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Brexit - parliaments are redundant as Fascism replaces democracy

BREXIT - the complete overthrow of our democracy

Yesterday a Guardian story warned what BREXIT it is really all about, as the Director of Global Justice Now, Nick Dearden, explains what no one in the Queen's UK Privy Council wants any of us to know.

BREXIT effectively makes the Westminster and the Scottish Parliament and the laws of our land redundant - it was never about Europe.

Liam Fox has set up over a dozen groups (of his friends) to rush toxic trade deal agreements between the UK and the rest of the world through as fast as possible under cover of BREXIT chaos.

Each trade deal will have the "arbitration" clause which allows every corporation in every country involved in each trade deal to sue British taxpayers, via corporate arbitration courts, if any of our Parliaments dare to step on their toes with any law.

These corporate "arbitration courts" were invented by the City of London as business courts - used when two businesses were in dispute and did not want to go to a court of law - they have never had the right to take government (taxpayers) to their corporate dispute courts - which have nothing to do with a court of law.

But Liam Fox is going to use trade deals to give corporations the right to sue taxpayers in Scotland, England, Northern Ireland and Wales in corporate courts they control to bypass the law courts of Britain and extort the entire nation any time any corporation in the world feels like they don't like the law of the land or any law our MP's or MSP's pass.

The City of London controls the global arbitration rules and before BREXIT the sneakily changed the rules to make it easier, faster and cheaper for corporations in any country in a trade deal to sue British taxpayers using the City of London's arbitration rules.

Each trade deal overruling parliament and the law of the land and blocking Westminster and all the devolved parliaments from making law and suing them if they even try, if corporations don't like it.

Corporations from around the world, can use these trade deals, to sue British taxpayers any time they cannot get their own way (frackers and bankers just an example) where corporations control the arbitration court, they control the court rules, they decide which country the court will hear the case (against British taxpayers) and who will be the corporate controlled "judge"- the court sits in secret and they decide how much they will force us to pay any corporation who feels like dipping our pockets and we have no right to appeal the corporate court decision.

Here is an article I wrote for Green European Journal - TTIP corporate court - real life monopoly game to explain what the City of London sneaky changes (for BREXIT we now realise) to arbitration rules mean - this story was in the top five most read articles of the year for the Green European Journal.

As Nick Dearden explains in the Guardian, what crooked Liam Fox has been up to

"The trade secretary is busy pitching Britain into a global race to the bottom after Brexit. But there’s still time to stop him"

TPP : "He is launching consultations on joining the TransPacific Partnership (TPP) - "deal, which includes Australia, Japan, Mexico, Peru and Vietnam, is so toxic that even its main proponent, the US, pulled out, following major struggles across US involving unions, environmentalists and progressive politicians such as Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders."

"Just like it’s better known cousin, TTIP (the Transatlantic Trade & Investment Partnership deal between the EU and US), the TPP was dreamed up by big business, and has less to do with trade than making life more profitable for transnational corporations.

TPP means "standardising (read: lowering) regulations. Hormone-fed, steroid-filled and chlorine-washed meat must be allowed into your markets or you’ll be accused of obstructing free trade...

TPP would allow big financial players to challenge government rules to regulate banks or clamp down on risky financial products. It would hand the tech giants like Google and Amazon much greater power to use – and abuse – your data. It would extend the monopoly rights of big pharmaceutical corporations, cutting off the citizens of poorer countries from affordable life-saving drugs, while also making it harder for the NHS to negotiate cheaper prices for medicines.

It would gut the ability of local government to use taxes to stimulate local farming and the local economy.Just as with the TTIP, TPP includes a toxic “corporate court” system, which gives transnational corporations a special arbitration system to sue governments when they enact any policy that the investor doesn’t like. Putting cigarettes in plain packaging, banning dangerous chemicals, raising the minimum wage, stopping polluting power plants being built – anything that might affect big business’s bottom line can lead to a claim being lodged"

"Of course, Fox is working away on numerous deals already. More than a dozen working groups have been set up with other countries, but neither MPs nor the public are allowed to know what’s discussed, or even when the working groups meet.

Leaked information has been obtained from the US and Indian governments – but nothing from our own “world class” freedom of information powers.

We’re now being consulted on trade deals with the US, Australia and New Zealand, but with no real information as to what these deals would mean for us, though they would affect all of us in quite profound ways."

Nick Dearden explains, of BREXIT vote in parliament

"This was one of the most significant parliamentary votes since the EU referendum. Why? Because for the hardcore Brexiteers, unlike most people who voted to leave the EU, Brexit isn’t really about sovereignty or immigration per se, it’s about trade policy. Through trade policy, the political right can deregulate and liberalise the British economy with virtually no oversight from parliament or the public."

"Fox claims we have no need to worry. After all, wasn’t TTIP stopped by European politicians? The problem is that European politicians, while derided by hard Brexiteers for being powerless, actually had a real say over TTIP. They could read all the negotiating texts. They could publicly debate impact assessment to make their case. And they could, ultimately, vote to stop it."

So what can our MP's do to stop Liam Fox rushing through these trade deals?

"On Tuesday, the government decided it would be wrong for our own MPs to have similar powers.

An amendment by the Green MP Caroline Lucas would have given MPs the final say over any trade deal negotiated, as well as proper scrutiny powers to hold the government to account.

The amendment would have done nothing to get in the way of leaving the EU, it would simply have returned full sovereignty to parliament.

But it would have endangered the hard Brexiteers plans for our country. So despite support from Labour, the SNP, Lib Dems and Plaid Cymru, the amendment fell by 30 votes."

This means the BREXIT vote was not about the EU but about Brexiteers making trade deals to ensure our governments and our laws are effectively redundant and putting all 4 nations of the UK under corporate law - FASCISM - which wipes out the law of the land and stops politicians creating new laws to protect us from corporate desires and insatiable greed - regardless of the consequences for the four nations.

This is why BREXITEERS (from leave and remain) have been working together for years to deliberately confuse the British taxpayers, as they did not want us to know what BREXIT was really all about.

The only people who knew the plan were the Queen's UK Privy Council - a plan set in place in 1993 (the same year UKIP was created), when members of the Tory Party set up European Resource Group - funded by taxpayers money (where Tory MP's donated money to ERG and then claimed it back on expenses).

i.e. all public assets to be sold (to corporate pals) and all public services outsourced (to corporate pals), replace the assets sold by drowning the UK in PFI debt with infrastructure owned (by corporate pals) - so when Brexit happens and corporate law takes over we own nothing and are mired in debt so we can never afford to bring democracy back (with corporations suing us left, right and centre after BREXIT to keep us all under their thumb - it's fascism in action.

As an example of the BREXIT preparations, in 1994, a year after the Tories ERG (party within the Tory party) and UKIP were set up, the Tories deregulated the raw milk market across the UK to let corporations like Germany's Muller and Denmark's Arla Foods gradually take over - so when BREXIT was complete, as planned, we have no control over the milk supplies and prices in our own country - corporate control has replaced it.

This is why just two days after the BREXIT vote this week Arla foods said Dairy Products will be luxury goods in the UK (as the corporations are already extorting our farmers, shutting down plants and what production we have is exporting to the Middle East and Europe with our milk market now run on the basis of "future markets" and "hedging" - the dreaded words used by the stock market and bankers.

This is an example of what Brexit plot MP's and MSP's (in the UK Privy Council for life together) have been doing together for everything which used to be regulated and/or public controlled, in preparation for BREXIT.

How can all this plotting be kept secret for so long?

Because the head Brexit plotters are members of the Queen's UK Privy Council (personal political party) for life, who all must swear an oath of secrecy to join, to cover up and keep each others secrets regarding all their plots together.

A BBC article from September 2015 reveals how the Civil Service has been forced to cover up all the UK Privy Council plots.

"In effect, it says that if a retired minister must reveal they think another minister has been a fool, they should keep that a secret for 15 years. And if they must reveal that they think a permanent secretary is a fool, they should wait until the alleged fool has chosen to retire."

"You might think this minor, but there is a bigger, more important point. The Cabinet Office recently got responsibility for policy around the Freedom of Information Act. This week, it got record management policy, too.

Taken together, these policy areas make the Cabinet Office into the "Your Right to Know" department - and it has a culture of extreme secrecy. It does not hesitate to cover things up"

The Queen's UK Privy Council is really an invitation only Political Party controlled by the Queen and the Westminster cabinet (650 members and rising).

This is who has always run the UK - parliaments have always been their joint puppet show for us - with the civil service forced to cover this up.

Every member of the UK privy council (brexiteers club) was tasked with ensuring together they bamboozled and confused the UK public about Independence and BREXIT - contradicting each other continuously every day, feeding us false information together - if you are going to overthrow democracy you need to keep the public confused and distracted- with some UK privy councillors pretending to want remain while others pretended they wanted leave - some pretending to be YES and while the others pushed for NO, when really they are all Brexiteers together for life.

Here is a full list of the members and when they joined the UK Privy Council BREXIT club (in alphabetical order).

Well known lifetime members of the UK privy council political party (that really runs the UK together) include

  • Tory MP's and MSP's from Thatcher, John Major, Cameron and May's governments and the Scottish Parliament - including Ruth Davidson

  • SNP's Alex Salmond, Nicola Sturgeon, Angus Robertson and Ian Blackford (and others)

  • Labour's Gordon Brown, Jack McConnell, the Milliband Brothers, Jeremy Corbyn, Tony Blair and most of his New Labour Ministers under his time along with other MPs and MSP's

  • New Lib Dem's Nick Clegg, Vince Cable, David Steel, Menzies Campbell (lord of of Pittenweem)

  • DUP's Arlene Foster and other well known DUP names.

  • Lords and Ladies,

  • Judges (they claim are independent)

  • bankers and the likes from the City of London

​These are the people who, together have successfully been part of the plot, set in motion in 1993 (at least) to systematically sell off all our state assets, remove powers and budgets from all councils and misled us together over Indy and Brexit for years, to distract us while they were preparing for their New Order - of corporate control backed by NATO force after Brexit as planned.

And to secure a BREXIT result at the referendum, members of the UK Privy Council, from every party, put fellow UK Privy Councillor, Peter Lilley in charge of 20% of the vote - the postal vote - where postal votes have been binned right across the country with returning officers not including the postal votes Peter Lilley's private company binned in the spoiled ballot count - so we knew nothing about it.

This is why UK Privy Councillor Cameron introduced postal votes and this is how Tories have been fiddling every vote since 2013 - including the Scottish Referendum SNP Privy Councillors agreed to allow Peter Lilley's IDOX Elections to be the first to have the free vote stolen - here is how they fiddled the last Scottish council elections too - the first where Peter Lilley's private company controlled 100% of the vote (not just the postal votes) - why Tories have been "winning" ever since 2013.

Why run the UK as a democracy when you can steal the free vote and put corporate law in charge - and get well rewarded by them for the rest of your life, seats on the board coming their way, as members of the Queen's invitation only UK Privy Council Political Party for life.

The UK Privy Council working together to dismantle our entire democracy - why Ms Sturgeon, Jack McConnell and Alex Salmond etc, in Scotland, have been together tag teaming to remove all powers and budgets from our councils, selling off our assets and replacing them with PFI together - in preparation for BREXIT planned in 1993 by the UK Privy Council Party - the Scottish Parliament a UK Privy Council trojan horse, set up by UK Privy Councillor Blair, to do their dirty work for them.

With UK Privy Councillors Salmond and Sturgeon (backed by better together) quietly allowing Cameron to put Scotland and our Water in Westminster's new UK Private Water market behind our back during the referendum - Thatcher's dream- while they distracted us together.

Here are just some of this and other stories that reveal just how every voter in Scotland has been betrayed by New SNP and Better Together and Green MSP's together.

Every single privy councillor, lying for a living, every single day together - playing for time until their BREXIT overthrow of democracy is complete.

With the Queen's UK Privy Council creating a new UNELECTED EU in 2007, which is funded by George Soros, the Rockerfellers and even DFID - so when Brexit trade deals are done the UK in this unelected EU, set up by the Queen and her Brexiteers, without the people of the UK having any idea - as they are all sworn to secrecy.

This is of course treason by our Queen and the 650 privy councillors who have all betrayed their political party, all its members, voters and their country together for years - all to feed their and their corporate friends insatiable greed - a coup d'etat without a shot fired.

BREXIT is the death of democracy - to be replaced by fascist corporate control backed by NATO force - and the UK privy Council and the royals and the Lords all complicit.

There is much more evidence on this website, just use the menu options and look through the stories, written since I discovered the betrayal over Scotland's water during the referendum - to understand the depth of the treachery and deception by the UK Privy Council members together in Scotland and across the UK - the enemy within.

Our ancestors gave their lives in two world wars to preserve democracy for us - and it is our duty to do the same for future generations - which means, once again it is time for the four nations to stand together against fascism.

Only this time we know the enemy is within.

As Nick Deardon states - we still have time to stop them - the desire for fascism by the elite never goes away and fascists always plot in secret together before the overthrow of democracy - every generation has to guard against it - and it is time for us all to demand the arrest of every single member of the UK Privy Council, the Lords, senior civil servants - and any police officer who refuses - is guilty of treason too.

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