights to the output of the Almadén mercury mines - mercury required then to refine gold.

And to this day it is still the Royal Houses of the Holy Roman Empire of Germany and the international bankers who continue to fleece us together - with the biggest financial scam in history being operated right now.

After Gordon Brown lied claiming there was a global financial crisis - we were told was caused by AIG, Lehmans, and Casino (Shadow) banks - Gordon Brown went over to America in 2008 to give a speech to the people they claimed caused the financial crisis - board of Council for Foreign Relations - CEO of AIG, CEO of Lehmans, David Rockerfeller - saying to them this is start of the painful birth of the New World Order - echoing Hitler for the Holy Roman Empire of Germany's global corrupt Round Table.

There is so much to the financial crisis lies - I have only covered what I see as a few of the key stages of the financial crisis orchestrated by the Holy Roman Empire of Germany Round Table players - relative to what is happening right now.

Stage one of the biggest financial scam to be attempted in history was Gordon Brown's first act, within days of becoming Blair's Chancellor, to make the Bank of England independent from Parliament in 1997

Stage two was Gordon Brown and EU and American leaders (and bankers) all pretending together there was a financial crisis - all of them together declaring all banking debt (caused by Casino (shadow) banks) who could not borrow from Central Banks - should be transferred from casino banks - to high street banks to taxpayers across the NATO nations.

Stage three was to create a new European Central Bank in Germany to take control of all Eurozone banks.

Stage four happened during the Scottish Referendum.

In June 2014, George Osborne and Mark Carney declared in the mansion house speeches, on the night of the opening game of the World Cup with the whole world distracted - they were ripping up centuries old Bank of England lending rules to say the Bank of England would now (illegally) lend and underwrite Casino Banks.

This was to allow them all to circumvent all the new banking regulations we were told would protect us from another financial crisis.

There was a complete blanket ban on this news being reported to the nation as on 13th June 2014 the BBC and all media, except the Financial Times, said nothing of this - to ensure the people of the four nation of the UK remained in the dark.

I caught the FT story the next day, by chance, and after researching what this meant - I wrote an article for an online news site, Open Democracy, to try to warn the nation about this - after the BBC said when I complained of the lack of coverage - we decide what the nation gets told.

Mark Carney said the next financial crisis could come from China - and just a few days ago Moody's cut China's credit rating and just weeks ago the Financial Times ran the headline "Bank of England would be sorely tested by another financial crisis" - now you know why.

£9 trillion casino banking debt our German Royal Family and their UK privy council, is once again, going to claim all UK taxpayers are now responsible for. (with the European Central Bank, based in Germany, no doubt rigged to do the same (now both banks are in the control of Goldman Sachs boys).

With the university educated MSP's and parties to corruption in the Scottish Parliament also deliberately sinking Scotland into £50 billion unecessary debt by 2020 (over and above our share of Westminster and banking debt) - purely to earn themselves a seat on the UK Privy Council, Lords, Corporate and Charity boards when they step down - a parcel of rouges in a nation.

All parties, university educated MP's and MSP's in both Westminster and the Scottish Parliaments also kept this important Bank of England lending rule change secret, distracting us completely with their riggerendum instead - where all votes since 2013 have been rigged by these parties using a private corporation with their fellow UK privy councillor Tory MP Peter Lilley on the board.

And just to twist the knife into Scotland further, ex RBS man Salmond appointed the ex "vice" chair of RBS to turn Scotland into a PFI monopoly board (again by stealth) to give as many international bankers a slice of the Scottish debt action as they he could - all done by stealth (since Blair's trojan horse parliament was set up) - as the "royals" and their UK Privy Council know - Scotland enslaved in debt - with it's Bank of Scotland gone - is a nation that will never have any chance of independence ever again.

Then ex RBS man Alex Salmond was pictured in the Financial Times laughing all the way to the bank - with American Casino Bankers - who paid him £10k to attend lunch with them in London as his reward for playing his part so well - during the last general election campaign in 2015 - while he left Yes voters who trusted him to do his campaigning for him in Scotland.

As the Royal Families of the Holy Roman Empire of Germany and their royalist, unionist minions and bankers attempt the biggest fraud ever committed in history - to dismantle all democracy in every NATO country - (code word austerity) - to establish the New World Order of corporate and banker control backed by NATO force the Holy Roman Empire of Germany - that has never let go the dream of re-establishing the good old days.

To get a real understanding of how Gordon Brown lied to the nation on behalf of bankers and the UK Privy Council as part of a plot to overthrow democracy, not just in Scotland and the UK but across all Europe, America and other NATOSTAN alliance countries - read the most concise history possible - The UK Privy Council Plot Against Democracy.

Nine Scotsmen - William Archibald, John Laws and Archibald Campbell - New Labour's Gordon Brown, Tony Blair and Alistair Darling and RBS unionist minions Alex Salmond, George Mathewson and Angus Grossart (who Rupert Murdoch call "the puppet master of Scotland" - New SNP just Grossart's trojan horse RBS unionist party now thanks to ex RBS unionist Alex Salmond) - all at the heart of this banking story - the last six at the heart of the treachery against the people of Scotland together.

And to understand - how these crooks have been scamming us for hundreds of years - using the same scams over and over again - below is the story of another Scottish Banker (also tied with King William of Orange) and how this Scot devised the very banking and monetary system the EU Royal families of the Holy Roman Empire of Germany and their bankers, especially the German Rothschild family, have used for over 300 years to fleece us all.

John Law - The Scot Who Devised this Corrupt Banking System

John Law was a Scottish economist, born in Fife into a family of bankers and goldsmiths, who believed national wealth depended on trade and that money creation will stimulate the economy, that paper money is preferable to metallic money, and that shares are a superior form of money since they pay dividends.

Law had gambling problems and was in sentenced to death in 1694 in London for killing someone in a dual but was released and fled to Holland.

After King William of Orange mysteriously let Laws out of jail - in 1702 Law attempted to persuade the French Royal family (enemy of King William of Orange) to set up a bank and start printing paper money but his ideas were rejected.

Law returned to Scotland and while backing the Act of the Union (for King William of Orange?) and attempted to convince the parliament of Scotland in 1705 to issue new paper money backed by the nation's land (for King William of Orange?) - but his idea was rejected.

Law went to France again and it took John Law until 1716 to persuade the Regent to allow him to set up a privately owned Bank of France where the charter was granted to "Mr Law and his Company" to print paper money.

In early 1717 Law became involved in the financial scheme eventually known as the Mississippi Bubble - a scheme Law devised to promote colonial trade and "solve" the French government's financial problems.

Meanwhile the Bank of France was nationalised and it's name changed to Royal Bank but it stayed in Law's control - this at the same time Law was buying up trading companies to form the "Company of the Indies".

Law was made the finance minister and controlled the colonial trade, the Royal Bank, the public debt, indirect taxes, a monopoly on tobacco and more than half of what is now the United States (without Alaska)

He encouraged speculation, inflating the possible wealth this company would make, and the wealthy people of France rushed to sell their land - on which their wealth was based - to buy shares in his Company of the Indies with even the poor caught up in what is said to be "the biggest speculative orgy France has ever had".

Law used the Royal Bank to buy shares in the company which affected the currency and as a result - inflation rose - wages dropped - food prices soared.

Once the nation realised Law's predictions of wealth to be had by buying shares in Company of the Indies were all just a fantasy the panic sell of shares started - Law and the Regent tried using the Royal Bank to buy shares to keep the price up - but no one else would buy them and by December 1720 the Mississippi Bubble burst causing a financial crash not only in France but other countries too - with rich and poor losing their shirts - after many selling the land they owned to buy the shares.

And like now - the enormous debts of Law's Company of Indies and the Bank's resulting debt were bundled together and all the debt became the responsiblity of taxpayers.

And ever since these banks were set up to print paper money and swap real assets like land for paper money and shares - the same scam has been run by bankers and Royalty and parliaments ever since - to grab all real assets and wealth while pedalling their worthless paper money.

Law's theories live on 300 years later and are very much a part of modern monetary theory still used by bankers and governments and Royalty of the Holy Roman Empire of Germany to fleece people and nations over and over and over again - so while the title of this piece mentions Scotland specifically - all people of Scotland - the UK and the EU and every NATO country should read this history to understand what is going on today.

The history of so called EU Royalty of the Holy Roman Empire of Germany banking scam they don't want us to know.

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