Scottish Parliament - are MSP's damaging Scotland's water, livestock, crops water infrastructure and the nation?
Ms Brockovitch said "Adding ammonia to drinking water does not improve it. It masks the underlying problems and contaminants. "It 'adds' an additional chemical and creates more reactions that are, in fact, more toxic."
One local farmer reported after ammonia was added to water supplies in the area
"water in the area tasted and smelled so bad that even his cows and dogs wouldn't drink it."
He said: "It took the cows a long time before they would drink it because of the horrible, stagnant smell.
"They drink it now because they don't have a choice, but they don't like it and my four working collies are the same."
"Simon Parsons, Scottish Water's strategic customer service planning director, said the water supply in the area was fully compliant with strict water quality standards."
The Daily Record then warned in March 2018, without consultation, all drinking water in Ayrshire and Dumfries shall now have ammonia added there too.
According to the Scottish Water website the Scottish Government approved adding ammonia to Scotand's water supplies and already over 25% of Scots living in Edinburgh, Aberdeen and Inverness have also quietly had ammonia added to the drinking water to "improve" it.
They call this process "chloramination of drinking water".
"Chloraminated water is safe for bathing, drinking, cooking and all uses we have for water every day. This includes use by children, pregnant women and people with kidney ailments, on low-sodium diets and diabetes. If you are in any doubt please contact your Doctor.
However, there are two groups who need to take special care and precautions with chloraminated water: kidney dialysis patients and fish and other aquatic species owners."

America Erin Brockovich has been campaigning against (bankers who control water companies in America) adding ammonia to water supplies without consultation too.
Erin Brockovitch was made famous by a film of her successful campaign to win damages for men, women and children, in a town called Hinkley, in America, who were being struck down with cancer after their water supplies were poisoned by a local employer.
She warns adding ammonia and chlorine is the cheap and nasty version of water purification.
According to a 2010 report by Erin Brockovich "chloramination" of drinking water is toxic to the human body, can damage our entire water infrastructure and is the cheapest and most dangerous way to treat water to meet America's EPA drinking water regulations.
The report goes on to say
"Chloramine is 200 times less effective than chlorine in killing e-coli bacteria, rotaviruses, and polio.""Studies indicate chloramine causes more rapid deterioration of the municipal infrastructure and degradation of valves and fittings. In water systems that still use lead pipes or components, this causes lead and other metals to leach into drinking water and out of faucets and showerheads.
The chemicals themselves may not cost much, but we can’t afford their consequences.""On top of all these infrastructure and health problems associated with chloramine use, there is growing evidence that chloramine forms toxic byproducts as it disinfects. This also occurs with the use of chlorine, but recent studies indicate the formation of toxic byproducts in drinking water may be higher when utilities use chloramines.
These studies also indicate that chloramine causes more dangerous byproducts than other treatment alternatives, such as ozone or chlorine dioxide.""Disinfection byproducts are created when the compounds used for disinfecting drinking water react with natural organic matter, bromide, or iodide.
Research shows that the byproducts are highly toxic to mammalian cells like ours, and they’re known to affect cells’ genetic material, which can cause mutation or cancer. In studies, some of these byproducts, such as iodoacetic acid, have been shown to cause developmental abnormalities in mouse embryos.
Other byproducts of chloramine use include the highly toxic human carcinogens hydrazine and N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA). Hydrazine is the primary ingredient in rocket fuel and is extremely toxic at very low levels in drinking water. NDMA is also a chemical used in the manufacture of rocket fuels. Both chemicals are a result of the chloramine’s combination of ammonia and chlorine, a potentially deadly cocktail."
An American scientific report revealed fracking is also adding ammonia to waterways in America and warned
"Now add to the list of concerns ammonium and iodide—two naturally occurring, dangerous chemicals that are essentially unregulated in oil and gas wastewater."
We are releasing this wastewater into the environment and it is causing direct contamination and human health risks," said study co-author Avner Vengosh, professor of water quality and geochemistry at Duke's Nicholas School of the Environment.
"It should be regulated and it should be stopped.
That's not even science; it's common sense."Industry sources did not respond immediately to word of the new study.When dissolved in water, ammonium can turn to ammonia, highly toxic to aquatic life.
The Duke team found ammonium levels in streams and rivers from energy industry wastewater outflows at levels 50 times higher than the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's water-quality threshold. Under a loophole created by Congress in a 2005 energy law, fracking wastewater isn't regulated under the U.S. Safe Drinking Water Act."
After the Scottish Parliament formed one central body, Scottish Water, was set up to control all water and water services in Scotland.
This ensured this single body, with a board of directors not elected by the people, makes all decisions instead of local elected officials for local drinking water supplies and how water and water and sewerage services are controlled, without consultation.
This happened after Strathclyde Regional Council held a referendum in 1994 and 97% of the people who responded (71.5% turnout) voted against Margaret Thatcher move to start the privatisation of control of Scotland's water by removing it from local council control.
To get round this, Tony Blair set up a Scottish parliament to take powers and budgets and regulation control from councils and local people, so MSP's could do what Westminster wants instead.
MSP's across all parties quickly moved to take all the powers over water from Scotland's elected councillors and gradually, bit by bit, placed all the powers and budgets into an un-elected quango's hands - a quango they called "Scottish Water", with a board we don't elect making all decisions for all Scotland.
Since then the water shockers just keep on coming (without the people of Scotland realising what has been going on).
When Thatcher failed in her plan to privatise control of all water in the UK Scotland then got devolution to protect our water from Westminster rule - but the Scottish nation stopped watching what was happening, believing they could trust a Scottish parliament with our water.
In 2014, during the Indy Ref, every single MSP and political party and members of the Queens UK privy council for life, Salmond, Clegg, Cameron, Gordon Brown and Ed Milliband together took advantage of the referendum distraction to quietly allow Westminster to include Scotland and our water in a new UK wide private water market - to fulfill Thatcher's dream.
Nicola Sturgeon, personally, lodged the Legislative Consent (or Sewel) motion in Westminster for Cameron and Clegg's coalition to include Scotland and our water in their new UK private water market - SNP government permission was required as all water decisions were totally devolved.
Clause 9 of the LCM lodged in Westminster by Nicola Sturgeon states, in regard to the 2014 Westminster Water Act
"9. The Scottish Government welcomes the UK Government’s intention to take a similar approach to retail competition for non-domestic water customers as the one already in place in Scotland and have agreed a joint objective of creating a seamless Scottish-English retail market. The Bill facilitates this by enabling provision to be made so that where a new entrant applies for a licence in England and Wales, it can also be treated as an application for the equivalent licence in Scotland (and vice versa). This will benefit both Scottish and English customers."
Soon after Alex Salmond stood down to allow Nicola Sturgeon to become First Minister and ensure she became a member for life of the UK Privy Council with bankers, lawyers, judges (they claim are independent of politicians and political parties), sitting and retired MP's, MSP's, speakers and presiding officers of the Scottish and Westminster parliaments, lords, ladies and members of the Royal family - including Camilla.
As a member of the UK Privy Council for life, Nicola Sturgeon then appointed an American former Bank of England Banker, Susan Rice, to take over the running of Scottish Water from 1st June 2015.

Alex Salmond, as a member for life of the UK privy council since 2007, had already appointed this American, Susan Rice, as his "official economic advisor" while she was a member of the Court of the Bank of England until 2014.
Is that why Alex Salmond would not give Scotland our own currency and also kept quiet during the "economic debate" about the corrupt change to bank of England lending rules (weeks earlier) to allow Bank of England to lend direct to casino banks to be able to dump up to £9 trillion more casino banking debt on us in the near future - effectively making the Bank of England pound sterling worthless - the £ Alex Salmond insisted we should keep (so Scotland is burdened with the debt too when the time comes)
No politician in any political party or newspaper or TV news channel (except the Financial Times and myself) reported this - as this important corrupt change had an effective D-notice by government placed on it.
When challenged why they did not report this worldwide, BBC stated in their response t me they decide what gets reported, which is why they kept it secret too.
Why did Alex Salmond and Alistair Darling, knowing about this disastrous decision for the UK economy say nothing during the economic debate?
Because as life time members of the UK Privy Council they had both sworn an oath of secrecy for all things decided by the UK privy council - to ensure decisions like these are kept secret from the nation - a requirement to become life time members of the UK privy council which really runs the UK together.
This is why Alex Salmond refused to allow Scotland to also be independent of the Queen - as he would lose his seat in her UK privy council for life.
Nicola Sturgeon did not only put Susan Rice in charge of Scottish Water, after three desperate delays, she also then gave contracts to a private English water company, Anglian Water, which forced every state school and NHS premises across the whole of Scotland to pay their water and sewerage bills to this English company for all the services and water Scottish Water provide.
This was done to divert over 20% of Scottish Water's revenues into their English coffers for each of the next four years, despite assurances by Ms Sturgeon and Keith Brown Anglian Water would be cheaper - when in fact there were no guaranteed savings over what Scottish Water proposed for this new Scotland wide contract.
Meanwhile Ms Sturgeon gave private schools in Scotland exemptions from paying anything for water or sewerage, saving private schools up to £200,000 a year - and every other "charity" in Scotland was made exempt too - further reducing Scottish Water revenues by a huge amount in Scotland.
This new UK private water market set up in 2014 by Westminster, that includes Scotland and our water (by SNP agreement) - which Ms Sturgeon and Alex Salmond never discussed with the Scottish nation (during the referendum) allows companies like Tesco to opt to pay just one water company for the whole of the UK - and if every national company does this - then all revenues for Scottish water (except household) will flow down into England.
This means the only people left funding the entire water and sewerage infrastructure for Scotland will be households and the Scottish Water 2015/21 plan warned this would mean household bills would increase.
This warning is already proving to be true as Ms Sturgeon's SNP government decided (as reported in the Herald last week) that any one living alone will pay higher water bills in Scotland - this is just the start - targeting many of the weakest members of society first, lone pensioners and children just out of care living in their first home.
"Ministers have announced they want to cut the discount on water bills for single occupiers from 25 to 10 per cent"..In some council areas, more than 40 per cent of all households are single person" and also "end the exemption for vacant homes altogether."
"However there would be more generous discounts for the poorest households"
where Ministers might double the water bill discount from 25 to 50% for the poorest households in receipt of Council Tax Reduction (CTR) benefit which they claim should help 340,000 households on full CTR and another 160,000 of partial CTR.
(With the Westminster government implementing universal credit - does this impact on who qualifies for council tax reduction and if so does this mean the benefit to the poor claimed by the Scottish government will be as generous and as widespread as claimed to get away with reducing ?)
Ms Sturgeon has also decided every new house built (home buyers) should be charged more for their house being connected to water - while England's water companies collect increasingly more revenues that should be in Scottish Water coffers and private schools and every other "charity" in Scotland get all their water and sewerage completely free.
The collective poisonous policies of the former Bank of England, American, banker Susan Rice, Alex Salmond and Ms Sturgeon will effectively bankrupt Scottish Water - so they don't need to officially privatise it - why should their friends in the financial sector pay to take over control - when the Scottish public would never agree - when you can shut the public company down by bankrupting it (this was confirmed by the ex chair of Scottish Water in the Scottish parliament - if all customers opt to pay all their bills for their entire operations, including those in Scotland, to a private water company in England - SNP/Westminster new UK Privy Water Market makes easier - then Scottish Water's private section will go bust - leaving English companies to collect all the water and sewerage revenues forever for everything but household bills in Scotland.