England's Trussell Trust has now revealed the individual Trussell Trust branded Business franchise network (like McDonalds) in Scotland gave out 210,605 food parcels between them in 2018/9 - which equates to over 23% increase.on last years figures.

But this is not the whole story as Trussell Trust "branded" individual food bank business franchises run less than half the food banks across Scotland so in reality this means at least 421,210 food parcels were likely given out in Scotland last year.
If we use average family of 4 eating from each food parcel - that's 1,684,480 Scots men, women and children - 31% of the population ate from food parcels in 2018/9 - where food parcels have no fresh food to eat for 3 days.
That's before you include food parcels given out by Housing Associations and other organisations not officially registered as a food bank.
The figure should be even higher again as the SNP Scottish Welfare Fund and Trussell Trust franchise business agreement bans councils across Scotland from giving out more than 3 food parcel vouchers to any family in any one year.- so families across Scotland are starving - to keep these figures down. - figures the SNP government and COSLA refuse to collect
What right have the Trussell Trust franchisor in England or COSLA or SNP government got to ban starving Scots from getting more than 3 food parcels a year - from food WE donate. - SNP Government and COSLA don't donate any of the food.
This has been going on since April 2013 , when the Tory Government devolved the DWP Social Fund- the first benefit devolved from the DWP - with Cameron advising the SNP Government you don't have to give small crisis loans as the DWP did - send people for food parcels instead.
Here is the table of food parcels issued since 2011 - with this years figures a further 23% increase on last years figures and to the right the ten fold increase in Trussell Trust income since the DWP Social Fund was devolved - despite still only running three food banks - their website begging for £10, £20, and £50 donations - to enrich the Trussell Trust.- with the Trussell Trust income for 2018, according to their accounts, now at £7,28 million.

Another independent report, just weeks ago, confirmed and revealed food parcel figures are not being collated centrally going on to say that 84 independent food banks had given out over 200,000 more food parcels on top of the official Trussell Trust figures for 2017/8. - with the report confirming these figures are lower than the reality too - as many independent food banks were unable to provide the figures.
This report confirming what I have been saying since I started producing estimates for all Scotland as no one else was doing it - the problem is far worse than the government and COSLA want the Scottish nation to know - it's on a need to know basis and they ENSURE WE DON'T KNOW together.
The SNP government and COSLA agreed together that from April 2013 they would NOT give crisis loans despite being warned for two years before they took over the DWP Social Fund that if they refuse to issue small crisis loans everyone pays back, they would be condemning millions of Scotland's men women and children to each from food parcels every year.
I know because I personally lobbied the SNP government for 2 years before it was devolved - providing the evidence of the Tory government food parcels for millions plan - which the SNP government and COSLA agreed to implement for Westminster.
The SNP government policy decision for their Scottish Welfare Fund ensured that the Trussell Trust could expand their business across Scotland (via churches as they said
"people trust churches"
in case study comparing Trussell Trust Franchise business against McDonald's franchise business) - Trussell Trust target market churches for business growth after they worked with the Tory party policy writers in 2010 to roll out replacing benefits with food parcels - for Trussell Trust benefit.
It also allows the bankrupt churches across the 4 nations to operate businesses which give them power over the poor once again - by design - and allow them to receive £millions from the Scottish, Westminster, N Irish and Welsh POLITICIANS running the country - as planned.
Trussell Trust and McDonalds even working together to "wrap up hunger" in London together in 2016 - with Trussell Trust "corporate partners" including Tesco, Waitrose, First Bus, John Lewis, Sodexo and other huge corporations - with their "funding partners" including the Lottery Fund, Comic Relief, Pears Foundation, Innocent Foundation, Tudor Trust and L&Q Foundation - many of whom benefit from not paying taxes from their "trust" operations.
So whlie the 4 nations starve Trussell Trust rake the money in for their business - from money we raise and our lottery tickets - all based on Scottish and Westminster governments and the Welsh and N. Irish assemblies refusing to give out crisis loans as planned - despite this only being 0.000068% of the DWP budget that people paid back - so it cost us nothing - but of course all these business could not rake in £millions and get huge tax rebates from that system.
Trussell Trust only operates THREE food banks in the UK - all the rest are churches and Christian organisations who have signed a franchise business contract with the Trussell Trust to operate their own food bank business franchise - handing Trussell Trust £1500 up front and then forced by the contract to give over at least a further £360 a year or all Trussell Trust franchise business support is withdrawn.
And it's not only the Trussell Trust in England getting all the benefits instead of the Scottish (and other 3) nations - - as supermarkets get 100% tax rebate on all their food "donations" - of any near out of stock - end of line, bashed tin donations - so it costs them nothing TAXPAYERS FOOT THE BILL - while they rake in the money from Trussell Trust Boxes filled with food you bought full price - yet you don't get a tax rebate on a single item you bought.
Everyone benefits except the 4 nations who pay 12% of their wages every week -and then all four governments/assemblies controlling the devolved DWP social fund expect every worker to not only buy food for their own family but for the millions of families all 4 government's (assemblies) across the UK are starving together.- instead of giving small crisis loans as DWP did so no one needs a food parcel - and we can all keep our dignity and CHOOSE what we want to eat and where we buy it from.
As many food banks only operate part time - not even five days a week - so families are denied access to them and have to travel miles to get to them - when small crisis loans allow families to shop local for fresh food.
Even corporations like Kelloggs benefit - they donated 3 million packets of breakfast cereal - we don't not the condition or use until date for - and they too can claim 100% tax rebate from the nation for their "donation" Churches are raking in the money too - as NIcola Sturgeon is handing over £millions to them to pay for their business operations - to support her policy to send millions of Scots for food parcels - instead of lending the starving people those millions to buy fresh food locally (and pay the money back as has happened since the 1980's).
Everyone benefits from lining up Scots for food parcels (and the other 3 nations) - especially the new CEO of Trussell Trust Emma Revie - as her wage was increased to £80,000 a year when she took over in February 2018 - despite her predecessor only being paid £59,251.
Elizabeth Pollard from Investment management company Gore Brown Investment Management is the Chair of the "trustees" at the Trussell Trust - she looks after investment portfolios for the rich - that says it all- as they have more to invest because of tax cuts for them so millions are sent for food parcels and the Trussell Trust reaps the benefits.
And if you look at Trussell Trust, BBC and other reports - they all consistently state the Trussell Trust runs food banks across the UK - a blatant deliberate deception - to disguise the fact it is a franchise business no different to McDonalds - well at least McDonalds provide fresh food.
Now you understand why the SNP government and COSLA together refuse to gather any figures - to cover up this colossal worsening scandal in Scotland.
31% of the nation and rising fast - eating from food parcels - when will the Scottish Nation hold the SNP and COSLA to account - only when they find out the truth - which the SNP government and COSLA together deliberately cover up - all party agreement across Scotland - while bairns starve.
The Scottish Government boast on their website their Scottish Welfare Fund has helped over 250,000 households since 2013 - what they don't say is because of their system refusing to give crisis loans - millions of Scots have been denied help and sent for food parcels instead.
The SNP government policy for their Scottish Welfare Fund from April 2013 to March 2016 ordered COSLA to not give anyone any help from their fund to anyone sanctioned by the DWP - and I quote - as the SNP government
"do not want to undermine the DWP sanction regime"
Before 2013 if a social worker was told a family gave their children no fresh food for 3 days - which is what happens when each family needs to eat from a food parcel - they would be right round to investigate, but now it is Scottish Government and COSLA policy, that's all right then?