As Gordon Brown and Lord Sachs lead the zionist campaign against Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party - what do they NOT SAY?
Lord Sacks and Gordon Brown are fellow honorary patrons of the UK Jewish National Fund (JNF).

The JNF (Jewish National Fund) is a "Jewish Charity" set up in the UK in 1901 to buy over land in Ottoman Palestine - which later became the British Mandate for Palestine (29th September 1923 - 15 May 1948) when the UK then created the first NATO base and called it (Camp) Israel.
British Prime Ministers are automatically made "honourary patrons" of the Jewish National Fund - used to take over Palestinian's land to expand NATO Camp Israel using "donations" from the UK.

Gordon Brown, Tony Blair and Lord Sacks are all "honorary patrons" of the JNF, together, along with another Scotsman, Tony Blair's main military advisor, especially on Kosovo, who is former head of UK armed forces, who was placed in the Lords Lords and is now known as Field Marshal Charles Ronald Llewelyn Guthrie, Baron Guthrie of Craigiebank.
Guthrie was rewarded for services rendered with a board room seat of Rothschild's bank and once placed in the Lords he demanded the illegal invasion of Iraq (for Rothschilds benefit?).

Lord Sachs and Gordon Brown's zionist friend Martin Gilbert (who is Jewish - but new world order zionists come from every faith and no faith - was then placed on the Chilcot Inquiry into the Iraq war to ensure the cover up for Blair and Brown's illegal invasion of Iraq - despite protests by even members of the British establishment because Gilbert was a lifelong "zionist"- with Gilbert accusing those who dared to expose this as being antisemitic.
Gilbert was the official biographer for Winston Churchill and Gordon Brown and Lord Sachs attended Gilbert's Memorial service after his death, with the Winston Churchill website revealing

"Lady Gilbert, Sir Martin’s widow, welcomed guests, and Rabbi Nicki Liss from Highgate Synagogue introduced the speakers who gave their personal tributes to Sir Martin. Leading the eulogists was former Prime Minister Gordon Brown, who called Sir Martin an “unforgettable friend” who had helped “again and again with his wisdom.” Mr. Brown revealed that Sir Martin was to be made a Lord before his health declined in 2012."
Would that have been for services rendered on the Chilcot Inquiry?
New World Order zionists come from all faiths and no faith - this type of zionism has nothing to do with Jewish faith or Jewish people - these "zionists" are all about new fascist world order together - no matter what country they live in - supporting NATO Camp Israel as the base to attack the people of the Middle East and North Africa while holding the people of Palestine in the biggest open air concentration camp the modern world has ever known .
Why - so they can claim all the land and resources of that land for themselves - gas, oil and much more - it's called fascism.
Being anti NATO Camp Israel is not being antisemitic - it is being anti fascist and against an illegal war base where UK, Canadian, German, American and other zionists (fascists) from around the world go to serve in the NATO Camp Israel Corps to do two years "national service" - where their children get to go with them on two year holiday visa's while they serve the new world order Zionist cause - nothing to do with Jewish people or the Jewish faith - why Jews around the world condemn and despise NATO Camp Israel - set up using the holocaust as the cover story for this military base.
Another example of the new world order "zionist" of any or no faith is another Scotsman, Michael Gove, who said "he is proud to be a zionist" in the video to the left - at a new world order zionist rally in Trafalgar Square on 2 June 2013, when he was David Cameron's Education Secretary - cheered by people waving the NATO Camp Israel flag with Gove's claims
"Israel is a beacon of democracy, freedom and tolerance.. in the Middle East in a region infected by extremism."
NATO Camp Israel is the new world order fascist war base set up by the UK in 1948 where Ben Gurion immediately ordered the poisoning of water in Palestine, Egypt and Syria - the first of UK's NATO Camp Israel chemical warfare attacks - after the UK sent German Jewish chemists (who invented mustard gas for Germany during World War One) to UK controlled Palestine before they set up their NATO Camp Israel - German Zionists who happened to be Jewish, serving Fascist Germany - as they had a new world order elitist common goal.
The Jewish National Fund (JNF) headed by every UK Prime Minister since 1939 - to set up to create and expand NATO Camp Israel and build "communities" in land that belongs to the Palestinian people - what honorary Patrons British Prime Ministers including Thatcher, Brown,Blair, Cameron and May have been up to with Lord Sachs for years.
Lord Sacks daughter, Gila Sacks worked as Policy Adviser to the Prime Minister (Gordon Brown) & Private Secretary to the Permanent Secretary between Jan 2008 and Oct 2009.
She then went on to be Private Secretary to the Prime Minister and another honorary patron of JNF, David Cameron, from Nov 2009 – Oct 2011.
Lord Sacks daughter's LinkedIn profile also revealed she then was appointed to positions in the Department of Education and Department of Business and skills before going to Washington only to return to the Department of Education and is now Director of Tech & Digital Policy at the Westminster Government's department of Digital, Culture, Media and Sports (DCMS).
Collectively, they don't want Jeremy Corbyn to become honorary patron of the UK's Jewish National Fund (JNF) - as this automatically happens when you become the UK Prime Minister - so what is the JNF?
Stanley Lovatt, who is long time chairman of KKL-JNF Scotland - is an official member of the "Building Bridges with Israel" cross party group in the Scottish Parliament, with Tory, SNP, Labour MSP's and Willie Rennie for the Liberal Democrats - most of these MSP's previously worked, - no surpise - for the financial sector and banks.
KKL-JNF Scotland is "an independent Committee within the worldwide KKL-JNF Family raising funds in Scotland exclusively for KKL-JNF Projects in Israel."
Nicola Benedetti performed at one of KKL-JNF fundraisers where it was said
"“When you help KKL-JNF, you are helping the State of Israel, our children and the future of us all.”
KKL-JNF was originally known as the Jewish National Fund - it was set up in 1901 to "buy" land in Palestine region for Jewish settlement.
By 2007 it owned 13% of the total land in Israel after the Israeli government began to sell "absentee lands" to the JNF.
"Absentee land" in NATO Camp Israel was land confiscated or seized from Palestinian refugees of the 1948 War of Independence (after the UK NATO zionist brigades poisoned their water).
The JNF have been attempting to change the meaning of "absentee" to grab homes and land for Jews when non-Jews die if the heir is living abroad - even if family members are still living in the house.
"The JNF purchased the land from the state with "Then prime minister David Ben-Gurion initiated the sale of land to the JNF to prevent any possibility of international pressure forcing Israel to restore it to the Palestinian refugees according to the article "Buying The State of Israel".
The article goes on to say even the Israeli government's Attorney General at the time doubted the legality of the sale - where in 1949 1000 km² of 3,500 km² of Palestinian refugees land was "sold" to JNF for £11million, with a further 1,000 km² sold to JNF in 1950 with the JNF land "administered" via the Israel Lands Administration (ILA) where only Jews could lease JNF land.
Demands were made to stop this discrimination policy yet in 2015 it was reported the JNF would split from government ILA control (while the Minister responsible was under investigation), which would allow the JNF to market its lands at its own discretion free of control of government.
Other current patrons of this Zionist UK charity, JNF, listed as "our people" are David Bellamy (OBE) and powerful Scottish lawyer and judge "Lady Cosgrove".
Another of JNF's people supporting Israel for Life is Scottish Baron Guthrie of Craigiebank, Blair's Chief of the Defence Staff until his retirement in 2001, when he became a non-executive Director of NM Rothschild & Sons, after advising Blair on his Kosovo war.
Guthrie converted to Catholicism to become an Knight of Malta for the Pope - the Knights of Malta protected (and still to this day desperately try to reclaim Jerusalem for the Pope to this day) - why do you think Tony Blair converted to Catholicism after the Queen and the other main Royals in Europe - including Germany - made their Knights of the Orders of St John of Jerusalem (from around the world) subservient to the global Knights of Malta in 1987 - surrendering the Protestant faith to serve the Pope once again - the Knights of Malta who, as part of their oath swear
""I do further declare that the doctrine of the Churches of England and Scotland, of the Calvinists, Huguenots, and others of the name of Protestants or Masons to be damnable, and they themselves to be damned who will not forsake the same.""
The Germanic Royals of Europe surrendering the faith for their collective rise of the Holy Roman Empire of Germany once again - why the peoples of the EU all face austerity together.
But what is their "bible" but a joint zionist and holy roman empire union - against all nations and all people's of the world to steal, lie and cheat from the people while telling them the meek shall inherit the earth.
From the board of Rothschild (who also have a family member as a Knight of Malta) - Knight of Malta Guthrie used his position in the Lords in 2002 to support the invasion of Iraq - Rothschild family fortune, we are told, connected to Napoleonic and UK war and now Iraq's oil according to Forbes magazine.
Guthrie actually wrote a book on the ethics of modern warfare with Michael Quinlan, former Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Defense - yet he is criticised for statements in the Lords supporting the illegal invasion of Iraq and appearing to support launching "surprise wars", something forbidden by the UN Charter.

Guthrie is on the board of the London based "Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD)." whose partnerships with the UK government and other governments around the world as well as corporations like Microsoft, Google and Facebook on the list
"Four major American metropolises that have handed over control of their law enforcement policy and practice to the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, who in turn is controlled by a who’s who of top tier globalist, one-world government, CFR, Trilateral, Bilderberg, Rothschild power brokers."
In the UK, so far London and Luton are part of the Strong Cities global network of growing global fascist control.

And, in its various reports, the ISD has made clear that the disarmament of civilians, particularly those found in the “right wing,” is the only sure way to safeguard the world.
Right wing means anyone against the new world order of fascism.
As is so often the case, the group identifies right-wing extremism with ownership of guns and ammunition.
Europol backs this stance.
"The mayors of four American cities have subverted their citizens’ control over their police in favor of a group of globalist gun grabbers who truly believe that owning guns and ammo and taking target practice make one an extremist worthy of imprisonment.
As you cannot have a civilian population able to stand up to the fascist new world order. Will the people of Switzerland be stripped of their guns?
This move toward international integration of global law-enforcement agencies is antithetical to the locally controlled police that are a part of and accountable to the community they serve.
"These proponents of regional and national police forces" (like New SNP and New Labour and Old Tories in Scotland) "desire nothing less than the eradication of all local police departments and sheriffs’ offices, the surrender of state and municipal sovereignty, and the conversion of local law-enforcement officers into federal security agents sworn not to protect and to serve their neighbors, but to protect the prerogatives of politicians" (fascists).
With the London based ISD controlling the Strong Cities network according to the Strong Cities network website - so far 120 cities globally (and rising fast) are in their control.

And with a National Police Force in Scotland the whole of Scotland can be a member in one go - with Scotland's Lord Guthrie as an honorary member of the Jewish National Fund in control of the Strong Cities (and full country) network of global fascist control.
We also have ex Chairman of BP and Tony Blair's main policy advisor who advised his cabinet on the board of ISD - Lord David Simon of Highbury and a senior German politician and businessman who plagiarised his doctoral thesis, Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg on the board - he is former German Defense Minister.
Also on the London based ISD board we also have JNF's Cameron's Minister of State for Security and Counter Terrorism, Baroness Neville-Jones, former MI5 world leading security man Richard Barrett and Timothy Garton Ash (who is a member of the fascist unelected EU - European Council on Foreign Relations - an unelected EU fascist government set up by our German Queen's UK privy councillors in 2007 in preparation for Brexit and the new world order.
Another "Scot" on the board of the fascist ISD is so called Catholic - just like Tony Blair and Lord Carnegie - Baroness Kennedy who is a so called "Labour" i.e. New Labour member of the Lords who is on a list of global power boards that enables her to work their fascist global agenda together with Baroness Rawlings - Tory politician and member of the "Pilgrims Society" with Rockerfeller bankers, the Queen, Philip and Charles and other crooks.
Here is the full list of fascist ISD directors and advisors - set to set policy for police forces around the world - already setting policy for the police in 120 cities globally and rising.

Tory MP Michael Howard (now also in the Lords and known as the Lord Howard of Lympne) is also one of JNF's powerful people supporting Israel for Life, along with other "honorary patrons", the Israeli Prime Minister and Israeli President, the Ambassador to Israel, Marquess of Reading (banker friend of Prince Charles).
They are joined by Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks whom Prince Charles called "light unto this nation", "a steadfast friend" and "a valued adviser" - Sacks appointed as the "Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth" in 1991 where Sacks called for a Decade of Renewal which would "revitalize British Jewry's great powers of creativity" based on five central values: "love of every Jew, love of learning, love of God, a profound contribution to British society and an unequivocal attachment to Israel - what about love for Palestinians and everyone else in this world?
The Jewish Chronicle reported trees have been planted in the "JNF UK Lord Sacks Forest near Jerusalem, " - must be nice for Prince Charles Rabbi friend to have a forest named after him, planted on land siezed from Palestinian people.

The Jewish Chronical says "Through JNF UK, the Conservative Friends of Israel planted trees to recognise his" (Eric Pickles) "support for the Jewish community and Israel" with Pickles saying it is good to put down roots in this bastion of democracy.
While the goal of the 2011 e-book "Greenwashing Apartheid: The Jewish National Fund's Environmental Cover Up" was to show "Israeli settler colonialism and apartheid are served by and depend on the environmental racism and destructiveness of the Jewish National Fund"
The JNF UK website explains in their "About Us" section
"JNF UK is Britain’s oldest Israel charity and has supported the Zionist pioneers since the days of the Second Aliyah"
i.e. taking over other people's land where 42.9% of the world's Jewish population now occupy "Israel and Palestinian territories" as of 2014.
With the help of every UK prime minister since 1939, the JNF website also goes on to explain
"JNF UK is active in every area of Israeli life. We are supporting schools and hospitals, bringing high-tech industry to remote desert towns and ensuring that gifted children do not have to settle in Israel’s overcrowded centre in order to pursue their passions."
If Jeremy Corbyn becomes Prime Minister he will automatically become honorary patron of the JNF - something the Royal Family, Gordon Brown and Lord Sacks and fellow new world order zionists in the Tory and Labour Party (New Labour) are desperate to stop - along with the UK media - why together they falsely accuse Corbyn of antisemitism and attempt to force the Labour Party to enshrine a policy that states it is against the party rules and soon it will be against the law to criticise the UK government and JNF backed NATO Camp Israel - as new world order zionists use this as their military base to not only to enslave the Palestinian people in the biggest open air concentration camp in the world but to wage war on anyone who does not back the New World Order fascist cause - with the London based London based ISD and Strong Cities agenda to control police globally part of the global fascist new world order cause - after using Palestine to practice how to turn every country and city into an open air concentration camp.