UK Wide State and Institutional abused and used, missing and murdered children
Across every corner of the UK - England, Channel Islands, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland there are meant to be "inquiries" happening into colossal institutional and state child abuse.
The Scottish inquiry has been turned on it's head by two members for life of the UK Privy council (who have both sworn an oath to keep all state secrets together) and now it can only be described as a UK Privy Council Scottish PIE - pedophile information exchange - not an independent inquiry any more.
And these UK privy council controlled "inquiries" are doing their best to use the complete power they wield in attempt to stop survivors voices being heard - especially those who allege they were abused by the most powerful people in the land.
And to ensure the press are no longer independent the most powerful person in the UK Privy Council, Rothschild's representative Oliver Letwin, proposed the press be put under a UK Privy Council controlled "royal charter" so the UK Privy council have complete control of media.
A good example of how those who control society and those who control criminal gangs come from the same background is the fact Donald Trump and "the mobster John A Gotti, who went on to be head of the Gambino crime family" are both alumni of a very expensive private military training school in New York.
When children are taken in by the state, purely because their parents are poor e.g.children deported to Canada and Australia and abused, the children paid the price - when you understand right now our "parliaments" are taking us back to this system using what the Supreme Court effectively said was a new totalitarian named persons system.
As politicians, bankers, lords and ladies and Royalty in the UK Privy Council are attempting to use named persons and state imposed complete poverty to give them the power to once again remove children en masse for her Majesty's pleasure as their parents are forcibly being made too poor to be able to feed their own children - 16% of Scots already eating from food parcels in 2016/7 as a result joint governments, bankers and corporations operations together.
They call their joint enforced poverty for all - "austerity".
Totalitarian Named Person scheme - Whose Idea was this really ?
Where does this named person state guardian for all children idea come from?
A new "World Future Council" was set up in Germany in 2007 - with people from around the world - no one elected - in control and our German Queen arranged, via UK Privy Council members Alex Salmond and Nicola Sturgeon to use Scotland as the guinea pig for this German idea.
In 2012 the Guardian revealed
"The World Future Council is calling for "ombudspersons for future generations". These would be guardians appointed at global, national and local levels whose job would be to help safeguard environmental and social conditions by speaking up authoritatively for future generations in all areas of policy-making. This could take the shape of a parliamentary commissioner, a guardian, a trustee or an auditor, depending on how it best fits into a nation's governance structure".
Why UK Privy Councillors, Salmond and Sturgeon, backed by every MSP created an unelected "children's commissioner" and have created unelected named person state guardians for each child in Scotland, despite being told repeatedly by lawyers this would breach all our human rights.
With the Guardian story revealing New Zealand, Hungary and Israel and the G77 group of nations are imposing unelected "commissioners" and state "guardians" on their nations too - but the Guardian does not reveal this is on behalf of a German based unelected global elite.
And now Scotland is putting in place this totalitarian German system where all state employees must record OPINIONS on every parent and child in Scotland and the police (now controlled by MSP's) and social work departments and politicians can use named persons national network so they can all share information on every family in Scotland any time they feel like it - including our medical records.
With Nicola Sturgeon secretly signing two contracts, with an American and a Yorkshire firms to share our medical records without informing or asking the public - breaching human rights and data protection laws - we only know because reporters noticed the companies bragging about it, with the Express revealing
"The second part involves the creation of a new Scottish Child Public Health and Wellbeing System, which will manage the health and social care records of every child in the country."
With Nicola Sturgeon also giving a contract for software to flag to every named person if any parent or teenager dares to refuse the ever growing list of "vaccines" - where Nicola Sturgeon (along with her fellow UK Privy Councillor for life David Cameron) approving a vaccine for new born babies that they do not need when it is known it could harm their intestines (Italy, America and a growing list of NATO nations making vaccination compulsory - no doubt in their G77 plan we will be next - via.named persons who are the guardian of all children.
This despite the fact when the Supreme Court ruled of all MSP's together attempting to breach our human rights and data protection rights where the Telegraph reported
"The five judges were unanimous in declaring that Holyrood had exceeded its powers by making a law that allowed public bodies to share sensitive private information about children and parents without consent."
With the report going on to say
"The judgment emphasises the importance of article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights - on the right to a private and family life - and in a withering passage states:
“The first thing that a totalitarian regime tries to do is to get to the children, to distance them from the subversive, varied influences of their families, and indoctrinate them in their rulers’ view of the world. Within limits, families must be left to bring up their children in their own way.”"
Well HItler and Mussolini ran totalitarian regimes with Hitler declaring Germany the fatherland and it is Germany's World Future Council this Named Person state guardian of all children idea comes from which will be rolled out across all nationis in the "G77" (which is now the G134) - if 129 MSP's get away with imposing this illegal totalitarian plan on the whole of Scotland - which they are attempting to do right now - despite it being ruled illegal.
Every Parent in Scotland to be monitored by the state longer than convicted Pedophiles
This "named person" scheme means every parent in Scotland will be monitored for far longer than convicted pedophiles - as parents will be monitored for what could be for 24 years or more if your children are born 6 years apart.
Yet, even the worst of convicted pedophiles are monitered by the state for a maximum of 15 years - it's their human right!
SNP's first named person convicted of sharing her fantasies to abuse children with like minded people - she was not jailed and she is only under state supervision for 3 years - while every parent of the 200 children involved will be supervised by the state until they are 18.
With "REFORM SCOTLAND" Tory think tank in the past few day (with members from every party involved) calling for criminals due sentences a year and less to no longer be jailed - wonder how many pedophiles will be protected by that move?
Headteachers being removed - so named person's rule unsupervised
Want to be pedophile "teachers" being named persons is not the only threat posed to our children and our parental and children's human rights by this totalitarian named person scheme.
Here are more scandalous events from the Named Person mass "trial" roll out - facts all 129 MSP's don't want anyone in Scotland to putting together to get the big totalitarian picture.
And now schools are to be taken out of council control and schools being paced into clusters of 6 with all headteachers removed from each primary school in the cluster - this leaves every named person and teacher in each school totally unsupervised by our elected councils or headteachers - yet we have a steady stream of teachers and headteachers in court for sexually abusing our children.
Pedophile Teachers - free to go and to even continue to teach children
And when caught many of these pedophile teachers are told they are free to go, get their sentences cut when the public furory has died down, some being admonished completely despite being found guilty - by people the UK Privy Council call their "judges".
With UK Privy Councillor Alex Salmond in 2012 turning the General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS) into a fee based registered charity and the world's first independent self-regulating body for teaching which ensures they can keep secret the names of teachers who abuse their position of trust and our children - which is exactly what has started happening - with claims keeping teacher's names secret is to protect children.
This of course stops any other children who may have been abused by the same teacher from learning others have come forward - giving them the courage to also giving their testimony - this change taking place as a world's first when demands for historical child abuse inquiry were ongoing.
Named Person part 2 of plan to wipe out Family Relationships with State Guardians by "law"
And Named Person legislation ties in with 129 MSP's together first sneakily removing the words mother, father, son, daughter, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather from Scots law under the guise of changing marriage laws pretending it was all about "equality".
When in fact their marriage law changes in Scotland, imposed by 129 MSP's were nothing to do with equality but a trojan horse, by MSP's to remove parental and children's rights and wipe out family relationships from Scots law, as page 3 of the explanatory notes for the bill reveal, - to then allow the state to effectively declare itself as the mother and fatherland of all children by "law" in phase two of their combined plan we knew nothing about.
Giving state "guardians" powers, which the state can, use to start taking decisions for our children, like vaccines and who their "doctor" is and what subjects they should take at school - decisions that no state is ever meant to take for OUR children - replacing mothers and fathers rights with state rights.
Swinney claims Liam Fee Murder nothing to do with his Named Person - so why have one?
Yet little Liam Fee was murdered when he had a named person - with Nicola Sturgeon and John Swinney desperately trying to stop Scotland understanding that inconvenient truth, with John Swinney angrily claiming Liam Fee's death
"“has absolutely nothing to do with named person"
demonstrating conclusively, once again, this scheme is nothing to do with protecting children and purely MSP's using children at risk as their excuse to mount a Scotland wide state surveillance of every family - in breach of human rights law for their remove parental rights agenda.
Despite repeated complaints and concerns reported to the local social work department about how Liam was being treated by his Lesbian mother and her female partner, little Liam Fee's named person "state guardian" did nothing to intervene and the little boy died despite the named person being the child's state guardian by law.
With a social worker, who went off sick from work a year before Liam Fee's murder, made the scapegoat while the state protect their illegal named person "guardian" appointed to Liam fee from scrutiny, prosecution and justified criticism.
So if John Swinney states his named person is nothing to do with protecting little Liam Fee - then 129 MSP's are determined just to spy on every parent and child in Scotland - as John Swinney has effectively stated named persons have nothing to do with protecting children.
Who has the power continue to cover up state child abuse on this scale for so long?
Which begs the question what sort of network of power is in place that has the power to successfully covered all this up - on a UK wide scale - as even when police have witness statements of child abuse within the "care" system and schools and when the state as "guardian" deports our children to other countries - these witness statements, held by police and politicians at the highest level, vanish over and over again?

There is one UK wide powerful network, that is never mentioned in regard to institutional and state child abuse or anything else - yet when you understand it's "Rosicrucian" and "Theosophical Society" and related organisations history and their practises and reason for being (for some powerful members) you understand this is the one organisation with the power, the means and the manpower across the entire state apparatus to change our laws and cover up state child abuse by the most powerful of their members on a UK wide scale.

The all powerful Rosicricians and Theospectics and others who worship the "Rosy Cross", using global masonic networks as their cover, see Rosslyn Chapel as a focal point for their collective global worship of their occult Rosy Cross - regardless of their race, colour or creed.
The occult Theosophical Society use a very interesting symbol (left) which brings many familiar symbols together - all circled by a serpant.
Symbols like the pyramid, the all seeing eye, the star of david i.e. pentagram, rosy cross and other crosses, serpents, swastika and much more - including the Compass Rose - central to their collective Rosicrucian, Theosophical, Rosy Cross worship by people publicly professing a traditional religious faith to cover up who they really worship using occult practises.

And where can we find their global Rosicrucian Compass Rose - hidden in plain sight - on their global Rosicrucian banner - the NATO flag.
When it comes to the Rosicrucian occult members using global masonic lodges - most freemasons are aware of what is going on and how powerful people at the top of the Rosicrucian Rosy Cross worship gang use these masonic lodges for their Rosicrucian power games.
Rosicrucian "leaders" (i.e. misleaders) in media, courts, police, parliament and councils Asian and White and all nationalities have the power to place their own Rosicrucian pals key power positions to protect their own from prosecution and and to take attention away from the UK privy council's current cover up of state child abuse across the UK - no matter how many witnesses report the sexual abuse they suffered over and over and over again at the hands of some of the most powerful people across the UK e.g. put the focus on asian gangs not state child abuse.
The master masonic lodge in the UK is the UK privy council - controlled by our Queen and Prince Philip - with Prince Michael of Kent their official public Master of Freemasonry.
Here is what freemasons have to say regarding Royal control of freemasonry allowing men of all stations to mix with the elite - and of course gain their protection from laws that apply to the rest of us together - enriching them all together at our expense - Royal controlled freemasonry making them all elite together - the 1% in every town?

The above article "The Influence of Kings on Craft Freemasonry" gives the history of how the UK "royals" have controlled the masonic lodge global network - and so every nation via this.
Together Rosicrucian secret societies going by many different names running our lives together - - not by democracy but with powerful Rosicrucian brothers and sisters via political parties, think tanks, corporate boards, "charity" boards, unelected quangos, "religious" organisations and a masonic global network.
With their global Rosicrucian plan being :-
""universal reformation of mankind""
Is this why every bill put through every parliament and every politician uses the word "reform" to justify their actions?
Is this why a senior MSP from Labour, Tory, LIb Dem and SNP , including Wendy Alexander, joined the advisory board of the Scottish conservative party "think tank" Reform Scotland together along with the Martin Sime, chief executive of the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) to orchestrate universal reform of our laws in Scotland together?
The same Wendy Alexander and her brother ex MP Douglas Alexander (who is in the UK Privy council for life), who went to an "invitation only" elite Royal Rosicrucian finishing school, Atlantic College in Canada set up by Lord Mountbatten, Sir David Wills and German Kurt Hahn, who taught Prince Philip how to think - with the convenor of 450 SNP councillors, an ex Labour MP, an ex Tory MSP and senior Scottish Lib Dem policy advisors all joining the Reform Scotland advisory board together now.
Is this why senior MP's from Labour, Tories and Lib Dems and senior civil servants, MOD, police representatives are also involved in policy conferences and invitation only breakfast, lunches and dinners together with corporate bosses via the Tory sister think tank in London "Reform" to orchestrate law changes and universal reform in Westminster too?
Dunblane Massacre - UK Privy Council - Who is their 100 year secrecy protecting?
With concerns in Scotland regarding the Dunblane Massacre of the powerful Scottish masonic network possibly attempting to the cover up details where a Scotsman report revealed
"The letter, dated 11 April 1996 - less than a month after Hamilton killed 16 pupils and a teacher at Dunblane Primary School - said: "It is in the public interest that Lord Cullen be asked if he is a Freemason, given the widely held view by the public that Thomas Hamilton's Masonic affiliation was probably the reason that the Ombudsman overturned an earlier decision by Central Regional Council in 1983 to prevent Hamilton from running youth clubs, and that his Masonic affiliation probably facilitated his application for a gun licence." The letter-writer said anyone involved in the inquiry who turned out to be a Freemason should be forced to resign - and that included Lord Cullen."
Lord Cullen said he was not and never had been a mason - but he was appointed to the UK Privy Council for life just months after he produced his Cullen Inquiry report into the Dunblane Massacre for powerful Scottish UK Privy Council Member Michael Foryth and George Robertson, who set the terms of the inquiry (who was appointed to the UK Privy Council for life in 1997 too) with the UK Privy Council placing Dunblane Massacre files mysteriously into secrecy lockdown for 100 years with questions being asked to protect whom?
Especially as the two men controlling who led the inquiry and it's terms of reference were personally involved with Thomas Hamilton who we were told murdered the children, with the Guardian reporting
"There has been much speculation about the identity of the politicians in the report. It is known that in June 1996 Michael Forsyth, then Scottish secretary and MP for Stirling, congratulated Hamilton on running a boys' club in Dunblane.George Robertson, now general secretary of Nato, withdrew his son from a club run by Hamilton amid concern about its militaristic nature."
Prince Andrew (Clintons, Trump and many other of the mower powerful people in the world) is a very good friend of Jeffrey Epstien, a billionaire who stands accused of sex slave operations - but was only convicted on one lesser offense.
Andrew and his brothers and his father Prince Philip all "educated" at Gordonstoun private school in Scotland.
Royals, German Kurt Hahn and their global Rosicrucian Training Empire
So what do we know about Gordonstoun private school and it's "feeder" school Aberlour House?
In 1933 powerful Rosicrucians, our German King George V, Lord Mountbatten and Labour traitor Prime Minister Ramsay McDonald arranged for German Rosicrucian Kurt Hahn (who was part of the German first world war surrender delegration) to be brought into Scotland to set up 150 masonic Rosicrucian "Round Square" training schools across King George V's empire.
"In 1949, Dr. Kurt Hahn, who had in 1933 founded Gordonstoun School near Elgin in Morayshire, Scotland, advised Friedrich Wilhelm, Duke of Schleswig-HolsteinSonderburg-Glücksburg of his decision to build a boarding school in the grounds of the castle, and establish the Louisenlund Foundation. The foundation, set up to administer the Stiftung Louisenlund, is a member of the Round Square Conference of Schools which includes Gordonstoun in Scotland."
Prince Philips' real name is not Mountbatten - he is in fact a member of the House of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, mentioned above.
Kurt Hahn set up Gordonstoun as one of 150 of their "Round Square" Rosicrucian private training schools, specifically to train Prince Philip - who was also brought into Scotland with him from a powerful German "royal" house - not quite the poor wee Greek Prince the BBC pedalled to the war generation (after Mountbatten had arranged for three of Philip's sisters to be married off to senior Nazi SS officers) and told Philip to use his name instead of his German Royal House name.
Gordonstoun, we now find, was at the centre of a child abuse probe decades ago, along with it's "feeder" school Aberlour House, where no one was prosectuted, despite survivors giving statements of the sexual abuse they suffered - all covered up and those involved free to keep "teaching" children thanks to their Rosicrucian powerful friends.
And once again, just like the Home Office - we found out in 2015 the files regarding child sex abuse at Gordonstoun have all magically vanished from police care - magick disappearing acts Rosicrucians favourite trick - e.g. Lord Lucan?
BBC boasting German Kurt Hahn "taught Prince Philip how to think"- is this why Prince Charles called Gordonstoun "Colditz in Kilts"?
Hahn, Lord Mountbatten and Sir David Wills (tobacco baron family) also set up 17 private Atlantic College Rosicrucian finishing schools around the world - the first set in a Castle in Wales, which all operate on an "invitation only" basis - with not just Wendy and Douglas Alexander invited to attend but Neil Kinnock's grandaughter attending the one in Wales.
This Kurt Hahn/Royal Atlantic College is very near Bridgend in Wales where lots of teenagers are committing suicide - powerful Rosicrucian Bildergberger Rupert Murdoch's empire claiming it's all a mystery why.
Yet this story from Wales in 2013 reveals how hundreds of children are going missing from Social Services "care", even babies going missing for months - some never to be seen again - Bridgend specifically mentioned as being really bad for children going missing from their social work "care".
So when you understand an all powerful Rosicrucian and Theosophical Rosy Cross worshipping occult network is operating across the UK - controlled by the people at the highest levels and most powerful positions in our "society"- using children in social work "care" for their occult practises - surviors whose testimonies get ignored and lost - this would explain the vast amount of teenage suicides in Bridgend, Wales - as it is in teenage years child abuse survivors gain a full understanding and significance of what happened to them as a child - too scared and ashamed to speak out - state child sex abuse survivors understanding better than anyone the powers they are up against.
German Rosicrucian Kurt Hahn also set up the Duke of Edinburgh Award and Outward Bound Schemes - a great way for "leaders" to take children away for the weekend - via Scouts, BB's, Army Cadet units - all of which we now find had "leaders" who used that as an opportunity for a bit of their "sex magick" to abuse children across the UK - all organisations tied to our Rosicruican German "Royal" Family.
All Scotland's Children to come under unelected, unaccountable Rosicrucian Control.
And now the Rosicrucians in our Royal's Master Masonic Lodge - they prefer to call their "UK privy council" members are targeting all children in Scotland - to replace education with a Scotland wide system that is an obvious threat to every child's wellbeing in Scotland - creating a perfect pedophile ring environment.
MSP's and councillors across ALL Scottish political parties (and "independent" councillors) together across Scotland are attempting right now to take all schools out of council control (Westminster policy).
Rememer the Rosicrucians require allegiance to the cause they worship together above all else - every political party, parliament and council has it's (mis) leaders working together.
Out of sight in the Highlands, a cross party group of councillors voted to roll out SNP policy to put primary schools into clusters of six and remove every head teacher from each primary school in the cluster - this is very quiety being rolled out, against parents wishes, in the Highlands right now - out of sight to allow the misleaders in our parliament to perfect this system before SNP get councillors in every party to roll this out, a council at a time - for the whole of Scotland - instead of by an act of parliament.
Westminster had to enact the Academies Bill to put schools into "clusters" out of council control -
Nicoa Sturgeon, Ruth Davidson, Patrick Harvie, Kezia Dugdale and Willlie Rennie know if they do this by an act of parliament - which is what they are meant to do - this would expose SNP, Better Together and Greens - all parties together - are imposing Westminster policy to take schools out of council control and placing them in clusters under the control of a totally unelected regional board which is not accountable to local people - so the unelected control the entire education system and the entire £4 billion education budget without being accountable to anyone - instead of 1200 elected councillors who are accountable to the people.
So together the five parties to corruption agree they will NOT do it by an act of the Scottish Parliament as the nation would never agree - and together are doing it by stealth instead.
Unsupervised Named Persons to replace headteachers in primary schools.
Nicola Sturgeon insists the named person scheme will be imposed on every child in Scotland - without opposition from the other parties (as they all agreed to make the named person scam "law" - despite the Supreme Court ruling this illegal and totalitarian.
Nicola Sturgeon and the other MSP's and councillors know - by taking schools out of council control and removing headteachers from primary schools - this will ensure their state named persons are NOT supervised by anyone in the council or a headteacher.
Yet they all know the first named person was caught sharing her fantasies to abuse children with "like minded people" - MSP's from every party thought that was so good every child should have a named person.
Should any family object to how their children are being treated in schools out of council control - their named person has power over every child and every family to report them to social work and police to arrange for all the children in the family to be taken away from their mothers and father - as parents must not have the power to protect their children from state employed pedophiles and child abusers any more.
With MSP's insisting named persons have power to get children alone in school - which would allow them to abuse them and threaten children to stay quiet or they will use their supreme power to get them taken from their parents - MSP's and councillors across every party in power in Scotland, agree this is what education should be now.
Now you know why they refuse to put forward an act of parliament - as they don't want Scotland to realise together MSP's and coucillors are replacing education with the perfect environment for any pedophile ring to operate in, without detection, and with the power to protect themselves from scrutiny.
Army Cadet Units - where child abuse is rife - to be involved in "educating" Scotland's children
But "education" changes do not end there.
The Queen's UK Privy council, is spending £millions to involve army cadet units in schools in deprived areas (with lots of vulnerable children) across the whole of the UK - including Scotland.
Yet we have been told powerful pedophiles also use our Queen's MOD's army cadet units as another of their child abuse feasting grounds.
On 4th July this year it was reported
"More than 350 complaints of sexual abuse perpetrated against members of Britain’s cadet forces have been made in the past five years, the Ministry of Defence has said, as reports emerged that some cases were covered up by the authorities."
Three days later, to lull Scotland and SNP Youth into a false sense of security, on 7th July 2017 the American Rosicrucian owned Herald Newspaper ran the headline
"Army Cadet Force units ruled out at Scottish state schools"
But out of sight, in the borders, on the exact same day*, an online regional news report revealed MSP's and councillors, right now, ARE rolling out army cadet units involvement with schools in deprived areas of Scotland.
The report reveals the same day*
"A SECONDARY school in Dumfries is to become the first in Scotland to forge links with the Army Cadet Force (ACF) as part of a new £50 million UK-wide initiative".
"Explaining the school in Lochside has been selected because it is in an area of deprivation, he added:
“This is the first one since (Defence Secretary) Michael Fallon announced the Cadet Expansion Programme, which is an effort to try and increase the number of units.” Mr Fallon said: “The cadets are extremely popular and we are looking to expand the number of units in Scotland following the big increase we have had in the rest of the UK.”
The report goes on to say
"With a Scottish Government spokesman "Explaining it will allow the ACF to contribute to the Scottish curriculum as part of a national youth work strategy, he added: “That means schools will not host a cadet unit.
“Instead, the ACF will work with the local authorities to offer a syllabus as an elective subject to be taught as part of the school timetable.”
* Update The date of the report was changed to 3 days later after this blog was pubilshed
John Swinney and Nicola Sturgeon, for the UK Privy Council, planning to target children in schools in deprived areas to make Kurt Hahn's Duke of Edinburgh scheme an education "subject" while knowing pedophiles use schemes like this to get children away for the weekend with them - a system which can be abused by named persons able to identify vulnerable children to recommend should be put forward for this army cadet unit devised "education" in schools which are out of council control - with no councillor got any power to stop this or supervise what is going on.
Rosicrucians Shadow Operations across the UK - where Secrecy Rules
When Rosicrucians swear an oath of secrecy to protect their fellow brothers and sisters from a light being shined on their actions together - their oath of secrecy means their soul and concience go with it - along with their backbone - for a lifetime of being part of the most powerful network in the world - and for great power and wealth for themselves for the rest of their life.
Their allegiance to their Rosicrucian occult shadow operations orchestrated via Masonic temples overriding their alliagance to their family, their community, their work colleagues, their political parties and this country.

We must understand how Rosicrucians at the higher rungs of the masonic ladder from the UK Privy Council down, are tied with Rosicrucianism, Theosophical Society, Occult, Alchemy and how satinic worship is involved - using "sex magick" in the belief it rejuvinates them and gives them higher powers of thought!
There is no doubt most Masonic lodge members not part of the Rosicrucian shadow masonic operations, mainly at the lower rungs of the ladder (just like the UK Privy Council controlled political parties and every organisation they control) have no knowledge of any of this and will be horrified to think this is how the masonic lodge network and political parties across the UK are being abused by the most powerful Rosicrucian and Theosophical society members together.
This is why the Rosicrucian misleaders at the top insist all members must swear an oath of secrecy - just like the invitation only members of the UK Privy Council Master Masonic Lodge, - to ensure their corruption collaboration and control of operations in political parties, parliaments, Lords, councils and UK privy council and so all law and democracy together is kept secret from everyone.
Why German Master Rosicrucian, King George V, introduced the official secrets act in 1911 as one of the earliest moves of his "royal" reign and created Chatham house in 1921 - where secrecy also rules.
Prince Philip setting up the "Windsor Leadership Trust" where the website explains he has his spotters in every community (just like they do for Kurt Hahn Atlantic Colleges), volunteering to identify any possible future leader in their community - in any walk of life - and tell Prince Philip's Windsor Leadership Trust - who invite individuals to come be groomed at Windsor Castle into the Windsor Programmes - all under Chatham House Secrecy rules.
Ensuring Prince Philip has a network of people in every organisation - especially police - swearing to be part of his UK wide Windsor Leadership team in every community and every walk of life - why the Queen also appoints Deputy and Lord Lieutenant to oversee every community.
Remember the masonic lodge network welcomes people from Catholic, Protestant, Muslim, Hindu, Bhuddist, Jewish- every mainstream faith and athiest and secular no faith - people from every nationality and colour to join - and many of these people are Rosicrucians and Theosophical Society occult worshippers who pretend to worship mainstream faiths - as their public front within masonic lodges and their public life.
Rosicrucian Universal Reformation of Mankind - backed by NATO Force
Rosicrucians want
a ""universal reformation of mankind"" i.e. a new world order
once the climate is right (around 2021) - plans moving forward nicely to achieve it - false financial crisis, austerity for all, all powers and budgets being transferred to unelected Rosicrucian hands from elected councils.
And as our Rosicrucian Royals ensured masonic lodges were set up which they could use across the British Empire and Commonwealth and America this ensures this masonic control system is international and global - with Rosicrucians at the helm luring in unsuspecting people to fund operations, oblivious to how the network at the very top operates against even them.
And what is the masonic network's global Rosicrucian banner - the NATO FLAG - with their compass rose there in plain sight - echoed on the Scientology "cross".
This explains why so many children are being trafficked on the back of NATO bombs - war provides lots of vulnerable children across the world to be trafficked for the powerful global Rosicrucian network - as their greed for power over vulnerable children is insatiable.
It is time to put the royal family and their UK Privy Council and leaders of every political party on trial for crimes against children and humanity, corrupt collusion and abuse of power and for every nation in the UK to set up a new state child abuse inquiry - this time letting survivors choose the panel - and for evidence to be broadcast live on BBC until every single state and institutional child abuse survivor has testified publicly - so we can all hear their testimony and no one has the power to stop their voices being heard.
Those, who despite the powerful odds stacked against them who have managed to survive and are bravely demanding to be heard - deserve nothing less.
Because a society that turns a blind eye and refuses to give the time to listen to every testimony is a society that allows this to perpetuate - and puts every child at risk in Scotland - as we are all one wage away from being forced to eat from food parcels in Scotland - 16% of the nation already are - and MSP's and councillors and MP's across Scotland, from every party, are working together to put in place a system to use named persons to use poverty to remove our children from our care once again.
Every child in Scotland is at risk if we don't stop their Rosicrucian plans to take all Scotland's schools out of council control, so elected councillors cannot stop their army cadets involvement and named persons taking over in schools where all headteachers are to be removed in their new school cluster pedophile ring perfect operating environment.
And I am sure even every right thinking, decent, honest member of every masonic lodge and political party in the world - will join us in demanding this organisation is completely outlawed and every lodge is shut down across the UK and the rest of the world - as knowing how this system is being abused by the most powerful people in NATO nations - as their secrecy, private schools and invitation only private colleges are a means to enable the suffering of thousands of little children every single day of the year via their shadow control and operations within every state institution.
And if the people of the world don't unite against this Rosicrucian new world order network - at the top of every NATO nation - we will find ourselves living in their new austerity for the world order for a very very long time - and it will take the power of the masonic lodge members not involved in Rosicrucian and Theosophical Rosy Cross occult worship to stand with us to round up the Rosicrician consiprators - starting with our Royals and their UK Privy Council.